4 years ago
29 changed files with 0 additions and 2492 deletions
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"extends": "../../.babelrc" |
} |
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ |
node_modules |
src |
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ |
# `json-schema-editor` |
> TODO: description |
## Usage |
``` |
const schemaEditor = require('@imove/json-schema-editor'); |
``` |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"name": "@imove/json-schema-editor", |
"version": "0.3.2", |
"description": "visual editor for json schema", |
"keywords": [ |
"ace-editor", |
"json-schema" |
], |
"author": "suanmei <>", |
"homepage": "", |
"license": "MIT", |
"main": "dist/core.common.js", |
"module": "dist/core.esm.js", |
"types": "dist/types/index.d.ts", |
"directories": { |
"dist": "dist" |
}, |
"files": [ |
"dist" |
], |
"publishConfig": { |
"access": "public", |
"registry": "" |
}, |
"repository": { |
"type": "git", |
"url": "git+" |
}, |
"scripts": { |
"prepublishOnly": "node scripts/prepublish.js", |
"declare-type": "tsc --emitDeclarationOnly", |
"build": "rollup -c & npm run declare-type", |
"watch": "watch \"npm run build\" ./src" |
}, |
"bugs": { |
"url": "" |
}, |
"devDependencies": { |
"@ant-design/icons": "^4.1.0", |
"@emotion/core": "^10.0.28", |
"@emotion/styled": "^10.0.27", |
"@types/lodash-es": "^4.17.3", |
"@types/react": "^16.9.34", |
"@types/react-dom": "^16.9.7", |
"antd": "^4.1.5", |
"react": "^16.13.1", |
"rollup": "^2.7.3", |
"watch": "^1.0.2" |
}, |
"peerDependencies": { |
"@ant-design/icons": "^4.1.0", |
"@emotion/core": "^10.0.28", |
"@emotion/styled": "^10.0.27", |
"antd": "^4.1.5", |
"react": "^16.13.1", |
"react-dom": "^16.13.1" |
}, |
"gitHead": "60b114ff262513544204f33a9bbcb6220d6c1c5d", |
"dependencies": { |
"i18next": "^19.4.4", |
"immer": "^8.0.1", |
"lodash-es": "^4.17.15", |
"react-i18next": "^11.4.0", |
"react-tracked": "^1.3.0" |
} |
} |
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ |
import rollupBaseConfig from '../../rollup.config'; |
import pkg from './package.json'; |
export default Object.assign(rollupBaseConfig, { |
output: [ |
{ |
file: pkg.main, |
format: 'cjs', |
}, |
{ |
file: pkg.module, |
format: 'es', |
}, |
], |
external: Object.keys(pkg.peerDependencies).concat(/^antd\//), |
}); |
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env node
const path = require('path'); |
const prePublish = require('../../../scripts/prepublish'); |
prePublish('@imove/json-schema-editor', path.join(__dirname, '../')); |
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ |
import * as React from 'react'; |
import { Menu, Dropdown } from 'antd'; |
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; |
import { PlusIcon } from '../utils/styles/common'; |
interface AddNodeProps { |
addChildField: () => void; |
addSiblingField: () => void; |
} |
function AddNodeIcon({ |
addChildField, |
addSiblingField, |
}: AddNodeProps): JSX.Element { |
const { t } = useTranslation(); |
const menu = ( |
<Menu> |
<Menu.Item> |
<div |
tabIndex={0} |
role="button" |
onClick={addChildField} |
onKeyDown={addChildField} |
> |
{t('child_node')} |
</div> |
</Menu.Item> |
<Menu.Item> |
<div |
tabIndex={0} |
role="button" |
onClick={addSiblingField} |
onKeyDown={addSiblingField} |
> |
{t('sibling_node')} |
</div> |
</Menu.Item> |
</Menu> |
); |
return ( |
<Dropdown overlay={menu}> |
<PlusIcon /> |
</Dropdown> |
); |
} |
export default AddNodeIcon; |
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ |
import * as React from 'react'; |
import styled from '@emotion/styled'; |
import { Tooltip, Input, Checkbox } from 'antd'; |
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; |
interface FieldInputProps { |
value: string; |
required: boolean; |
changeField: (value: string) => void; |
toggleRequired: (value: string) => void; |
} |
const CustomInput = styled(Input)` |
.ant-input-group-addon { |
background: transparent; |
border: none; |
} |
function FieldInput(props: FieldInputProps): JSX.Element { |
const { value: initValue, changeField, required, toggleRequired } = props; |
const [value, setValue] = React.useState(initValue); |
const [prevInitValue, setPrevInitValue] = React.useState(initValue); |
const { t } = useTranslation(); |
// mock getDerivedStateFromProps
if (initValue !== prevInitValue) { |
setValue(initValue); |
setPrevInitValue(initValue); |
} |
const handleChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>): void => { |
setValue(; |
}; |
const handleBlur = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>): void => { |
if ( !== initValue) { |
changeField(; |
} |
}; |
const handleKeyUp = (e: React.KeyboardEvent): void => { |
const { value: newValue } = as HTMLInputElement; |
if (e.keyCode === 13 && newValue !== initValue) { |
changeField(newValue); |
} |
}; |
return ( |
<CustomInput |
value={value} |
onChange={handleChange} |
onBlur={handleBlur} |
onKeyUp={handleKeyUp} |
addonAfter={ |
<Tooltip placement="top" title={t('required')}> |
<Checkbox |
checked={required} |
onChange={(): void => { |
toggleRequired(value); |
}} |
/> |
</Tooltip> |
} |
/> |
); |
} |
export default React.memo(FieldInput); |
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ |
/** @jsx jsx */ |
import { useEffect } from 'react'; |
import { jsx, css } from '@emotion/core'; |
import { Button } from 'antd'; |
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; |
import EditorHead from './schema-head'; |
import SchemaForm from './schema-form'; |
import { useUIState } from '../store/ui'; |
import { useSchemaState } from '../store/schema'; |
import { SchemaState } from '../model'; |
let temp: SchemaState | null = null; |
interface LayoutProps { |
onChange: (value: SchemaState) => void; |
} |
function Layout({ onChange }: LayoutProps): JSX.Element { |
const { t } = useTranslation(); |
const uiState = useUIState(); |
const key = 'properties'; |
const visible = uiState[key] !== false; |
const schemaState = useSchemaState(); |
useEffect(() => { |
if (temp !== schemaState) { |
temp = schemaState; |
onChange(schemaState); |
} |
}); |
return ( |
<div |
className="json-schema-editor" |
css={css` |
padding: 5px; |
> |
<Button type="primary">{t('import_json')}</Button> |
<EditorHead /> |
{visible && <SchemaForm data={schemaState} keyRoute={['properties']} />} |
</div> |
); |
} |
export default Layout; |
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ |
/** @jsx jsx */ |
import { jsx } from '@emotion/core'; |
import { isUndefined } from 'lodash-es'; |
import SchemaItem from './schema-item'; |
import { ObjectSchemaItem, KeyRoute } from '../model'; |
interface SchemaFormProps { |
data: ObjectSchemaItem; |
keyRoute: KeyRoute; |
} |
function SchemaForm({ data, keyRoute }: SchemaFormProps): JSX.Element { |
const { required, properties } = data; |
return ( |
<div> |
{Object.keys(properties).map((field, index) => { |
const itemData = properties[field]; |
const isRequired = required && required.includes(field); |
const fieldKeyRoute = keyRoute.concat(field); |
return ( |
<SchemaItem |
// eslint-disable-next-line react/no-array-index-key
key={index} |
field={field} |
data={itemData} |
required={isRequired} |
keyRoute={fieldKeyRoute} |
> |
{itemData.type === 'object' && !isUndefined( ? ( |
<SchemaForm |
data={itemData} |
keyRoute={fieldKeyRoute.concat('properties')} |
/> |
) : null} |
</SchemaItem> |
); |
})} |
</div> |
); |
} |
export default SchemaForm; |
@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ |
/** @jsx jsx */ |
import { useState } from 'react'; |
import { jsx } from '@emotion/core'; |
import styled from '@emotion/styled'; |
import { Row, Col, Tooltip, Input, Checkbox, Select } from 'antd'; |
import { CheckboxChangeEvent } from 'antd/lib/checkbox'; |
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; |
import { useUIState, useSetUIState } from '../store/ui'; |
import { useSchemaDispatch } from '../store/schema'; |
import { |
CaretDownIcon, |
CaretRightIcon, |
EditIcon, |
SettingIcon, |
PlusIcon, |
} from '../utils/styles/common'; |
const { Option } = Select; |
const FieldInput = styled(Input)` |
.ant-input-group-addon { |
background: transparent; |
border: none; |
} |
function EditorHead(): JSX.Element { |
const { t } = useTranslation(); |
const schemaDispatch = useSchemaDispatch(); |
const setUIState = useSetUIState(); |
const uiState = useUIState(); |
const key = 'properties'; |
const visible = uiState[key]; |
const [checked, setChecked] = useState(false); |
const toggleFormVisible = (): void => { |
setUIState((prev) => ({ ...prev, [key]: !visible })); |
}; |
const addChildField = (): void => { |
schemaDispatch({ type: 'ADD_CHILD_FIELD', keyRoute: ['properties'] }); |
}; |
const toggleAllChecked = (e: CheckboxChangeEvent): void => { |
setChecked(; |
schemaDispatch({ type: 'TOGGLE_ALL_CHECKED', checked: }); |
}; |
return ( |
<Row css={{ marginTop: '10px' }}> |
<Col span="24"> |
<Row align="middle"> |
<Col span="8"> |
<Row align="middle"> |
<Col span="2"> |
{visible ? ( |
<CaretDownIcon onClick={toggleFormVisible} /> |
) : ( |
<CaretRightIcon onClick={toggleFormVisible} /> |
)} |
</Col> |
<Col span="22"> |
<FieldInput |
disabled |
value="root" |
addonAfter={ |
<Tooltip placement="top" title={t('select_all')}> |
<Checkbox checked={checked} onChange={toggleAllChecked} /> |
</Tooltip> |
} |
/> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</Col> |
<Col span="3"> |
<Select value="object" disabled> |
<Option value="object">object</Option> |
</Select> |
</Col> |
<Col span="5"> |
<Input |
value="" |
placeholder={t('title')} |
addonAfter={<EditIcon />} |
/> |
</Col> |
<Col span="5"> |
<Input |
value="" |
placeholder={t('description')} |
addonAfter={<EditIcon />} |
/> |
</Col> |
<Col span="3"> |
<Tooltip placement="top" title={t('setting')}> |
<SettingIcon /> |
</Tooltip> |
<Tooltip placement="top" title={t('add_child_node')}> |
<PlusIcon onClick={addChildField} /> |
</Tooltip> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
); |
} |
export default EditorHead; |
@ -1,156 +0,0 @@ |
/** @jsx jsx */ |
import { jsx } from '@emotion/core'; |
import { Row, Col, Tooltip, Input, Select } from 'antd'; |
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; |
import { useUIState, useSetUIState } from '../store/ui'; |
import { useSchemaDispatch } from '../store/schema'; |
import { schemaType } from '../utils/schema'; |
import { SchemaType, SchemaItem, KeyRoute } from '../model'; |
import FieldInput from './field-input'; |
import AddNode from './add-node'; |
import { |
CaretDownIcon, |
CaretRightIcon, |
EditIcon, |
SettingIcon, |
PlusIcon, |
CloseIcon, |
} from '../utils/styles/common'; |
const { Option } = Select; |
interface SchemaItemProps { |
field: string; |
data: SchemaItem; |
required: boolean; |
keyRoute: KeyRoute; |
children: React.ReactChild | null; |
} |
function SchemaFormItem(props: SchemaItemProps): JSX.Element { |
const { field, data, required, keyRoute, children } = props; |
const { t } = useTranslation(); |
const schemaDispatch = useSchemaDispatch(); |
const setUIState = useSetUIState(); |
const uiState = useUIState(); |
const key = keyRoute.join('-'); |
const visible = uiState[key] !== false; |
const toggleFormVisible = (): void => { |
setUIState((prev) => ({ ...prev, [key]: !visible })); |
}; |
const toggleRequired = (value: string): void => { |
const fieldKeyRoute = keyRoute.slice(0, -1).concat(value); |
if (required) { |
schemaDispatch({ type: 'REMOVE_REQUIRED', keyRoute: fieldKeyRoute }); |
} else { |
schemaDispatch({ type: 'ADD_REQUIRED', keyRoute: fieldKeyRoute }); |
} |
}; |
const addChildField = (): void => { |
schemaDispatch({ |
type: 'ADD_CHILD_FIELD', |
keyRoute: keyRoute.concat('properties'), |
}); |
}; |
const addSiblingField = (): void => { |
schemaDispatch({ type: 'ADD_SIBLING_FIELD', keyRoute }); |
}; |
const removeField = (): void => { |
schemaDispatch({ type: 'REMOVE_FIELD', keyRoute }); |
}; |
const changeField = (value: string): void => { |
schemaDispatch({ type: 'CHANGE_FIELD', keyRoute, field: value }); |
}; |
const changeType = (value: SchemaType): void => { |
schemaDispatch({ type: 'CHANGE_TYPE', keyRoute, fieldType: value }); |
}; |
const changeTitle = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>): void => { |
schemaDispatch({ type: 'CHANGE_TITLE', keyRoute, title: }); |
}; |
const changeDesc = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>): void => { |
schemaDispatch({ type: 'CHANGE_DESC', keyRoute, desc: }); |
}; |
return ( |
<div css={{ marginTop: '10px' }}> |
<Row align="middle"> |
<Col span="8" css={{ paddingLeft: `${keyRoute.length * 10}px` }}> |
<Row align="middle"> |
<Col span="2"> |
{data.type === 'object' && visible && ( |
<CaretDownIcon onClick={toggleFormVisible} /> |
)} |
{data.type === 'object' && !visible && ( |
<CaretRightIcon onClick={toggleFormVisible} /> |
)} |
</Col> |
<Col span="22"> |
<FieldInput |
value={field} |
required={required} |
changeField={changeField} |
toggleRequired={toggleRequired} |
/> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</Col> |
<Col span="3"> |
<Select value={data.type} onChange={changeType}> |
{ => ( |
<Option key={type} value={type}> |
{type} |
</Option> |
))} |
</Select> |
</Col> |
<Col span="5"> |
<Input |
value={data.title} |
onChange={changeTitle} |
placeholder={t('title')} |
addonAfter={<EditIcon />} |
/> |
</Col> |
<Col span="5"> |
<Input |
value={data.description} |
onChange={changeDesc} |
placeholder={t('description')} |
addonAfter={<EditIcon />} |
/> |
</Col> |
<Col span="3"> |
<Tooltip placement="top" title={t('setting')}> |
<SettingIcon /> |
</Tooltip> |
<CloseIcon onClick={removeField} /> |
{data.type === 'object' ? ( |
<AddNode |
addChildField={addChildField} |
addSiblingField={addSiblingField} |
/> |
) : ( |
<Tooltip placement="top" title={t('add_sibling_node')}> |
<PlusIcon onClick={addSiblingField} /> |
</Tooltip> |
)} |
</Col> |
</Row> |
{visible && children ? ( |
<div css={{ marginTop: '10px' }}>{children}</div> |
) : null} |
</div> |
); |
} |
export default SchemaFormItem; |
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ |
import i18n from 'i18next'; |
import { initReactI18next } from 'react-i18next'; |
import * as en from './translations/en.json'; |
import * as zh from './translations/zh.json'; |
i18n |
.use(initReactI18next) // passes i18n down to react-i18next
.init({ |
fallbackLng: 'en', |
resources: { |
en, |
zh, |
'en-US': en, |
'zh-CN': zh, |
}, |
lng: 'en', |
keySeparator: false, // we do not use keys in form messages.welcome
interpolation: { |
escapeValue: false, // react already safes from xss
}, |
}); |
export default i18n; |
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"translation": { |
"import_json": "Import JSON", |
"select_all": "Select All", |
"required": "required", |
"title": "Title", |
"description": "Description", |
"setting": "Advanced Setting", |
"child_node": "Child node", |
"sibling_node": "Sibling node", |
"add_child_node": "Add child node", |
"add_sibling_node": "Add sibling node" |
} |
} |
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"translation": { |
"import_json": "导入 JSON", |
"select_all": "全选", |
"required": "必选", |
"title": "标题", |
"description": "描述", |
"setting": "高级设置", |
"child_node": "子节点", |
"sibling_node": "兄弟节点", |
"add_child_node": "添加子节点", |
"add_sibling_node": "添加兄弟节点" |
} |
} |
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ |
/** @jsx jsx */ |
import { useEffect } from 'react'; |
import { Global, jsx } from '@emotion/core'; |
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; |
import Layout from './components/layout'; |
import { UIProvider } from './store/ui'; |
import { SchemaProvider } from './store/schema'; |
import globalStyles from './utils/styles/global'; |
import { SchemaState } from './model'; |
import './utils/styles/antd'; |
import './i18n'; |
interface EditorProps { |
lang?: string; |
data: SchemaState; |
onChange: (value: SchemaState) => void; |
} |
function JsonSchemaEditor({ lang, data, onChange }: EditorProps): JSX.Element { |
const { i18n } = useTranslation(); |
useEffect(() => { |
if (!lang) return; |
i18n.changeLanguage(lang); |
}, [i18n, lang]); |
return ( |
<UIProvider> |
<SchemaProvider initialData={data}> |
<Global styles={globalStyles} /> |
<Layout onChange={onChange} /> |
</SchemaProvider> |
</UIProvider> |
); |
} |
export default JsonSchemaEditor; |
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ |
export * from './ui'; |
export * from './schema'; |
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ |
export type SchemaType = |
| 'string' |
| 'number' |
| 'object' |
| 'array' |
| 'boolean' |
| 'integer'; |
type basicSchemaType = 'string' | 'number' | 'boolean' | 'integer'; |
interface BasicSchemaItem { |
title?: string; |
description?: string; |
type: basicSchemaType; |
} |
export interface ObjectSchemaItem { |
title?: string; |
description?: string; |
type: 'object'; |
properties: { |
[field: string]: SchemaItem; |
}; |
required: string[]; |
} |
export interface ArraySchemaItem { |
title?: string; |
description?: string; |
type: 'array'; |
items: SchemaItem; |
} |
export type SchemaItem = BasicSchemaItem | ObjectSchemaItem | ArraySchemaItem; |
export type SchemaState = ObjectSchemaItem; |
export type KeyRoute = (string | number)[]; |
export type SchemaAction = |
| { type: 'SET_SCHEMA'; schema: SchemaState } |
| { type: 'ADD_CHILD_FIELD'; keyRoute: KeyRoute } |
| { type: 'ADD_SIBLING_FIELD'; keyRoute: KeyRoute } |
| { type: 'REMOVE_FIELD'; keyRoute: KeyRoute } |
| { type: 'TOGGLE_ALL_CHECKED'; checked: boolean } |
| { type: 'ADD_REQUIRED'; keyRoute: KeyRoute } |
| { type: 'REMOVE_REQUIRED'; keyRoute: KeyRoute } |
| { type: 'CHANGE_FIELD'; keyRoute: KeyRoute; field: string } |
| { type: 'CHANGE_TYPE'; keyRoute: KeyRoute; fieldType: SchemaType } |
| { type: 'CHANGE_TITLE'; keyRoute: KeyRoute; title: string } |
| { type: 'CHANGE_DESC'; keyRoute: KeyRoute; desc: string }; |
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ |
export interface UIState { |
[key: string]: boolean; |
} |
@ -1,197 +0,0 @@ |
import produce, { Draft } from 'immer'; |
import { get, set, unset, remove } from 'lodash-es'; |
import { |
SchemaType, |
SchemaItem, |
SchemaState, |
SchemaAction, |
KeyRoute, |
} from '../model'; |
import { defaultSchema, setAllFieldRequired } from '../utils/schema'; |
let fieldNum = 0; |
const setSchema = (schema: SchemaState): SchemaState => { |
return schema; |
}; |
const addRequired = (state: SchemaState, keyRoute: KeyRoute): void => { |
const field = keyRoute.slice(-1)[0]; |
const requiredKeyRoute = keyRoute.slice(0, -2).concat('required'); |
const required = get(state, requiredKeyRoute) || []; |
required.push(field); |
set(state, requiredKeyRoute, required); |
}; |
const removeRequired = (state: SchemaState, keyRoute: KeyRoute): void => { |
const field = keyRoute.slice(-1)[0]; |
const requiredKeyRoute = keyRoute.slice(0, -2).concat('required'); |
const required = get(state, requiredKeyRoute) || []; |
remove(required, (item) => item === field); |
set(state, requiredKeyRoute, required); |
}; |
const changeRequiredField = ( |
state: SchemaState, |
oldKeyRoute: KeyRoute, |
newField: string, |
): void => { |
const oldField = oldKeyRoute.slice(-1)[0]; |
const requiredKeyRoute = oldKeyRoute.slice(0, -2).concat('required'); |
const required = get(state, requiredKeyRoute) || []; |
const oldFieldIndex = required.indexOf(oldField); |
// new field extend the old field
if (oldFieldIndex > -1) { |
required.splice(oldFieldIndex, 1, newField); |
set(state, requiredKeyRoute, required); |
} |
}; |
const toggleAllChecked = (state: SchemaState, checked: boolean): void => { |
setAllFieldRequired(state, checked); |
}; |
const addChildField = (state: Draft<SchemaState>, keyRoute: KeyRoute): void => { |
fieldNum += 1; |
const newField = `field_${fieldNum}`; |
// add new field - string
const newKeyRoute = keyRoute.concat(newField); |
set(state, newKeyRoute, defaultSchema.string); |
// add new filed to its parent's required
addRequired(state, newKeyRoute); |
}; |
const addSiblingField = (state: SchemaState, keyRoute: KeyRoute): void => { |
fieldNum += 1; |
const newField = `field_${fieldNum}`; |
// add new field - string
const newKeyRoute = keyRoute.slice(0, -1).concat(newField); |
set(state, newKeyRoute, defaultSchema.string); |
// add new filed to its parent's required
addRequired(state, newKeyRoute); |
}; |
const removeField = (state: SchemaState, keyRoute: KeyRoute): void => { |
// remove field
unset(state, keyRoute); |
// remove filed from its parent's required
removeRequired(state, keyRoute); |
}; |
const changeField = ( |
state: SchemaState, |
keyRoute: KeyRoute, |
newField: string, |
): void => { |
const oldField = keyRoute.slice(-1)[0]; |
const parentKeyRoute = keyRoute.slice(0, -1); |
const properties = get(state, parentKeyRoute); |
const newProperties: { [key: string]: SchemaItem } = {}; |
// keep the order of fields
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
for (const field in properties) { |
if (field === oldField) { |
newProperties[newField] = properties[field]; |
} else { |
newProperties[field] = properties[field]; |
} |
} |
set(state, parentKeyRoute, newProperties); |
// replace old field with new field in required
changeRequiredField(state, keyRoute, newField); |
}; |
const changeType = ( |
state: SchemaState, |
keyRoute: KeyRoute, |
fieldType: SchemaType, |
): void => { |
// set field new value
set(state, keyRoute, defaultSchema[fieldType]); |
}; |
const changeTitle = ( |
state: SchemaState, |
keyRoute: KeyRoute, |
title: string, |
): void => { |
// point to title and set new value
const titleKeyRoute = keyRoute.concat('title'); |
set(state, titleKeyRoute, title); |
}; |
const changeDesc = ( |
state: SchemaState, |
keyRoute: KeyRoute, |
desc: string, |
): void => { |
// point to desc and set new value
const descKeyRoute = keyRoute.concat('description'); |
set(state, descKeyRoute, desc); |
}; |
const reducer = (state: SchemaState, action: SchemaAction): SchemaState => |
produce(state, (draft: Draft<SchemaState>) => { |
switch (action.type) { |
case 'SET_SCHEMA': |
setSchema(action.schema); |
break; |
addChildField(draft, action.keyRoute); |
break; |
addSiblingField(draft, action.keyRoute); |
break; |
case 'REMOVE_FIELD': |
removeField(draft, action.keyRoute); |
break; |
toggleAllChecked(draft, action.checked); |
break; |
case 'ADD_REQUIRED': |
addRequired(draft, action.keyRoute); |
break; |
removeRequired(draft, action.keyRoute); |
break; |
case 'CHANGE_FIELD': |
changeField(draft, action.keyRoute, action.field); |
break; |
case 'CHANGE_TYPE': |
changeType(draft, action.keyRoute, action.fieldType); |
break; |
case 'CHANGE_TITLE': |
changeTitle(draft, action.keyRoute, action.title); |
break; |
case 'CHANGE_DESC': |
changeDesc(draft, action.keyRoute, action.desc); |
break; |
default: |
break; |
} |
}); |
export default reducer; |
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ |
import { Dispatch, useReducer } from 'react'; |
import { createContainer } from 'react-tracked'; |
import { SchemaState, SchemaAction } from '../model'; |
import reducer from '../reducer/schema'; |
interface StoreProps { |
initialData: SchemaState; |
} |
const defaultData: SchemaState = { |
type: 'object', |
properties: {}, |
required: [], |
}; |
const useValue = ({ initialData }: StoreProps): [SchemaState, Dispatch<SchemaAction>] => |
useReducer(reducer, initialData || defaultData); |
export const { |
Provider: SchemaProvider, |
useTrackedState: useSchemaState, |
useUpdate: useSchemaDispatch, |
} = createContainer(useValue); |
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ |
import { useState, Dispatch, SetStateAction } from 'react'; |
import { createContainer } from 'react-tracked'; |
import { UIState } from '../model'; |
const initialData = { properties: true }; |
const useValue = (): [UIState, Dispatch<SetStateAction<UIState>>] => useState<UIState>(initialData); |
export const { |
Provider: UIProvider, |
useTrackedState: useUIState, |
useUpdate: useSetUIState, |
} = createContainer(useValue); |
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ |
import { SchemaItem } from '../model'; |
export const defaultSchema = { |
string: { |
type: 'string', |
}, |
number: { |
type: 'number', |
}, |
array: { |
type: 'array', |
items: { |
type: 'string', |
}, |
}, |
object: { |
type: 'object', |
properties: {}, |
}, |
boolean: { |
type: 'boolean', |
}, |
integer: { |
type: 'integer', |
}, |
}; |
export const schemaType = [ |
'string', |
'number', |
'array', |
'object', |
'boolean', |
'integer', |
]; |
export const setAllFieldRequired = ( |
schema: SchemaItem, |
checked: boolean, |
): void => { |
if (schema.type === 'object') { |
const { properties } = schema; |
const fields = Object.keys(properties); |
if (checked) { |
schema.required = fields; |
} else { |
delete schema.required; |
} |
fields.forEach((field) => { |
const childSchema = properties[field]; |
if (['object', 'array'].includes(childSchema.type)) { |
setAllFieldRequired(childSchema, checked); |
} |
}); |
} else if (schema.type === 'array') { |
setAllFieldRequired(schema.items, checked); |
} |
}; |
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ |
import 'antd/lib/row/style'; |
import 'antd/lib/col/style'; |
import 'antd/lib/menu/style'; |
import 'antd/lib/input/style'; |
import 'antd/lib/select/style'; |
import 'antd/lib/button/style'; |
import 'antd/lib/tooltip/style'; |
import 'antd/lib/dropdown/style'; |
import 'antd/lib/checkbox/style'; |
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ |
import { css } from '@emotion/core'; |
import styled from '@emotion/styled'; |
import { |
CaretDownOutlined, |
CaretRightOutlined, |
EditOutlined, |
SettingOutlined, |
PlusOutlined, |
CloseOutlined, |
} from '@ant-design/icons'; |
const iconStyle = css` |
vertical-align: middle; |
cursor: pointer; |
const actionStyle = css` |
margin: 0 5px; |
svg { |
font-size: 14px; |
} |
export const CaretDownIcon = styled(CaretDownOutlined)` |
${iconStyle} |
export const CaretRightIcon = styled(CaretRightOutlined)` |
${iconStyle} |
export const EditIcon = styled(EditOutlined)` |
${iconStyle} |
export const SettingIcon = styled(SettingOutlined)` |
color: #00a854; |
${iconStyle} |
${actionStyle} |
export const PlusIcon = styled(PlusOutlined)` |
color: #2395f1; |
${iconStyle} |
${actionStyle} |
export const CloseIcon = styled(CloseOutlined)` |
color: #ff561b; |
${iconStyle} |
${actionStyle} |
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ |
import { css } from '@emotion/core'; |
const globalStyles = css` |
.json-schema-editor { |
* { |
font-size: 12px; |
} |
.ant-col { |
:nth-of-type(2) { |
text-align: center; |
} |
:nth-of-type(3), |
:nth-of-type(4) { |
padding-right: 10px; |
} |
} |
.ant-input { |
height: 30px; |
} |
.ant-select { |
width: 80%; |
text-align: left; |
} |
} |
export default globalStyles; |
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"extends": "../../tsconfig", |
"compilerOptions": { |
"outDir": "dist/types" |
}, |
"include": ["./src", "./types"] |
} |
Reference in new issue