4 years ago
11 changed files with 321 additions and 207 deletions
@ -1,44 +1,55 @@ |
.container { |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: row; |
justify-content: space-between; |
flex-direction: column; |
flex: 1; |
height: 100%; |
.left{ |
padding:10px; |
.pane { |
display: flex; |
flex: 1; |
border:1px solid #eee; |
} |
} |
.editor{ |
width:100%; |
height:600px; |
.card { |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: column; |
flex: 1; |
background-color: #ffffff; |
.cardTitleText { |
margin: 10px 24px 0; |
font-size: 16px; |
font-weight: 500; |
color: #000000; |
} |
.visualInput{ |
width:100%; |
.cardBody { |
padding: 10px 24px; |
height: 100%; |
overflow: scroll; |
} |
} |
.right{ |
:global { |
.ant-tabs { |
height: 100%; |
flex:1; |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: column; |
justify-content: space-between; |
} |
.rightTop{ |
height:50%; |
padding:10px; |
flex:1; |
border:1px solid #eee; |
overflow-y: auto; |
.ant-tabs-content-holder { |
height: 100%; |
} |
.rightBottom{ |
height:300px; |
flex:1; |
border:1px solid #eee; |
.ant-tabs-content { |
height: 100%; |
overflow: scroll; |
} |
.sc-bdVaJa.cjjWdp { |
opacity: 1; |
background-color: #efefef; |
&:hover { |
border-color: transparent; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,135 +1,91 @@ |
import React from 'react'; |
import JsonView from 'react-json-view'; |
import { Tabs, Form, Input, Button, Space } from 'antd'; |
const { TabPane } = Tabs; |
import CodeEditor from '../codeEditor'; |
import Console from '../console'; |
import { inputJson, outputJson } from './json' |
import React, { |
useState, |
useCallback, |
} from 'react'; |
import styles from './index.module.less'; |
import { MinusCircleOutlined, PlusOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'; |
interface MyFormItemProps { |
type: string |
} |
const MyFormItem: React.FC<MyFormItemProps> = (props) => { |
return ( |
<> |
<h3>{props.type}</h3> |
<Form.List name={props.type}> |
{(fields, { add, remove }) => ( |
<> |
{ => ( |
<Space key={field.key} align="baseline"> |
<Form.Item |
{...field} |
label="key" |
name={[, 'key']} |
fieldKey={[field.fieldKey, 'key']} |
> |
<Input /> |
</Form.Item> |
<Form.Item |
{...field} |
label="value" |
name={[, 'value']} |
fieldKey={[field.fieldKey, 'value']} |
> |
<Input /> |
</Form.Item> |
<MinusCircleOutlined onClick={() => remove(} /> |
</Space> |
))} |
<Form.Item> |
<Button type="dashed" onClick={() => add()} block icon={<PlusOutlined />}>新增</Button> |
</Form.Item> |
</> |
)} |
</Form.List> |
</> |
) |
} |
import Console from '../console'; |
import InputPanel from './inputPanel'; |
import JsonView from 'react-json-view'; |
interface VisualInputProps { |
onChange: (value: object) => void |
} |
// @ts-ignore
import SplitPane from 'react-split-pane/lib/SplitPane'; |
// @ts-ignore
import Pane from 'react-split-pane/lib/Pane'; |
const defaultInput = { |
pipe: {}, |
context: {}, |
payload: {}, |
config: {} |
}; |
const VisualInput: React.FC<VisualInputProps> = (props) => { |
const [form] = Form.useForm() |
const PAYLOAD = 'payload', PIPE = 'pipe', CONTEXT = 'context', CONFIG = 'config' |
const onChange = () => { |
props.onChange(form.getFieldsValue()) |
interface ICardProps { |
title: string; |
} |
const Card: React.FC<ICardProps> = (props) => { |
const {title} = props; |
return ( |
<div className={styles.visualInput}> |
<Form form={form} name="form" autoComplete="off" onValuesChange={onChange}> |
<MyFormItem type={PAYLOAD} /> |
<MyFormItem type={PIPE} /> |
<MyFormItem type={CONTEXT} /> |
<MyFormItem type={CONFIG} /> |
</Form> |
<div className={styles.card}> |
<div className={styles.cardTitleText}>{title}</div> |
<div className={styles.cardBody}> |
{props.children} |
</div> |
) |
} |
interface CodeRunProps { |
onChange: (value: object) => void |
} |
</div> |
); |
}; |
const CodeRun: React.FC<CodeRunProps> = (props) => { |
const onFormChange = (value: any) => { |
props.onChange(value) |
interface ICodeRunProps { |
} |
const onJsonChange = (ev: any, newCode: any): void => { |
const codeStr = newCode.slice(15) |
const formatCodeStr = codeStr.replace(/ |\/\/.*/g, '').replace(/\s/g, '').replace(/(\w+):/g, '"$1":').replace(/'/g, '"') |
try { |
props.onChange(JSON.parse(formatCodeStr)) |
} catch (err) { |
props.onChange({}) |
} |
}; |
const CodeRun: React.FC<ICodeRunProps> = (props) => { |
const [input, setInput] = useState(defaultInput); |
const [output, setOutput] = useState({}); |
const onChangeInput = useCallback((val: any) => { |
setInput(val); |
}, []); |
return ( |
<div className={styles.container}> |
<div className={styles.left}> |
<Tabs |
type="card" |
tabBarGutter={0} |
defaultActiveKey={'basic'} |
tabBarStyle={{ display: 'flex', flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center' }} |
> |
<TabPane className={styles.tabPane} tab={'可视化'} key={'visualTab'}> |
<VisualInput onChange={onFormChange} /> |
</TabPane> |
<TabPane className={styles.tabPane} tab={'JSON输入'} key={'jsonTab'}> |
<CodeEditor |
value={inputJson} |
className={styles.editor} |
onChange={onJsonChange} |
<SplitPane split={'horizontal'}> |
<Pane initialSize={'380px'} minSize={'43px'}> |
<SplitPane split={'vertical'}> |
<Pane className={styles.pane} minSize={'360px'} maxSize={'660px'}> |
<Card title={'输入'}> |
<InputPanel |
data={input} |
onChange={onChangeInput} |
/> |
</TabPane> |
</Tabs> |
</div> |
<div className={styles.right}> |
<div className={styles.rightTop}> |
<p>输出</p> |
</Card> |
</Pane> |
<Pane className={styles.pane}> |
<Card title={'输出'}> |
<JsonView |
name={null} |
collapsed={false} |
enableClipboard={false} |
displayDataTypes={false} |
displayObjectSize={false} |
src={outputJson} |
src={{}} |
/> |
</div> |
<div className={styles.rightBottom}> |
</Card> |
</Pane> |
</SplitPane> |
</Pane> |
<Pane className={styles.pane} minSize={'150px'}> |
<Card title={'控制台'}> |
<Console /> |
</Card> |
</Pane> |
</SplitPane> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
) |
); |
} |
export default CodeRun; |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
.itemHeader { |
margin-bottom: 8px; |
.itemTitleText { |
font-size: 15px; |
font-weight: 500; |
} |
.itemDescText { |
margin-left: 5px; |
font-size: 12px; |
color: #999; |
} |
} |
:global { |
.ant-tabs-nav { |
margin-bottom: 5px !important; |
} |
.ant-form-item { |
margin-bottom: 8px; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ |
import React, { |
useRef, |
useEffect, |
} from 'react'; |
import styles from './index.module.less'; |
import CodeEditor from '../../codeEditor'; |
import { Tabs, Form, Input, Button, Space } from 'antd'; |
import { MinusCircleOutlined, PlusOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'; |
const inputItems = [ |
{ type: 'pipe', desc: '上一节点返回值' }, |
{ type: 'context', desc: '当前逻辑流程公用数据' }, |
{ type: 'payload', desc: '当前逻辑流程通用数据' }, |
{ type: 'config', desc: '当前节点投放配置' }, |
]; |
interface IVisualFormItemProps { |
type: string; |
desc: string; |
} |
const VisualFormItem: React.FC<IVisualFormItemProps> = (props) => { |
const { type, desc } = props; |
return ( |
<React.Fragment> |
<div className={styles.itemHeader}> |
<span className={styles.itemTitleText}>{type}</span> |
<span className={styles.itemDescText}>{desc}</span> |
</div> |
<Form.List name={type}> |
{(fields, { add, remove }) => ( |
<React.Fragment> |
{ => ( |
<Space key={field.key} align={'baseline'}> |
<Form.Item |
{...field} |
label={'key'} |
name={[, 'key']} |
fieldKey={[field.fieldKey, 'key']} |
> |
<Input /> |
</Form.Item> |
<Form.Item |
{...field} |
label={'value'} |
name={[, 'value']} |
fieldKey={[field.fieldKey, 'value']} |
> |
<Input /> |
</Form.Item> |
<MinusCircleOutlined onClick={() => remove(} /> |
</Space> |
))} |
<Form.Item> |
<Button |
block={true} |
type={'dashed'} |
icon={<PlusOutlined />} |
onClick={() => add()} |
> |
新增 |
</Button> |
</Form.Item> |
</React.Fragment> |
)} |
</Form.List> |
</React.Fragment> |
); |
}; |
interface IVisualPanelProps { |
data: any; |
onChange: (value: object) => void |
} |
const VisualPanel: React.FC<IVisualPanelProps> = (props) => { |
const { data, onChange } = props; |
const [form] = Form.useForm(); |
useEffect(() => { |
const filedsValue: { [key: string]: any } = {}; |
for (const { type } of inputItems) { |
const mockValue = data[type] || {}; |
filedsValue[type] = Object.keys(mockValue).map(key => ({ key, value: mockValue[key] })); |
} |
form.setFieldsValue(filedsValue); |
}, [data]); |
const onFormChange = () => { |
const input: { [key: string]: any } = {}; |
const filedsValue = form.getFieldsValue(); |
for (const { type } of inputItems) { |
const mockValue = filedsValue[type] || []; |
input[type] = mockValue.reduce((prev: any, cur: { key: string, value: any }) => { |
const { key, value } = cur; |
prev[key] = value; |
return prev; |
}, {}); |
} |
onChange(input); |
}; |
return ( |
<div className={styles.visualInput}> |
<Form |
form={form} |
autoComplete={'on'} |
onChange={onFormChange} |
> |
{{ type, desc }, index) => ( |
<VisualFormItem |
key={index} |
type={type} |
desc={desc} |
/> |
))} |
</Form> |
</div> |
); |
}; |
interface IInputPanelProps { |
data: any; |
onChange: (data: any) => void; |
} |
const InputPanel: React.FC<IInputPanelProps> = (props) => { |
const cache: any = useRef({}); |
const { data, onChange } = props; |
const onVisualChange = (newForm: any) => { |
clearTimeout(cache.current.timer); |
cache.current.timer = setTimeout(() => onChange(newForm), 1000); |
}; |
const onEditorChange = (ev: any, newCode: string | undefined = '') => { |
clearTimeout(cache.current.timer); |
cache.current.timer = setTimeout(() => { |
try { |
onChange(JSON.parse(newCode)); |
} catch (err) { |
console.log(err); |
} |
}, 1000); |
}; |
return ( |
<Tabs type={'card'} defaultActiveKey={'visualTab'}> |
<Tabs.TabPane className={styles.tabPane} tab={'可视化模式'} key={'visualTab'}> |
<VisualPanel data={data} onChange={onVisualChange} /> |
</Tabs.TabPane> |
<Tabs.TabPane className={styles.tabPane} tab={'源码模式'} key={'jsonTab'}> |
<CodeEditor |
height={'100%'} |
language={'json'} |
value={JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)} |
onChange={onEditorChange} |
/> |
</Tabs.TabPane> |
</Tabs> |
); |
}; |
export default InputPanel; |
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ |
const inputJson = `export default {
// 上游数据
pipe: { |
success: false, |
message: '未登录' |
}, |
// 公用数据
context: { |
data: { |
isLogin: false |
} |
}, |
// 传入载荷
payload: { |
name:'xxx' |
}, |
// 节点配置项
config: { |
hasLog: true |
} |
const outputJson = { |
pipe: { |
success: false, |
message: '未登录' |
}, |
context: { |
data: { |
isLogin: false, |
name: 'xxx' |
} |
} |
} |
export { |
inputJson, |
outputJson |
} |
Reference in new issue