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3 changed files with 126 additions and 31 deletions
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# iMove |
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[](#contributors-) |
<div align="center"> |
<img src=",1064987171&fm=26&gp=0.jpg" width="200px"> |
</div> |
<p align="center"> |
iMove is a logic-reusable, function-oriented and process-visualized JavaScript tool library. |
</p> |
[English](./ | 简体中文 |
## 特性 |
- [x] **Process visualization:** iMove is easy to use and easy to draw. Its logical expression is more intuitive and easy to understand. |
- [x] **Logic re-usage:** iMove node supports multiplexing, and its single node supports parameter configuration. |
- [x] **Flexible**: We need to write an only function. The node can also be extended. iMove can alse support plug-in integration. |
- [ ] **Multi-language compilation**: There is no language compiling code limitation (example: support JavaScript, Java compiling code). |
## 快速开始 |
### 步骤 1. 准备 |
Download this project, install dependencies and start the project. |
```bash |
$ git clone |
$ cd ./imove/example |
$ npm install |
$ npm start |
``` |
### 步骤 2. 绘制流程图 |
Drag nodes from the left panel and drop them into the center, then we can get a flowchart. |
### 步骤 3. 配置节点 |
Select the node, modify its display name and complete the code. |
## 贡献 |
1. Fork 仓库 |
2. 创建分支 (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) |
3. 提交修改 (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) |
4. 推送 (`git push origin my-new-feature`) |
5. 创建 PR |
## 欢迎fork和反馈 |
If you have any suggestion, welcome to github to raise [issues]( |
## 协议 |
本仓库遵循 [MIT 协议]( |
## 贡献者 ✨ |
Thanks goes to these excellent ([contributors]( |
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本仓库遵循 [all-contributors]( 规范,欢迎贡献! |
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