4 years ago
17 changed files with 707 additions and 13167 deletions
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ |
# iMove |
<!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-BADGE:START - Do not remove or modify this section --> |
[![All Contributors](https://img.shields.io/badge/all_contributors-0-orange.svg?style=flat-square)](#contributors-) |
<div align="center"> |
<img src="https://ss1.bdstatic.com/70cFuXSh_Q1YnxGkpoWK1HF6hhy/it/u=3874775950,1064987171&fm=26&gp=0.jpg" width="200px"> |
</div> |
<p align="center"> |
iMove 是一个逻辑可复用的,面向函数的,流程可视化的 JavaScript 工具库。 |
</p> |
[English](./README.en-US.md) | 简体中文 |
## 特性 |
- [x] **流程可视化**: 上手简单,绘图方便,逻辑表达更直观,易于理解 |
- [x] **逻辑复用**: iMove 节点支持复用,单节点支持参数配置 |
- [x] **灵活可扩展**: 仅需写一个函数,节点可扩展,支持插件集成 |
- [ ] **多语言编译**: 无语言编译出码限制(例: 支持 JavaScript, Java 编译出码) |
## 快速开始 |
### 步骤 1. 准备 |
下载仓库,安装并启动 |
```bash |
$ git clone https://github.com/imgcook/imove.git |
$ npm run example |
``` |
打开 http://localhost:8000/ ,就可以看到线上运行效果。 |
### 步骤 2. 绘制流程图 |
从左侧拖动节点至中央画布,绘制流程图 |
![flowchart](https://img.alicdn.com/tfs/TB1aoYe4pP7gK0jSZFjXXc5aXXa-3090-1806.jpg) |
### 步骤 3. 配置节点 |
选择节点,修改节点名,编辑节点代码 |
![flowchart-usage1](https://img.alicdn.com/tfs/TB1z6DKoZieb18jSZFvXXaI3FXa-1924-1125.png) |
![flowchart-usage2](https://img.alicdn.com/tfs/TB1lC26tTM11u4jSZPxXXahcXXa-1924-1125.png) |
## 贡献 |
1. Fork 仓库 |
2. 创建分支 (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) |
3. 提交修改 (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) |
4. 推送 (`git push origin my-new-feature`) |
5. 创建 PR |
## 欢迎fork和反馈 |
如有建议或意见,欢迎在 github [issues](https://github.com/imgcook/imove/issues) 区提问 |
## 协议 |
本仓库遵循 [MIT 协议](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT) |
## 贡献者 ✨ |
感谢所有贡献的人 ([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)): |
<!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section --> |
<!-- prettier-ignore-start --> |
<!-- markdownlint-disable --> |
<!-- markdownlint-restore --> |
<!-- prettier-ignore-end --> |
本仓库遵循 [all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) 规范,欢迎贡献! |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
{} |
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ |
/// <reference types="cypress" />
context('Actions', () => { |
// 1. 打开http://localhost:8001/
beforeEach(() => { |
cy.visit('http://localhost:8001/') |
}) |
// 2. 测试是否能将左侧的组件拖动到画布中
it('the components on the left can be dragged into the canvas', () => { |
}) |
// 3. 测试是否可修改节点的显示名称、逻辑触发名称、代码、投放配置schema、依赖
it('you can modify the display name, logical trigger name, code, delivery configuration schema, and dependencies of the node', () => { |
}) |
// 4. 测试能够run起来一个最小流程(写好代码)
it('A minimal process can be run', () => { |
}) |
// 5. 测试更改节点位置,输出结果不变
it('ensure that the node position is changed and the output result remains unchanged', () => { |
}) |
}) |
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ |
/// <reference types="cypress" />
context('Actions', () => { |
beforeEach(() => { |
cy.visit('http://localhost:8000/') |
cy.get('div.ant-modal-confirm-btns > button:nth-child(1)').click({ force: true }) |
}) |
function moveNodeAndSelect() { |
cy.get('svg > g > g.x6-graph-svg-stage > g:nth-child(1)').eq(0) |
.trigger('mousedown', { which: 1, force: true }) |
.trigger('mousemove', { clientX: 400, clientY: 300, force: true }) |
.trigger('mouseup', { force: true }) |
cy.get('svg > g > g.x6-graph-svg-stage > g:nth-child(1)').eq(1).click({ force: true }) // 点击移动到画布中的节点
} |
function assertEdit(nth, content) { |
moveNodeAndSelect() |
const ele = cy.get(`#rc-tabs-0-panel-basic > div > div:nth-child(${nth}) > button`).eq(0) |
ele.should('have.text', '编 辑') |
ele.click({ force: true }) |
cy.get('.ant-modal-content').should('exist') |
cy.get('.ace_content').type(content) |
cy.get('button.ant-btn.ant-btn-primary').eq(0).click({ force: true }) |
ele.click({ force: true }) |
cy.get('.ace_content').should('contain', content) |
} |
it('修改节点名称', () => { |
moveNodeAndSelect() |
const ele = cy.get('#rc-tabs-0-panel-basic > div > div:nth-child(1) > input').eq(0) |
ele.clear({ force: true }) |
ele.type('新的开始') |
ele.should('have.value', '新的开始') |
}) |
it('修改节点代码', () => { |
assertEdit(2, 'console.log(1)') |
}) |
it('修改投放配置schema', () => { |
assertEdit(3, `"a":1`) |
}) |
it('修改npm依赖', () => { |
assertEdit(4, `"@ant-design/icons": "^4.0.6"`) |
}) |
}) |
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ |
/// <reference types="cypress" />
context('Actions', () => { |
// 1. 打开http://localhost:8001/
beforeEach(() => { |
cy.visit('http://localhost:8001/') |
}) |
// 2. 测试是否能将左侧的组件拖动到画布中
it('the components on the left can be dragged into the canvas', () => { |
}) |
// 3. 测试是否可修改节点的显示名称、逻辑触发名称、代码、投放配置schema、依赖
it('you can modify the display name, logical trigger name, code, delivery configuration schema, and dependencies of the node', () => { |
}) |
// 4. 测试能够run起来一个最小流程(写好代码)
it('A minimal process can be run', () => { |
}) |
// 5. 测试更改节点位置,输出结果不变
it('ensure that the node position is changed and the output result remains unchanged', () => { |
}) |
}) |
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ |
/// <reference types="cypress" />
context('Actions', () => { |
beforeEach(() => { |
cy.visit('http://localhost:8000/') |
cy.get('div.ant-modal-confirm-btns > button:nth-child(1)').click({ force: true }) |
}) |
function moveNode(selector, x, y) { |
cy.get(selector).eq(0) |
.trigger('mousedown', { which: 1, force: true }) |
.trigger('mousemove', { clientX: x, clientY: y, force: true }) |
.trigger('mouseup', { force: true }) |
} |
// 节点/边操作测试
it('添加 开始/分支/处理 节点', () => { |
const DEFAULT_COUNT = 1 |
moveNode('svg > g > g.x6-graph-svg-stage > g:nth-child(1) > circle', 300, 150) |
moveNode('svg > g > g.x6-graph-svg-stage > g:nth-child(2) > polygon', 400, 150) |
moveNode('svg > g > g.x6-graph-svg-stage > g:nth-child(3) > rect', 500, 150) |
cy.get('svg> g > g.x6-graph-svg-stage circle').its('length').should('be.gt', DEFAULT_COUNT) |
cy.get('svg> g > g.x6-graph-svg-stage polygon').its('length').should('be.gt', DEFAULT_COUNT) |
cy.get('svg> g > g.x6-graph-svg-stage rect').its('length').should('be.gt', DEFAULT_COUNT) |
}) |
it('边连线 & 删除节点/边', () => { |
moveNode('svg > g > g.x6-graph-svg-stage > g:nth-child(1) > circle', 300, 150) |
moveNode('svg > g > g.x6-graph-svg-stage > g:nth-child(2) > polygon', 400, 150) |
moveNode('svg > g > g.x6-graph-svg-stage > g:nth-child(3) > rect', 500, 150) |
const node1 = cy.get('svg > g > g.x6-graph-svg-stage > g:nth-child(1)').eq(1) |
const node2 = cy.get('svg > g > g.x6-graph-svg-stage > g:nth-child(2)').eq(1) |
const node3 = cy.get('svg > g > g.x6-graph-svg-stage > g:nth-child(3)').eq(1) |
node1.click('right', { force: true }).trigger('mousemove', { clientX: node2.clientX, clientY: node2.clientY, force: true }).trigger('mouseup', { force: true }) |
node2.click('right', { force: true }).trigger('mousemove', { clientX: node3.clientX, clientY: node3.clientY, force: true }).trigger('mouseup', { force: true }) |
cy.get('svg path:nth-child(1)').should('exist') |
cy.get('svg path:nth-child(1)').eq(1).click({ force: true }) |
cy.get('body').type('{del}') |
cy.get('svg path:nth-child(1)').eq(1).click({ force: true }) |
cy.get('body').type('{del}') |
}) |
}) |
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ |
/// <reference types="cypress" />
// 工具栏测试
context('Actions', () => { |
const toolSelector = (i, j, k) => { |
if (k) { |
return `.index-module_container__1D841 > :nth-child(${i}) > :nth-child(${j})> :nth-child(${k})` |
} else { |
return `.index-module_container__1D841 > :nth-child(${i}) > :nth-child(${j})` |
} |
} |
beforeEach(() => { |
cy.visit('http://localhost:8000/') |
cy.get('div.ant-modal-confirm-btns > button:nth-child(1)').click({ force: true }) |
}) |
function moveNode(selector, x, y) { |
cy.get(selector).eq(0) |
.trigger('mousedown', { which: 1, force: true }) |
.trigger('mousemove', { clientX: x, clientY: y, force: true }) |
.trigger('mouseup', { force: true }) |
} |
// 第一组
it('保存', () => { |
const save = cy.get(toolSelector(1, 1)) |
}) |
it('适配窗口', () => { |
const fitWindow = cy.get(toolSelector(1, 2)) |
}) |
it('撤销', () => { |
const undo = cy.get(toolSelector(1, 3)) |
const node = 'svg > g > g.x6-graph-svg-stage > g:nth-child(1)' |
moveNode(node, 350, 300) |
moveNode(node, 350, 300) |
undo.click({ multiple: true, force: true }) |
undo.click({ multiple: true, force: true }) |
cy.get(node).should('have.length', 2) |
}) |
it('重做', () => { |
const redo = cy.get(toolSelector(1, 4)) |
const node = 'svg > g > g.x6-graph-svg-stage > g:nth-child(1)' |
moveNode(node, 350, 300) |
redo.click() |
redo.click() |
cy.get(node).should('have.length', 2) |
}) |
// 第二组
it('缩小', () => { |
const zoomOut = cy.get(toolSelector(2, 1, 1)) |
}) |
it('放大', () => { |
const zoomIn = cy.get(toolSelector(2, 1, 2)) |
}) |
// 第三组
it('修改字号', () => { |
const fontSize = cy.get(toolSelector(3, 1)) |
}) |
it('修改字重', () => { |
const fontWeight = cy.get(toolSelector(3, 2)) |
}) |
it('修改斜体', () => { |
const italic = cy.get(toolSelector(3, 3)) |
}) |
it('修改下划线', () => { |
const underline = cy.get(toolSelector(3, 4)) |
}) |
// 第四组
it('修改文字颜色', () => { |
const textColor = cy.get(toolSelector(4, 1)) |
}) |
it('修改背景颜色', () => { |
const bgColor = cy.get(toolSelector(4, 2)) |
}) |
it('修改边框颜色', () => { |
const borderColor = cy.get(toolSelector(4, 3)) |
}) |
it('修改线条样式', () => { |
const lineStyle = cy.get(toolSelector(4, 4)) |
}) |
// 第五组
it('修改水平方向对齐', () => { |
const align = cy.get(toolSelector(5, 1)) |
}) |
it('修改垂直方向对齐', () => { |
const vertical = cy.get(toolSelector(5, 2)) |
}) |
// 第六组
it('修改层级置顶', () => { |
const top = cy.get(toolSelector(6, 1)) |
}) |
it('修改层级置底', () => { |
const bottom = cy.get(toolSelector(6, 2)) |
}) |
}) |
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ |
const path = require('path'); |
const low = require('lowdb'); |
const FileSync = require('lowdb/adapters/FileSync'); |
const adapter = new FileSync(path.join(__dirname, './db.json')); |
const db = low(adapter); |
const queryGraph = (req: any, res: any) => { |
const { projectId = 'default' } = req.body; |
const data = db.get(projectId).value() || []; |
res.send({ status: 200, code: 0, success: true, data: { cells: data } }); |
}; |
const modifyGraph = (req: any, res: any) => { |
const { projectId = 'default', actions = [] } = req.body; |
const projectData = db.get(projectId).value() || []; |
actions.forEach((action: any) => { |
const { data, actionType } = action; |
if (actionType === 'create') { |
projectData.push(data); |
} else if (actionType === 'update') { |
const foundIdx = projectData.findIndex((item: any) => item.id === data.id); |
if (foundIdx > -1) { |
projectData[foundIdx] = data; |
} |
} else if (actionType === 'remove') { |
const foundIdx = projectData.findIndex((item: any) => item.id === data.id); |
if (foundIdx > -1) { |
projectData.splice(foundIdx, 1); |
} |
} |
}); |
db.set(projectId, projectData).write(); |
res.send({ status: 200, code: 0, success: true, data: [] }); |
}; |
export default { |
'POST /api/queryGraph': queryGraph, |
'POST /api/modifyGraph': modifyGraph, |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,336 @@ |
{ |
"default": [ |
{ |
"position": { |
"x": 420, |
"y": 90 |
}, |
"size": { |
"width": 80, |
"height": 40 |
}, |
"shape": "imove-behavior", |
"data": { |
"label": "处理", |
"configSchema": "{\n \n}", |
"configData": {}, |
"dependencies": "{\n \n}", |
"code": "export default async function(ctx) {\n \n}" |
}, |
"ports": { |
"groups": { |
"top": { |
"position": "top", |
"attrs": { |
"circle": { |
"r": 3, |
"magnet": true, |
"stroke": "#666", |
"strokeWidth": 1, |
"fill": "#fff" |
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}, |
"right": { |
"position": "right", |
"attrs": { |
"circle": { |
"r": 3, |
"magnet": true, |
"stroke": "#666", |
"strokeWidth": 1, |
"fill": "#fff" |
} |
} |
}, |
"bottom": { |
"position": "bottom", |
"attrs": { |
"circle": { |
"r": 3, |
"magnet": true, |
"stroke": "#666", |
"strokeWidth": 1, |
"fill": "#fff" |
} |
} |
}, |
"left": { |
"position": "left", |
"attrs": { |
"circle": { |
"r": 3, |
"magnet": true, |
"stroke": "#666", |
"strokeWidth": 1, |
"fill": "#fff" |
} |
} |
} |
}, |
"items": [ |
{ |
"id": "top", |
"group": "top" |
}, |
{ |
"id": "right", |
"group": "right" |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bottom", |
"group": "bottom" |
}, |
{ |
"id": "left", |
"group": "left" |
} |
] |
}, |
"id": "81e87610-c749-4667-8382-00c62be30e2b", |
"zIndex": 1 |
}, |
{ |
"position": { |
"x": 86, |
"y": 70 |
}, |
"size": { |
"width": 80, |
"height": 80 |
}, |
"shape": "imove-start", |
"data": { |
"label": "开始", |
"configSchema": "{\n \n}", |
"configData": {}, |
"trigger": "start", |
"dependencies": "{\n \n}", |
"code": "export default async function(ctx) {\n \n}" |
}, |
"ports": { |
"groups": { |
"top": { |
"position": "top", |
"attrs": { |
"circle": { |
"r": 3, |
"magnet": true, |
"stroke": "#666", |
"strokeWidth": 1, |
"fill": "#fff" |
} |
} |
}, |
"right": { |
"position": "right", |
"attrs": { |
"circle": { |
"r": 3, |
"magnet": true, |
"stroke": "#666", |
"strokeWidth": 1, |
"fill": "#fff" |
} |
} |
}, |
"bottom": { |
"position": "bottom", |
"attrs": { |
"circle": { |
"r": 3, |
"magnet": true, |
"stroke": "#666", |
"strokeWidth": 1, |
"fill": "#fff" |
} |
} |
}, |
"left": { |
"position": "left", |
"attrs": { |
"circle": { |
"r": 3, |
"magnet": true, |
"stroke": "#666", |
"strokeWidth": 1, |
"fill": "#fff" |
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} |
}, |
"items": [ |
{ |
"id": "top", |
"group": "top" |
}, |
{ |
"id": "right", |
"group": "right" |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bottom", |
"group": "bottom" |
}, |
{ |
"id": "left", |
"group": "left" |
} |
] |
}, |
"id": "de868d18-9ec0-4dac-abbe-5cb9e3c20e2f", |
"zIndex": 2 |
}, |
{ |
"position": { |
"x": 246, |
"y": 90 |
}, |
"size": { |
"width": 80, |
"height": 40 |
}, |
"shape": "imove-branch", |
"data": { |
"label": "判断", |
"configSchema": "{\n \n}", |
"configData": {}, |
"dependencies": "{\n \n}", |
"ports": { |
"right": { |
"condition": "true" |
}, |
"bottom": { |
"condition": "false" |
} |
}, |
"code": "export default async function(ctx) {\n return true;\n}" |
}, |
"ports": { |
"groups": { |
"top": { |
"position": "top", |
"attrs": { |
"circle": { |
"r": 3, |
"magnet": true, |
"stroke": "#666", |
"strokeWidth": 1, |
"fill": "#fff" |
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} |
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"right": { |
"zIndex": 999999999, |
"position": "right", |
"attrs": { |
"circle": { |
"r": 3, |
"magnet": true, |
"stroke": "#666", |
"strokeWidth": 1, |
"fill": "#fff" |
} |
}, |
"label": { |
"position": "right" |
} |
}, |
"bottom": { |
"zIndex": 999999999, |
"position": "bottom", |
"attrs": { |
"circle": { |
"r": 3, |
"magnet": true, |
"stroke": "#666", |
"strokeWidth": 1, |
"fill": "#fff" |
} |
}, |
"label": { |
"position": "bottom" |
} |
}, |
"left": { |
"position": "left", |
"attrs": { |
"circle": { |
"r": 3, |
"magnet": true, |
"stroke": "#666", |
"strokeWidth": 1, |
"fill": "#fff" |
} |
} |
} |
}, |
"items": [ |
{ |
"id": "top", |
"group": "top" |
}, |
{ |
"id": "right", |
"group": "right", |
"attrs": { |
"text": { |
"text": "" |
} |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bottom", |
"group": "bottom", |
"attrs": { |
"text": { |
"text": "否" |
} |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "left", |
"group": "left" |
} |
] |
}, |
"id": "a6da6684-96c8-4595-bec6-a94122b61e30", |
"zIndex": 3 |
}, |
{ |
"shape": "edge", |
"id": "cbcbd0ea-4a2a-4d2a-8135-7b4b7d7ec50d", |
"source": { |
"cell": "de868d18-9ec0-4dac-abbe-5cb9e3c20e2f", |
"port": "right" |
}, |
"target": { |
"cell": "a6da6684-96c8-4595-bec6-a94122b61e30", |
"port": "left" |
}, |
"zIndex": 4 |
}, |
{ |
"shape": "edge", |
"id": "ea10b718-1c66-4a3d-b29c-b0b20e6bba11", |
"source": { |
"cell": "a6da6684-96c8-4595-bec6-a94122b61e30", |
"port": "right" |
}, |
"target": { |
"cell": "81e87610-c749-4667-8382-00c62be30e2b", |
"port": "left" |
}, |
"zIndex": 5, |
"labels": [ |
{ |
"attrs": { |
"label": { |
"text": "是" |
} |
} |
} |
] |
} |
] |
} |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ |
import React from 'react'; |
import 'antd/es/modal/style'; |
import styles from './index.module.less'; |
import { Modal } from 'antd'; |
import { Graph } from '@antv/x6'; |
import { base64Url2Blob, downloadFile } from '../../../utils'; |
interface IExportModalProps { |
flowChart: Graph; |
visible: boolean; |
onClose: () => void; |
} |
const ExportModal: React.FC<IExportModalProps> = (props) => { |
const { flowChart, visible, onClose } = props; |
const onExportDSL = () => { |
const dsl = JSON.stringify(flowChart.toJSON(), null, 2); |
const blob = new Blob([dsl], { type: 'text/plain' }); |
downloadFile('imove.dsl.json', blob); |
}; |
const onExportFlowChart = () => { |
flowChart.toJPEG((dataUri: string) => { |
const blob = base64Url2Blob(dataUri); |
downloadFile('flowChart.png', blob); |
}); |
}; |
return ( |
<Modal |
className={styles.editModal} |
visible={visible} |
footer={null} |
title={'导出'} |
onOk={onClose} |
onCancel={onClose} |
> |
<div className={styles.modalContent}> |
<div className={styles.downloadWrap} onClick={onExportDSL}> |
<img src="//gw.alicdn.com/tfs/TB1FaTkuqNj0u4jSZFyXXXgMVXa-128-128.png" /> |
<span>DSL</span> |
</div> |
<div className={styles.downloadWrap} onClick={onExportFlowChart}> |
<img src="//gw.alicdn.com/tfs/TB1WZeT4Hr1gK0jSZFDXXb9yVXa-128-128.png" /> |
<span>流程图</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
</Modal> |
); |
}; |
export default ExportModal; |
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ |
.container { |
margin-left: 20px; |
} |
.modalContent { |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: row; |
justify-content: space-around; |
width: 100%; |
padding: 30px 0; |
.downloadWrap { |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: column; |
justify-content: center; |
align-items: center; |
padding: 15px 20px 5px; |
border: 0.5px solid #EFEFEF; |
&:hover { |
cursor: pointer; |
background-color: #EFEFEF; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ |
import React, {useState} from 'react'; |
import styles from './index.module.less'; |
import { Button } from 'antd'; |
import { Graph } from '@antv/x6'; |
import ExportModal from './exportModal'; |
interface IProps { |
flowChart: Graph; |
} |
const Export: React.FC<IProps> = props => { |
const {flowChart} = props; |
const [modalVisible, setModalVisible] = useState<boolean>(false); |
const onOpenModal = () => setModalVisible(true); |
const onCloseModal = () => setModalVisible(false); |
return ( |
<div className={styles.container}> |
<Button type={'primary'} size={'small'} onClick={onOpenModal}>导出</Button> |
<ExportModal |
flowChart={flowChart} |
visible={modalVisible} |
onClose={onCloseModal} |
/> |
</div> |
); |
}; |
export default Export; |
Reference in new issue