@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ func init() {
// Rewrite is a middleware which can rewrite HTTP requests.
// These rewrite properties are applied to a request in this order:
// Method, URI, StripPathP refix, StripPath Suffix, URISubstring.
// Method, URI, StripPrefix, StripSuffix, URISubstring.
// TODO: This module is still a WIP and may experience breaking changes.
type Rewrite struct {
@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ type Rewrite struct {
URI string ` json:"uri,omitempty" `
// Strips the given prefix from the beginning of the URI path.
StripPathP refix string ` json:"strip_path _prefix,omitempty" `
StripPrefix string ` json:"strip_prefix,omitempty" `
// Strips the given suffix from the end of the URI path.
StripPath Suffix string ` json:"strip_path _suffix,omitempty" `
StripSuffix string ` json:"strip_suffix,omitempty" `
// Performs substring replacements on the URI.
URISubstring [ ] replacer ` json:"uri_substring,omitempty" `
@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ func (rewr Rewrite) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next caddy
return next . ServeHTTP ( w , r )
// rewrite performs the rewrites on r using repl, which
// should have been obtained from r, but is passed in for
// efficiency. It returns true if any changes were made to r.
// rewrite performs the rewrites on r using repl, which should
// have been obtained from r, but is passed in for efficiency.
// It returns true if any changes were made to r.
func ( rewr Rewrite ) rewrite ( r * http . Request , repl * caddy . Replacer , logger * zap . Logger ) bool {
oldMethod := r . Method
oldURI := r . RequestURI
@ -114,53 +114,46 @@ func (rewr Rewrite) rewrite(r *http.Request, repl *caddy.Replacer, logger *zap.L
r . Method = strings . ToUpper ( repl . ReplaceAll ( rewr . Method , "" ) )
// uri (which consists of path, query string, and maybe fragment?)
if rewr . URI != "" {
newURI := repl . ReplaceAll ( rewr . URI , "" )
newU , err := url . Parse ( newURI )
if err != nil {
logger . Error ( "parsing new URI" ,
zap . String ( "raw_input" , rewr . URI ) ,
zap . String ( "input" , newURI ) ,
zap . Error ( err ) ,
// uri (path, query string, and fragment just because)
if uri := rewr . URI ; uri != "" {
// find the bounds of each part of the URI that exist
pathStart , qsStart , fragStart := - 1 , - 1 , - 1
pathEnd , qsEnd := - 1 , - 1
for i , ch := range uri {
switch {
case ch == '?' && qsStart < 0 :
pathEnd , qsStart = i , i + 1
case ch == '#' && fragStart < 0 :
qsEnd , fragStart = i , i + 1
case pathStart < 0 && qsStart < 0 && fragStart < 0 :
pathStart = i
if newU . Path != "" {
r . URL . Path = newU . Path
if strings . Contains ( newURI , "?" ) {
// you'll notice we check for existence of a question mark
// instead of RawQuery != "". We do this because if the user
// wants to remove an existing query string, they do that by
// appending "?" to the path: "/foo?" -- in this case, then,
// RawQuery is "" but we still want to set it to that; hence,
// we check for a "?", which always starts a query string
inputQuery := newU . Query ( )
outputQuery := make ( url . Values )
for k := range inputQuery {
// overwrite existing values; we don't simply keep
// appending because it can cause rewrite rules like
// "{path}{query}&a=b" with rehandling enabled to go
// on forever: "/foo.html?a=b&a=b&a=b..."
outputQuery . Set ( k , inputQuery . Get ( k ) )
if pathStart >= 0 && pathEnd < 0 {
pathEnd = len ( uri )
if qsStart >= 0 && qsEnd < 0 {
qsEnd = len ( uri )
// this sorts the keys, oh well
r . URL . RawQuery = outputQuery . Encode ( )
if pathStart >= 0 {
r . URL . Path = repl . ReplaceAll ( uri [ pathStart : pathEnd ] , "" )
if newU . Fragment != "" {
r . URL . Fragment = newU . Fragment
if qsStart >= 0 {
r . URL . RawQuery = buildQueryString ( uri [ qsStart : qsEnd ] , repl )
if fragStart >= 0 {
r . URL . Fragment = repl . ReplaceAll ( uri [ fragStart : ] , "" )
// strip path prefix or suffix
if rewr . StripPathP refix != "" {
prefix := repl . ReplaceAll ( rewr . StripPathP refix , "" )
if rewr . StripPrefix != "" {
prefix := repl . ReplaceAll ( rewr . StripPrefix , "" )
r . URL . Path = strings . TrimPrefix ( r . URL . Path , prefix )
if rewr . StripPath Suffix != "" {
suffix := repl . ReplaceAll ( rewr . StripPath Suffix , "" )
if rewr . StripSuffix != "" {
suffix := repl . ReplaceAll ( rewr . StripSuffix , "" )
r . URL . Path = strings . TrimSuffix ( r . URL . Path , suffix )
@ -176,6 +169,57 @@ func (rewr Rewrite) rewrite(r *http.Request, repl *caddy.Replacer, logger *zap.L
return r . Method != oldMethod || r . RequestURI != oldURI
// buildQueryString takes an input query string and
// performs replacements on each component, returning
// the resulting query string.
func buildQueryString ( qs string , repl * caddy . Replacer ) string {
var sb strings . Builder
var wroteKey bool
for len ( qs ) > 0 {
// determine the end of this component
nextEq , nextAmp := strings . Index ( qs , "=" ) , strings . Index ( qs , "&" )
end := min ( nextEq , nextAmp )
if end == - 1 {
end = len ( qs ) // if there is nothing left, go to end of string
// consume the component and write the result
comp := qs [ : end ]
comp , _ = repl . ReplaceFunc ( comp , func ( name , val string ) ( string , error ) {
if name == "http.request.uri.query" {
return val , nil // already escaped
return url . QueryEscape ( val ) , nil
} )
if end < len ( qs ) {
end ++ // consume delimiter
qs = qs [ end : ]
if wroteKey {
sb . WriteRune ( '=' )
} else if sb . Len ( ) > 0 {
sb . WriteRune ( '&' )
// remember that we just wrote a key, which is if the next
// delimiter is an equals sign or if there is no ampersand
wroteKey = nextEq < nextAmp || nextAmp < 0
sb . WriteString ( comp )
return sb . String ( )
func min ( a , b int ) int {
if b < a {
return b
return a
// replacer describes a simple and fast substring replacement.
type replacer struct {
// The substring to find. Supports placeholders.