@ -182,30 +182,51 @@ func (ca CA) IntermediateKey() interface{} {
// NewAuthority returns a new Smallstep-powered signing authority for this CA.
func ( ca CA ) NewAuthority ( authorityConfig AuthorityConfig ) ( * authority . Authority , error ) {
// Note that we receive *CA (a pointer) in this method to ensure the closure within it, which
// executes at a later time, always has the only copy of the CA so it can access the latest,
// renewed certificates since NewAuthority was called. See #4517 and #4669.
func ( ca * CA ) NewAuthority ( authorityConfig AuthorityConfig ) ( * authority . Authority , error ) {
// get the root certificate and the issuer cert+key
rootCert := ca . RootCertificate ( )
// set up the signer; cert/key which signs the leaf certs
var signerOption authority . Option
if authorityConfig . SignWithRoot {
// if we're signing with root, we can just pass the
// cert/key directly, since it's unlikely to expire
// while Caddy is running (long lifetime)
var issuerCert * x509 . Certificate
var issuerKey interface { }
if authorityConfig . SignWithRoot {
issuerCert = rootCert
var err error
issuerKey , err = ca . RootKey ( )
if err != nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "loading signing key: %v" , err )
signerOption = authority . WithX509Signer ( issuerCert , issuerKey . ( crypto . Signer ) )
} else {
issuerCert = ca . IntermediateCertificate ( )
issuerKey = ca . IntermediateKey ( )
// if we're signing with intermediate, we need to make
// sure it's always fresh, because the intermediate may
// renew while Caddy is running (medium lifetime)
signerOption = authority . WithX509SignerFunc ( func ( ) ( [ ] * x509 . Certificate , crypto . Signer , error ) {
issuerCert := ca . IntermediateCertificate ( )
issuerKey := ca . IntermediateKey ( ) . ( crypto . Signer )
ca . log . Debug ( "using intermediate signer" ,
zap . String ( "serial" , issuerCert . SerialNumber . String ( ) ) ,
zap . String ( "not_before" , issuerCert . NotBefore . String ( ) ) ,
zap . String ( "not_after" , issuerCert . NotAfter . String ( ) ) )
return [ ] * x509 . Certificate { issuerCert } , issuerKey , nil
} )
opts := [ ] authority . Option {
authority . WithConfig ( & authority . Config {
AuthorityConfig : authorityConfig . AuthConfig ,
} ) ,
authority . WithX509Signer ( issuerCert , issuerKey . ( crypto . Signer ) ) ,
signerOption ,
authority . WithX509RootCerts ( rootCert ) ,
// Add a database if we have one
if authorityConfig . DB != nil {
opts = append ( opts , authority . WithDatabase ( * authorityConfig . DB ) )