@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ package caddy
import (
@ -26,124 +25,90 @@ import (
// Listen returns a listener suitable for use in a Caddy module.
// Always be sure to close listeners when you are done with them.
// Listen is like net.Listen, except Caddy's listeners can overlap
// each other: multiple listeners may be created on the same socket
// at the same time. This is useful because during config changes,
// the new config is started while the old config is still running.
// When Caddy listeners are closed, the closing logic is virtualized
// so the underlying socket isn't actually closed until all uses of
// the socket have been finished. Always be sure to close listeners
// when you are done with them, just like normal listeners.
func Listen ( network , addr string ) ( net . Listener , error ) {
lnKey := network + "/" + addr
listenersMu . Lock ( )
defer listenersMu . Unlock ( )
// if listener already exists, increment usage counter, then return listener
if lnGlobal , ok := listeners [ lnKey ] ; ok {
atomic . AddInt32 ( & lnGlobal . usage , 1 )
return & fakeCloseListener {
usage : & lnGlobal . usage ,
deadline : & lnGlobal . deadline ,
deadlineMu : & lnGlobal . deadlineMu ,
key : lnKey ,
Listener : lnGlobal . ln ,
} , nil
// or, create new one and save it
sharedLn , _ , err := listenerPool . LoadOrNew ( lnKey , func ( ) ( Destructor , error ) {
ln , err := net . Listen ( network , addr )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return & sharedListener { Listener : ln , key : lnKey } , nil
} )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
// make sure to start its usage counter at 1
lnGlobal := & globalListener { usage : 1 , ln : ln }
listeners [ lnKey ] = lnGlobal
return & fakeCloseListener {
usage : & lnGlobal . usage ,
deadline : & lnGlobal . deadline ,
deadlineMu : & lnGlobal . deadlineMu ,
key : lnKey ,
Listener : ln ,
} , nil
return & fakeCloseListener { sharedListener : sharedLn . ( * sharedListener ) } , nil
// ListenPacket returns a net.PacketConn suitable for use in a Caddy module.
// It is like Listen except for PacketConns.
// Always be sure to close the PacketConn when you are done.
func ListenPacket ( network , addr string ) ( net . PacketConn , error ) {
lnKey := network + "/" + addr
listenersMu . Lock ( )
defer listenersMu . Unlock ( )
// if listener already exists, increment usage counter, then return listener
if lnGlobal , ok := listeners [ lnKey ] ; ok {
atomic . AddInt32 ( & lnGlobal . usage , 1 )
log . Printf ( "[DEBUG] %s: Usage counter should not go above 2 or maybe 3, is now: %d" , lnKey , atomic . LoadInt32 ( & lnGlobal . usage ) ) // TODO: remove
return & fakeClosePacketConn { usage : & lnGlobal . usage , key : lnKey , PacketConn : lnGlobal . pc } , nil
// or, create new one and save it
sharedPc , _ , err := listenerPool . LoadOrNew ( lnKey , func ( ) ( Destructor , error ) {
pc , err := net . ListenPacket ( network , addr )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return & sharedPacketConn { PacketConn : pc , key : lnKey } , nil
} )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
// make sure to start its usage counter at 1
lnGlobal := & globalListener { usage : 1 , pc : pc }
listeners [ lnKey ] = lnGlobal
return & fakeClosePacketConn { usage : & lnGlobal . usage , key : lnKey , PacketConn : pc } , nil
return & fakeClosePacketConn { sharedPacketConn : sharedPc . ( * sharedPacketConn ) } , nil
// fakeCloseListener's Close() method is a no-op. This allows
// stopping servers that are using the listener without giving
// up the socket; thus, servers become hot-swappable while the
// listener remains running. Listeners should be re-wrapped in
// a new fakeCloseListener each time the listener is reused.
// Other than the 'closed' field (which pertains to this value
// only), the other fields in this struct should be pointers to
// the associated globalListener's struct fields (except 'key'
// which is there for read-only purposes, so it can be a copy).
// fakeCloseListener is a private wrapper over a listener that
// is shared. The state of fakeCloseListener is not shared.
// This allows one user of a socket to "close" the listener
// while in reality the socket stays open for other users of
// the listener. In this way, servers become hot-swappable
// while the listener remains running. Listeners should be
// re-wrapped in a new fakeCloseListener each time the listener
// is reused. This type is atomic and values must not be copied.
type fakeCloseListener struct {
closed int32 // accessed atomically; belongs to this struct only
usage * int32 // accessed atomically; global
deadline * bool // protected by deadlineMu; global
deadlineMu * sync . Mutex // global
key string // global, but read-only, so can be copy
net . Listener // global
* sharedListener // embedded, so we also become a net.Listener
// Accept accepts connections until Close() is called.
func ( fcl * fakeCloseListener ) Accept ( ) ( net . Conn , error ) {
// if the listener is already "closed", return error
if atomic . LoadInt32 ( & fcl . closed ) == 1 {
return nil , fcl . fakeClosedErr ( )
// wrap underlying accept
conn , err := fcl . Listener . Accept ( )
// call underlying accept
conn , err := fcl . shared Listener. Accept ( )
if err == nil {
return conn , nil
// accept returned with error
// TODO: This may be better as a condition variable so the deadline is cleared only once?
fcl . deadlineMu . Lock ( )
if * fcl . deadline {
switch ln := fcl . Listener . ( type ) {
case * net . TCPListener :
_ = ln . SetDeadline ( time . Time { } )
case * net . UnixListener :
_ = ln . SetDeadline ( time . Time { } )
* fcl . deadline = false
fcl . deadlineMu . Unlock ( )
// since Accept() returned an error, it may be because our reference to
// the listener (this fakeCloseListener) may have been closed, i.e. the
// server is shutting down; in that case, we need to clear the deadline
// that we set when Close() was called, and return a non-temporary and
// non-timeout error value to the caller, masking the "true" error, so
// that server loops / goroutines won't retry, linger, and leak
if atomic . LoadInt32 ( & fcl . closed ) == 1 {
// if we canceled the Accept() by setting a deadline
// on the listener, we need to make sure any callers of
// Accept() think the listener was actually closed;
// if we return the timeout error instead, callers might
// simply retry, leaking goroutines for longer
// we dereference the sharedListener explicitly even though it's embedded
// so that it's clear in the code that side-effects are shared with other
// users of this listener, not just our own reference to it; we also don't
// do anything with the error because all we could do is log it, but we
// expliclty assign it to nothing so we don't forget it's there if needed
_ = fcl . sharedListener . clearDeadline ( )
if netErr , ok := err . ( net . Error ) ; ok && netErr . Timeout ( ) {
return nil , fcl . fakeClosedErr ( )
@ -152,82 +117,54 @@ func (fcl *fakeCloseListener) Accept() (net.Conn, error) {
return nil , err
// Close stops accepting new connections without
// closing the underlying listener, unless no one
// else is using i t.
// Close stops accepting new connections without closing the
// underlying listener. The underlying listener is only closed
// if the caller is the last known user of the socke t.
func ( fcl * fakeCloseListener ) Close ( ) error {
if atomic . CompareAndSwapInt32 ( & fcl . closed , 0 , 1 ) {
// unfortunately, there is no way to cancel any
// currently-blocking calls to Accept() that are
// awaiting connections since we're not actually
// closing the listener; so we cheat by setting
// a deadline in the past, which forces it to
// time out; note that this only works for
// certain types of listeners...
fcl . deadlineMu . Lock ( )
if ! * fcl . deadline {
switch ln := fcl . Listener . ( type ) {
case * net . TCPListener :
_ = ln . SetDeadline ( time . Now ( ) . Add ( - 1 * time . Minute ) )
case * net . UnixListener :
_ = ln . SetDeadline ( time . Now ( ) . Add ( - 1 * time . Minute ) )
* fcl . deadline = true
fcl . deadlineMu . Unlock ( )
// since we're no longer using this listener,
// decrement the usage counter and, if no one
// else is using it, close underlying listener
if atomic . AddInt32 ( fcl . usage , - 1 ) == 0 {
listenersMu . Lock ( )
delete ( listeners , fcl . key )
listenersMu . Unlock ( )
err := fcl . Listener . Close ( )
if err != nil {
return err
// There are two ways I know of to get an Accept()
// function to return to the server loop that called
// it: close the listener, or set a deadline in the
// past. Obviously, we can't close the socket yet
// since others may be using it (hence this whole
// file). But we can set the deadline in the past,
// and this is kind of cheating, but it works, and
// it apparently even works on Windows.
_ = fcl . sharedListener . setDeadline ( )
listenerPool . Delete ( fcl . sharedListener . key )
return nil
// fakeClosedErr returns an error value that is not temporary
// nor a timeout, suitable for making the caller think the
// listener is actually closed
func ( fcl * fakeCloseListener ) fakeClosedErr ( ) error {
return & net . OpError {
Op : "accept" ,
Net : fcl . Listener . Addr ( ) . Network ( ) ,
Addr : fcl . Listener . Addr ( ) ,
Net : fcl . Addr ( ) . Network ( ) ,
Addr : fcl . Addr ( ) ,
Err : errFakeClosed ,
// ErrFakeClosed is the underlying error value returned by
// fakeCloseListener.Accept() after Close() has been called,
// indicating that it is pretending to be closed so that the
// server using it can terminate, while the underlying
// socket is actually left open.
var errFakeClosed = fmt . Errorf ( "listener 'closed' 😉" )
// fakeClosePacketConn is like fakeCloseListener, but for PacketConns.
type fakeClosePacketConn struct {
closed int32 // accessed atomically
usage * int32 // accessed atomically
key string
net . PacketConn
closed int32 // accessed atomically; belongs to this struct only
* sharedPacketConn // embedded, so we also become a net.PacketConn
func ( fcpc * fakeClosePacketConn ) Close ( ) error {
log . Println ( "[DEBUG] Fake-closing underlying packet conn" ) // TODO: remove this
if atomic . CompareAndSwapInt32 ( & fcpc . closed , 0 , 1 ) {
// since we're no longer using this listener,
// decrement the usage counter and, if no one
// else is using it, close underlying listener
if atomic . AddInt32 ( fcpc . usage , - 1 ) == 0 {
listenersMu . Lock ( )
delete ( listeners , fcpc . key )
listenersMu . Unlock ( )
err := fcpc . PacketConn . Close ( )
if err != nil {
return err
listenerPool . Delete ( fcpc . sharedPacketConn . key )
return nil
@ -249,28 +186,64 @@ func (fcpc fakeClosePacketConn) SyscallConn() (syscall.RawConn, error) {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "SyscallConn() not implemented for %T" , fcpc . PacketConn )
// ErrFakeClosed is the underlying error value returned by
// fakeCloseListener.Accept() after Close() has been called,
// indicating that it is pretending to be closed so that the
// server using it can terminate, while the underlying
// socket is actually left open.
var errFakeClosed = fmt . Errorf ( "listener 'closed' 😉" )
// globalListener keeps global state for a listener
// that may be shared by multiple servers. In other
// words, values in this struct exist only once and
// all other uses of these values point to the ones
// in this struct. In particular, the usage count
// (how many callers are using the listener), the
// actual listener, and synchronization of the
// listener's deadline changes are singular, global
// values that must not be copied.
type globalListener struct {
usage int32 // accessed atomically
deadline bool
// sharedListener is a wrapper over an underlying listener. The listener
// and the other fields on the struct are shared state that is synchronized,
// so sharedListener structs must never be copied (always use a pointer).
type sharedListener struct {
net . Listener
key string // uniquely identifies this listener
deadline bool // whether a deadline is currently set
deadlineMu sync . Mutex
ln net . Listener
pc net . PacketConn
func ( sl * sharedListener ) clearDeadline ( ) error {
var err error
sl . deadlineMu . Lock ( )
if sl . deadline {
switch ln := sl . Listener . ( type ) {
case * net . TCPListener :
err = ln . SetDeadline ( time . Time { } )
case * net . UnixListener :
err = ln . SetDeadline ( time . Time { } )
sl . deadline = false
sl . deadlineMu . Unlock ( )
return err
func ( sl * sharedListener ) setDeadline ( ) error {
timeInPast := time . Now ( ) . Add ( - 1 * time . Minute )
var err error
sl . deadlineMu . Lock ( )
if ! sl . deadline {
switch ln := sl . Listener . ( type ) {
case * net . TCPListener :
err = ln . SetDeadline ( timeInPast )
case * net . UnixListener :
err = ln . SetDeadline ( timeInPast )
sl . deadline = true
sl . deadlineMu . Unlock ( )
return err
// Destruct is called by the UsagePool when the listener is
// finally not being used anymore. It closes the socket.
func ( sl * sharedListener ) Destruct ( ) error {
return sl . Listener . Close ( )
// sharedPacketConn is like sharedListener, but for net.PacketConns.
type sharedPacketConn struct {
net . PacketConn
key string
// Destruct closes the underlying socket.
func ( spc * sharedPacketConn ) Destruct ( ) error {
return spc . PacketConn . Close ( )
// NetworkAddress contains the individual components
@ -445,10 +418,8 @@ type ListenerWrapper interface {
WrapListener ( net . Listener ) net . Listener
var (
listeners = make ( map [ string ] * globalListener )
listenersMu sync . Mutex
// listenerPool stores and allows reuse of active listeners.
var listenerPool = NewUsagePool ( )
const maxPortSpan = 65535