Matthew Holt
5 years ago
17 changed files with 2741 additions and 888 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,578 @@ |
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Forked Jan. 2015 from
// (which is forked from
// This fork contains several fixes and improvements by Matt Holt and
// other contributors to the Caddy project.
// Copyright 2012 Junqing Tan <> and The Go Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// Part of source code is from Go fcgi package
package fastcgi |
import ( |
"bufio" |
"bytes" |
"context" |
"encoding/binary" |
"errors" |
"io" |
"io/ioutil" |
"mime/multipart" |
"net" |
"net/http" |
"net/http/httputil" |
"net/textproto" |
"net/url" |
"os" |
"path/filepath" |
"strconv" |
"strings" |
"sync" |
"time" |
) |
// FCGIListenSockFileno describes listen socket file number.
const FCGIListenSockFileno uint8 = 0 |
// FCGIHeaderLen describes header length.
const FCGIHeaderLen uint8 = 8 |
// Version1 describes the version.
const Version1 uint8 = 1 |
// FCGINullRequestID describes the null request ID.
const FCGINullRequestID uint8 = 0 |
// FCGIKeepConn describes keep connection mode.
const FCGIKeepConn uint8 = 1 |
const ( |
// BeginRequest is the begin request flag.
BeginRequest uint8 = iota + 1 |
// AbortRequest is the abort request flag.
AbortRequest |
// EndRequest is the end request flag.
EndRequest |
// Params is the parameters flag.
Params |
// Stdin is the standard input flag.
Stdin |
// Stdout is the standard output flag.
Stdout |
// Stderr is the standard error flag.
Stderr |
// Data is the data flag.
Data |
// GetValues is the get values flag.
GetValues |
// GetValuesResult is the get values result flag.
GetValuesResult |
// UnknownType is the unknown type flag.
UnknownType |
// MaxType is the maximum type flag.
MaxType = UnknownType |
) |
const ( |
// Responder is the responder flag.
Responder uint8 = iota + 1 |
// Authorizer is the authorizer flag.
Authorizer |
// Filter is the filter flag.
Filter |
) |
const ( |
// RequestComplete is the completed request flag.
RequestComplete uint8 = iota |
// CantMultiplexConns is the multiplexed connections flag.
CantMultiplexConns |
// Overloaded is the overloaded flag.
Overloaded |
// UnknownRole is the unknown role flag.
UnknownRole |
) |
const ( |
// MaxConns is the maximum connections flag.
MaxConns string = "MAX_CONNS" |
// MaxRequests is the maximum requests flag.
MaxRequests string = "MAX_REQS" |
// MultiplexConns is the multiplex connections flag.
MultiplexConns string = "MPXS_CONNS" |
) |
const ( |
maxWrite = 65500 // 65530 may work, but for compatibility
maxPad = 255 |
) |
type header struct { |
Version uint8 |
Type uint8 |
ID uint16 |
ContentLength uint16 |
PaddingLength uint8 |
Reserved uint8 |
} |
// for padding so we don't have to allocate all the time
// not synchronized because we don't care what the contents are
var pad [maxPad]byte |
func (h *header) init(recType uint8, reqID uint16, contentLength int) { |
h.Version = 1 |
h.Type = recType |
h.ID = reqID |
h.ContentLength = uint16(contentLength) |
h.PaddingLength = uint8(-contentLength & 7) |
} |
type record struct { |
h header |
rbuf []byte |
} |
func (rec *record) read(r io.Reader) (buf []byte, err error) { |
if err = binary.Read(r, binary.BigEndian, &rec.h); err != nil { |
return |
} |
if rec.h.Version != 1 { |
err = errors.New("fcgi: invalid header version") |
return |
} |
if rec.h.Type == EndRequest { |
err = io.EOF |
return |
} |
n := int(rec.h.ContentLength) + int(rec.h.PaddingLength) |
if len(rec.rbuf) < n { |
rec.rbuf = make([]byte, n) |
} |
if _, err = io.ReadFull(r, rec.rbuf[:n]); err != nil { |
return |
} |
buf = rec.rbuf[:int(rec.h.ContentLength)] |
return |
} |
// FCGIClient implements a FastCGI client, which is a standard for
// interfacing external applications with Web servers.
type FCGIClient struct { |
mutex sync.Mutex |
rwc io.ReadWriteCloser |
h header |
buf bytes.Buffer |
stderr bytes.Buffer |
keepAlive bool |
reqID uint16 |
} |
// DialWithDialerContext connects to the fcgi responder at the specified network address, using custom net.Dialer
// and a context.
// See func net.Dial for a description of the network and address parameters.
func DialWithDialerContext(ctx context.Context, network, address string, dialer net.Dialer) (fcgi *FCGIClient, err error) { |
var conn net.Conn |
conn, err = dialer.DialContext(ctx, network, address) |
if err != nil { |
return |
} |
fcgi = &FCGIClient{ |
rwc: conn, |
keepAlive: false, |
reqID: 1, |
} |
return |
} |
// DialContext is like Dial but passes ctx to dialer.Dial.
func DialContext(ctx context.Context, network, address string) (fcgi *FCGIClient, err error) { |
// TODO: why not set timeout here?
return DialWithDialerContext(ctx, network, address, net.Dialer{}) |
} |
// Dial connects to the fcgi responder at the specified network address, using default net.Dialer.
// See func net.Dial for a description of the network and address parameters.
func Dial(network, address string) (fcgi *FCGIClient, err error) { |
return DialContext(context.Background(), network, address) |
} |
// Close closes fcgi connection
func (c *FCGIClient) Close() { |
c.rwc.Close() |
} |
func (c *FCGIClient) writeRecord(recType uint8, content []byte) (err error) { |
c.mutex.Lock() |
defer c.mutex.Unlock() |
c.buf.Reset() |
c.h.init(recType, c.reqID, len(content)) |
if err := binary.Write(&c.buf, binary.BigEndian, c.h); err != nil { |
return err |
} |
if _, err := c.buf.Write(content); err != nil { |
return err |
} |
if _, err := c.buf.Write(pad[:c.h.PaddingLength]); err != nil { |
return err |
} |
_, err = c.rwc.Write(c.buf.Bytes()) |
return err |
} |
func (c *FCGIClient) writeBeginRequest(role uint16, flags uint8) error { |
b := [8]byte{byte(role >> 8), byte(role), flags} |
return c.writeRecord(BeginRequest, b[:]) |
} |
func (c *FCGIClient) writeEndRequest(appStatus int, protocolStatus uint8) error { |
b := make([]byte, 8) |
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b, uint32(appStatus)) |
b[4] = protocolStatus |
return c.writeRecord(EndRequest, b) |
} |
func (c *FCGIClient) writePairs(recType uint8, pairs map[string]string) error { |
w := newWriter(c, recType) |
b := make([]byte, 8) |
nn := 0 |
for k, v := range pairs { |
m := 8 + len(k) + len(v) |
if m > maxWrite { |
// param data size exceed 65535 bytes"
vl := maxWrite - 8 - len(k) |
v = v[:vl] |
} |
n := encodeSize(b, uint32(len(k))) |
n += encodeSize(b[n:], uint32(len(v))) |
m = n + len(k) + len(v) |
if (nn + m) > maxWrite { |
w.Flush() |
nn = 0 |
} |
nn += m |
if _, err := w.Write(b[:n]); err != nil { |
return err |
} |
if _, err := w.WriteString(k); err != nil { |
return err |
} |
if _, err := w.WriteString(v); err != nil { |
return err |
} |
} |
w.Close() |
return nil |
} |
func encodeSize(b []byte, size uint32) int { |
if size > 127 { |
size |= 1 << 31 |
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b, size) |
return 4 |
} |
b[0] = byte(size) |
return 1 |
} |
// bufWriter encapsulates bufio.Writer but also closes the underlying stream when
// Closed.
type bufWriter struct { |
closer io.Closer |
*bufio.Writer |
} |
func (w *bufWriter) Close() error { |
if err := w.Writer.Flush(); err != nil { |
w.closer.Close() |
return err |
} |
return w.closer.Close() |
} |
func newWriter(c *FCGIClient, recType uint8) *bufWriter { |
s := &streamWriter{c: c, recType: recType} |
w := bufio.NewWriterSize(s, maxWrite) |
return &bufWriter{s, w} |
} |
// streamWriter abstracts out the separation of a stream into discrete records.
// It only writes maxWrite bytes at a time.
type streamWriter struct { |
c *FCGIClient |
recType uint8 |
} |
func (w *streamWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { |
nn := 0 |
for len(p) > 0 { |
n := len(p) |
if n > maxWrite { |
n = maxWrite |
} |
if err := w.c.writeRecord(w.recType, p[:n]); err != nil { |
return nn, err |
} |
nn += n |
p = p[n:] |
} |
return nn, nil |
} |
func (w *streamWriter) Close() error { |
// send empty record to close the stream
return w.c.writeRecord(w.recType, nil) |
} |
type streamReader struct { |
c *FCGIClient |
buf []byte |
} |
func (w *streamReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { |
if len(p) > 0 { |
if len(w.buf) == 0 { |
// filter outputs for error log
for { |
rec := &record{} |
var buf []byte |
buf, err = |
if err != nil { |
return |
} |
// standard error output
if rec.h.Type == Stderr { |
w.c.stderr.Write(buf) |
continue |
} |
w.buf = buf |
break |
} |
} |
n = len(p) |
if n > len(w.buf) { |
n = len(w.buf) |
} |
copy(p, w.buf[:n]) |
w.buf = w.buf[n:] |
} |
return |
} |
// Do made the request and returns a io.Reader that translates the data read
// from fcgi responder out of fcgi packet before returning it.
func (c *FCGIClient) Do(p map[string]string, req io.Reader) (r io.Reader, err error) { |
err = c.writeBeginRequest(uint16(Responder), 0) |
if err != nil { |
return |
} |
err = c.writePairs(Params, p) |
if err != nil { |
return |
} |
body := newWriter(c, Stdin) |
if req != nil { |
_, _ = io.Copy(body, req) |
} |
body.Close() |
r = &streamReader{c: c} |
return |
} |
// clientCloser is a io.ReadCloser. It wraps a io.Reader with a Closer
// that closes FCGIClient connection.
type clientCloser struct { |
*FCGIClient |
io.Reader |
} |
func (f clientCloser) Close() error { return f.rwc.Close() } |
// Request returns a HTTP Response with Header and Body
// from fcgi responder
func (c *FCGIClient) Request(p map[string]string, req io.Reader) (resp *http.Response, err error) { |
r, err := c.Do(p, req) |
if err != nil { |
return |
} |
rb := bufio.NewReader(r) |
tp := textproto.NewReader(rb) |
resp = new(http.Response) |
// Parse the response headers.
mimeHeader, err := tp.ReadMIMEHeader() |
if err != nil && err != io.EOF { |
return |
} |
resp.Header = http.Header(mimeHeader) |
if resp.Header.Get("Status") != "" { |
statusParts := strings.SplitN(resp.Header.Get("Status"), " ", 2) |
resp.StatusCode, err = strconv.Atoi(statusParts[0]) |
if err != nil { |
return |
} |
if len(statusParts) > 1 { |
resp.Status = statusParts[1] |
} |
} else { |
resp.StatusCode = http.StatusOK |
} |
// TODO: fixTransferEncoding ?
resp.TransferEncoding = resp.Header["Transfer-Encoding"] |
resp.ContentLength, _ = strconv.ParseInt(resp.Header.Get("Content-Length"), 10, 64) |
if chunked(resp.TransferEncoding) { |
resp.Body = clientCloser{c, httputil.NewChunkedReader(rb)} |
} else { |
resp.Body = clientCloser{c, ioutil.NopCloser(rb)} |
} |
return |
} |
// Get issues a GET request to the fcgi responder.
func (c *FCGIClient) Get(p map[string]string, body io.Reader, l int64) (resp *http.Response, err error) { |
p["CONTENT_LENGTH"] = strconv.FormatInt(l, 10) |
return c.Request(p, body) |
} |
// Head issues a HEAD request to the fcgi responder.
func (c *FCGIClient) Head(p map[string]string) (resp *http.Response, err error) { |
p["CONTENT_LENGTH"] = "0" |
return c.Request(p, nil) |
} |
// Options issues an OPTIONS request to the fcgi responder.
func (c *FCGIClient) Options(p map[string]string) (resp *http.Response, err error) { |
p["CONTENT_LENGTH"] = "0" |
return c.Request(p, nil) |
} |
// Post issues a POST request to the fcgi responder. with request body
// in the format that bodyType specified
func (c *FCGIClient) Post(p map[string]string, method string, bodyType string, body io.Reader, l int64) (resp *http.Response, err error) { |
if p == nil { |
p = make(map[string]string) |
} |
p["REQUEST_METHOD"] = strings.ToUpper(method) |
if len(p["REQUEST_METHOD"]) == 0 || p["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "GET" { |
} |
p["CONTENT_LENGTH"] = strconv.FormatInt(l, 10) |
if len(bodyType) > 0 { |
p["CONTENT_TYPE"] = bodyType |
} else { |
p["CONTENT_TYPE"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" |
} |
return c.Request(p, body) |
} |
// PostForm issues a POST to the fcgi responder, with form
// as a string key to a list values (url.Values)
func (c *FCGIClient) PostForm(p map[string]string, data url.Values) (resp *http.Response, err error) { |
body := bytes.NewReader([]byte(data.Encode())) |
return c.Post(p, "POST", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", body, int64(body.Len())) |
} |
// PostFile issues a POST to the fcgi responder in multipart(RFC 2046) standard,
// with form as a string key to a list values (url.Values),
// and/or with file as a string key to a list file path.
func (c *FCGIClient) PostFile(p map[string]string, data url.Values, file map[string]string) (resp *http.Response, err error) { |
buf := &bytes.Buffer{} |
writer := multipart.NewWriter(buf) |
bodyType := writer.FormDataContentType() |
for key, val := range data { |
for _, v0 := range val { |
err = writer.WriteField(key, v0) |
if err != nil { |
return |
} |
} |
} |
for key, val := range file { |
fd, e := os.Open(val) |
if e != nil { |
return nil, e |
} |
defer fd.Close() |
part, e := writer.CreateFormFile(key, filepath.Base(val)) |
if e != nil { |
return nil, e |
} |
_, err = io.Copy(part, fd) |
if err != nil { |
return |
} |
} |
err = writer.Close() |
if err != nil { |
return |
} |
return c.Post(p, "POST", bodyType, buf, int64(buf.Len())) |
} |
// SetReadTimeout sets the read timeout for future calls that read from the
// fcgi responder. A zero value for t means no timeout will be set.
func (c *FCGIClient) SetReadTimeout(t time.Duration) error { |
if conn, ok := c.rwc.(net.Conn); ok && t != 0 { |
return conn.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(t)) |
} |
return nil |
} |
// SetWriteTimeout sets the write timeout for future calls that send data to
// the fcgi responder. A zero value for t means no timeout will be set.
func (c *FCGIClient) SetWriteTimeout(t time.Duration) error { |
if conn, ok := c.rwc.(net.Conn); ok && t != 0 { |
return conn.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(t)) |
} |
return nil |
} |
// Checks whether chunked is part of the encodings stack
func chunked(te []string) bool { return len(te) > 0 && te[0] == "chunked" } |
@ -0,0 +1,301 @@ |
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// NOTE: These tests were adapted from the original
// repository from which this package was forked.
// The tests are slow (~10s) and in dire need of rewriting.
// As such, the tests have been disabled to speed up
// automated builds until they can be properly written.
package fastcgi |
import ( |
"bytes" |
"crypto/md5" |
"encoding/binary" |
"fmt" |
"io" |
"io/ioutil" |
"log" |
"math/rand" |
"net" |
"net/http" |
"net/http/fcgi" |
"net/url" |
"os" |
"path/filepath" |
"strconv" |
"strings" |
"testing" |
"time" |
) |
// test fcgi protocol includes:
// Get, Post, Post in multipart/form-data, and Post with files
// each key should be the md5 of the value or the file uploaded
// specify remote fcgi responder ip:port to test with php
// test failed if the remote fcgi(script) failed md5 verification
// and output "FAILED" in response
const ( |
scriptFile = "/tank/www/fcgic_test.php" |
//ipPort = "remote-php-serv:59000"
ipPort = "" |
) |
var globalt *testing.T |
type FastCGIServer struct{} |
func (s FastCGIServer) ServeHTTP(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { |
if err := req.ParseMultipartForm(100000000); err != nil { |
log.Printf("[ERROR] failed to parse: %v", err) |
} |
stat := "PASSED" |
fmt.Fprintln(resp, "-") |
fileNum := 0 |
{ |
length := 0 |
for k0, v0 := range req.Form { |
h := md5.New() |
_, _ = io.WriteString(h, v0[0]) |
_md5 := fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil)) |
length += len(k0) |
length += len(v0[0]) |
// echo error when key != _md5(val)
if _md5 != k0 { |
fmt.Fprintln(resp, "server:err ", _md5, k0) |
stat = "FAILED" |
} |
} |
if req.MultipartForm != nil { |
fileNum = len(req.MultipartForm.File) |
for kn, fns := range req.MultipartForm.File { |
//fmt.Fprintln(resp, "server:filekey ", kn )
length += len(kn) |
for _, f := range fns { |
fd, err := f.Open() |
if err != nil { |
log.Println("server:", err) |
return |
} |
h := md5.New() |
l0, err := io.Copy(h, fd) |
if err != nil { |
log.Println(err) |
return |
} |
length += int(l0) |
defer fd.Close() |
md5 := fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil)) |
//fmt.Fprintln(resp, "server:filemd5 ", md5 )
if kn != md5 { |
fmt.Fprintln(resp, "server:err ", md5, kn) |
stat = "FAILED" |
} |
//fmt.Fprintln(resp, "server:filename ", f.Filename )
} |
} |
} |
fmt.Fprintln(resp, "server:got data length", length) |
} |
fmt.Fprintln(resp, "-"+stat+"-POST(", len(req.Form), ")-FILE(", fileNum, ")--") |
} |
func sendFcgi(reqType int, fcgiParams map[string]string, data []byte, posts map[string]string, files map[string]string) (content []byte) { |
fcgi, err := Dial("tcp", ipPort) |
if err != nil { |
log.Println("err:", err) |
return |
} |
length := 0 |
var resp *http.Response |
switch reqType { |
case 0: |
if len(data) > 0 { |
length = len(data) |
rd := bytes.NewReader(data) |
resp, err = fcgi.Post(fcgiParams, "", "", rd, int64(rd.Len())) |
} else if len(posts) > 0 { |
values := url.Values{} |
for k, v := range posts { |
values.Set(k, v) |
length += len(k) + 2 + len(v) |
} |
resp, err = fcgi.PostForm(fcgiParams, values) |
} else { |
rd := bytes.NewReader(data) |
resp, err = fcgi.Get(fcgiParams, rd, int64(rd.Len())) |
} |
default: |
values := url.Values{} |
for k, v := range posts { |
values.Set(k, v) |
length += len(k) + 2 + len(v) |
} |
for k, v := range files { |
fi, _ := os.Lstat(v) |
length += len(k) + int(fi.Size()) |
} |
resp, err = fcgi.PostFile(fcgiParams, values, files) |
} |
if err != nil { |
log.Println("err:", err) |
return |
} |
defer resp.Body.Close() |
content, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) |
log.Println("c: send data length ≈", length, string(content)) |
fcgi.Close() |
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) |
if bytes.Contains(content, []byte("FAILED")) { |
globalt.Error("Server return failed message") |
} |
return |
} |
func generateRandFile(size int) (p string, m string) { |
p = filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "fcgict"+strconv.Itoa(rand.Int())) |
// open output file
fo, err := os.Create(p) |
if err != nil { |
panic(err) |
} |
// close fo on exit and check for its returned error
defer func() { |
if err := fo.Close(); err != nil { |
panic(err) |
} |
}() |
h := md5.New() |
for i := 0; i < size/16; i++ { |
buf := make([]byte, 16) |
binary.PutVarint(buf, rand.Int63()) |
if _, err := fo.Write(buf); err != nil { |
log.Printf("[ERROR] failed to write buffer: %v\n", err) |
} |
if _, err := h.Write(buf); err != nil { |
log.Printf("[ERROR] failed to write buffer: %v\n", err) |
} |
} |
m = fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil)) |
return |
} |
func DisabledTest(t *testing.T) { |
// TODO: test chunked reader
globalt = t |
rand.Seed(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()) |
// server
go func() { |
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", ipPort) |
if err != nil { |
log.Println("listener creation failed: ", err) |
} |
srv := new(FastCGIServer) |
if err := fcgi.Serve(listener, srv); err != nil { |
log.Print("[ERROR] failed to start server: ", err) |
} |
}() |
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) |
// init
fcgiParams := make(map[string]string) |
fcgiParams["REQUEST_METHOD"] = "GET" |
fcgiParams["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] = "HTTP/1.1" |
//fcgi_params["GATEWAY_INTERFACE"] = "CGI/1.1"
fcgiParams["SCRIPT_FILENAME"] = scriptFile |
// simple GET
log.Println("test:", "get") |
sendFcgi(0, fcgiParams, nil, nil, nil) |
// simple post data
log.Println("test:", "post") |
sendFcgi(0, fcgiParams, []byte("c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b=1&7b8b965ad4bca0e41ab51de7b31363a1=n"), nil, nil) |
log.Println("test:", "post data (more than 60KB)") |
data := "" |
for i := 0x00; i < 0xff; i++ { |
v0 := strings.Repeat(string(i), 256) |
h := md5.New() |
_, _ = io.WriteString(h, v0) |
k0 := fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil)) |
data += k0 + "=" + url.QueryEscape(v0) + "&" |
} |
sendFcgi(0, fcgiParams, []byte(data), nil, nil) |
log.Println("test:", "post form (use url.Values)") |
p0 := make(map[string]string, 1) |
p0["c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b"] = "1" |
p0["7b8b965ad4bca0e41ab51de7b31363a1"] = "n" |
sendFcgi(1, fcgiParams, nil, p0, nil) |
log.Println("test:", "post forms (256 keys, more than 1MB)") |
p1 := make(map[string]string, 1) |
for i := 0x00; i < 0xff; i++ { |
v0 := strings.Repeat(string(i), 4096) |
h := md5.New() |
_, _ = io.WriteString(h, v0) |
k0 := fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil)) |
p1[k0] = v0 |
} |
sendFcgi(1, fcgiParams, nil, p1, nil) |
log.Println("test:", "post file (1 file, 500KB)) ") |
f0 := make(map[string]string, 1) |
path0, m0 := generateRandFile(500000) |
f0[m0] = path0 |
sendFcgi(1, fcgiParams, nil, p1, f0) |
log.Println("test:", "post multiple files (2 files, 5M each) and forms (256 keys, more than 1MB data") |
path1, m1 := generateRandFile(5000000) |
f0[m1] = path1 |
sendFcgi(1, fcgiParams, nil, p1, f0) |
log.Println("test:", "post only files (2 files, 5M each)") |
sendFcgi(1, fcgiParams, nil, nil, f0) |
log.Println("test:", "post only 1 file") |
delete(f0, "m0") |
sendFcgi(1, fcgiParams, nil, nil, f0) |
if err := os.Remove(path0); err != nil { |
log.Println("[ERROR] failed to remove path: ", err) |
} |
if err := os.Remove(path1); err != nil { |
log.Println("[ERROR] failed to remove path: ", err) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,342 @@ |
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package fastcgi |
import ( |
"context" |
"crypto/tls" |
"fmt" |
"net/http" |
"path" |
"path/filepath" |
"strconv" |
"strings" |
"time" |
"" |
"" |
) |
func init() { |
caddy.RegisterModule(Transport{}) |
} |
type Transport struct { |
// TODO: taken from v1 Handler type
SoftwareName string |
SoftwareVersion string |
ServerName string |
ServerPort string |
// TODO: taken from v1 Rule type
// The base path to match. Required.
// Path string
// upstream load balancer
// balancer
// Always process files with this extension with fastcgi.
// Ext string
// Use this directory as the fastcgi root directory. Defaults to the root
// directory of the parent virtual host.
Root string |
// The path in the URL will be split into two, with the first piece ending
// with the value of SplitPath. The first piece will be assumed as the
// actual resource (CGI script) name, and the second piece will be set to
// PATH_INFO for the CGI script to use.
SplitPath string |
// If the URL ends with '/' (which indicates a directory), these index
// files will be tried instead.
IndexFiles []string |
// Environment Variables
EnvVars [][2]string |
// Ignored paths
IgnoredSubPaths []string |
// The duration used to set a deadline when connecting to an upstream.
DialTimeout time.Duration |
// The duration used to set a deadline when reading from the FastCGI server.
ReadTimeout time.Duration |
// The duration used to set a deadline when sending to the FastCGI server.
WriteTimeout time.Duration |
} |
// CaddyModule returns the Caddy module information.
func (Transport) CaddyModule() caddy.ModuleInfo { |
return caddy.ModuleInfo{ |
Name: "http.handlers.reverse_proxy.transport.fastcgi", |
New: func() caddy.Module { return new(Transport) }, |
} |
} |
func (t Transport) RoundTrip(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { |
// Create environment for CGI script
env, err := t.buildEnv(r) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, fmt.Errorf("building environment: %v", err) |
} |
// TODO:
// Connect to FastCGI gateway
// address, err := f.Address()
// if err != nil {
// return http.StatusBadGateway, err
// }
// network, address := parseAddress(address)
network, address := "tcp", r.URL.Host // TODO:
ctx := context.Background() |
if t.DialTimeout > 0 { |
var cancel context.CancelFunc |
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, t.DialTimeout) |
defer cancel() |
} |
fcgiBackend, err := DialContext(ctx, network, address) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, fmt.Errorf("dialing backend: %v", err) |
} |
// fcgiBackend is closed when response body is closed (see clientCloser)
// read/write timeouts
if err := fcgiBackend.SetReadTimeout(t.ReadTimeout); err != nil { |
return nil, fmt.Errorf("setting read timeout: %v", err) |
} |
if err := fcgiBackend.SetWriteTimeout(t.WriteTimeout); err != nil { |
return nil, fmt.Errorf("setting write timeout: %v", err) |
} |
var resp *http.Response |
var contentLength int64 |
// if ContentLength is already set
if r.ContentLength > 0 { |
contentLength = r.ContentLength |
} else { |
contentLength, _ = strconv.ParseInt(r.Header.Get("Content-Length"), 10, 64) |
} |
switch r.Method { |
case "HEAD": |
resp, err = fcgiBackend.Head(env) |
case "GET": |
resp, err = fcgiBackend.Get(env, r.Body, contentLength) |
case "OPTIONS": |
resp, err = fcgiBackend.Options(env) |
default: |
resp, err = fcgiBackend.Post(env, r.Method, r.Header.Get("Content-Type"), r.Body, contentLength) |
} |
// TODO:
return resp, err |
// Stuff brought over from v1 that might not be necessary here:
// if resp != nil && resp.Body != nil {
// defer resp.Body.Close()
// }
// if err != nil {
// if err, ok := err.(net.Error); ok && err.Timeout() {
// return http.StatusGatewayTimeout, err
// } else if err != io.EOF {
// return http.StatusBadGateway, err
// }
// }
// // Write response header
// writeHeader(w, resp)
// // Write the response body
// _, err = io.Copy(w, resp.Body)
// if err != nil {
// return http.StatusBadGateway, err
// }
// // Log any stderr output from upstream
// if fcgiBackend.stderr.Len() != 0 {
// // Remove trailing newline, error logger already does this.
// err = LogError(strings.TrimSuffix(fcgiBackend.stderr.String(), "\n"))
// }
// // Normally we would return the status code if it is an error status (>= 400),
// // however, upstream FastCGI apps don't know about our contract and have
// // probably already written an error page. So we just return 0, indicating
// // that the response body is already written. However, we do return any
// // error value so it can be logged.
// // Note that the proxy middleware works the same way, returning status=0.
// return 0, err
} |
// buildEnv returns a set of CGI environment variables for the request.
func (t Transport) buildEnv(r *http.Request) (map[string]string, error) { |
var env map[string]string |
// Separate remote IP and port; more lenient than net.SplitHostPort
var ip, port string |
if idx := strings.LastIndex(r.RemoteAddr, ":"); idx > -1 { |
ip = r.RemoteAddr[:idx] |
port = r.RemoteAddr[idx+1:] |
} else { |
ip = r.RemoteAddr |
} |
// Remove [] from IPv6 addresses
ip = strings.Replace(ip, "[", "", 1) |
ip = strings.Replace(ip, "]", "", 1) |
// TODO: respect index files? or leave that to matcher/rewrite (I prefer that)?
fpath := r.URL.Path |
// Split path in preparation for env variables.
// Previous canSplit checks ensure this can never be -1.
// TODO: I haven't brought over canSplit; make sure this doesn't break
splitPos := t.splitPos(fpath) |
// Request has the extension; path was split successfully
docURI := fpath[:splitPos+len(t.SplitPath)] |
pathInfo := fpath[splitPos+len(t.SplitPath):] |
scriptName := fpath |
scriptName = strings.TrimSuffix(scriptName, pathInfo) |
// SCRIPT_FILENAME is the absolute path of SCRIPT_NAME
scriptFilename := filepath.Join(t.Root, scriptName) |
// Add vhost path prefix to scriptName. Otherwise, some PHP software will
// have difficulty discovering its URL.
pathPrefix, _ := r.Context().Value(caddy.CtxKey("path_prefix")).(string) |
scriptName = path.Join(pathPrefix, scriptName) |
// TODO: Disabled for now
// // Get the request URI from context. The context stores the original URI in case
// // it was changed by a middleware such as rewrite. By default, we pass the
// // original URI in as the value of REQUEST_URI (the user can overwrite this
// // if desired). Most PHP apps seem to want the original URI. Besides, this is
// // how nginx defaults:
// reqURL, _ := r.Context().Value(httpserver.OriginalURLCtxKey).(url.URL)
// // Retrieve name of remote user that was set by some downstream middleware such as basicauth.
// remoteUser, _ := r.Context().Value(httpserver.RemoteUserCtxKey).(string)
requestScheme := "http" |
if r.TLS != nil { |
requestScheme = "https" |
} |
// Some variables are unused but cleared explicitly to prevent
// the parent environment from interfering.
env = map[string]string{ |
// Variables defined in CGI 1.1 spec
"AUTH_TYPE": "", // Not used
"CONTENT_LENGTH": r.Header.Get("Content-Length"), |
"CONTENT_TYPE": r.Header.Get("Content-Type"), |
"PATH_INFO": pathInfo, |
"QUERY_STRING": r.URL.RawQuery, |
"REMOTE_ADDR": ip, |
"REMOTE_HOST": ip, // For speed, remote host lookups disabled
"REMOTE_PORT": port, |
"REMOTE_IDENT": "", // Not used
// "REMOTE_USER": remoteUser, // TODO:
"REQUEST_METHOD": r.Method, |
"REQUEST_SCHEME": requestScheme, |
"SERVER_NAME": t.ServerName, |
"SERVER_PORT": t.ServerPort, |
"SERVER_SOFTWARE": t.SoftwareName + "/" + t.SoftwareVersion, |
// Other variables
// "DOCUMENT_ROOT": rule.Root,
"HTTP_HOST": r.Host, // added here, since not always part of headers
// "REQUEST_URI": reqURL.RequestURI(), // TODO:
"SCRIPT_FILENAME": scriptFilename, |
"SCRIPT_NAME": scriptName, |
} |
// compliance with the CGI specification requires that
// PATH_TRANSLATED should only exist if PATH_INFO is defined.
// Info: Page 14
if env["PATH_INFO"] != "" { |
env["PATH_TRANSLATED"] = filepath.Join(t.Root, pathInfo) // Info:
} |
// Some web apps rely on knowing HTTPS or not
if r.TLS != nil { |
env["HTTPS"] = "on" |
// and pass the protocol details in a manner compatible with apache's mod_ssl
// (which is why these have a SSL_ prefix and not TLS_).
v, ok := tlsProtocolStrings[r.TLS.Version] |
if ok { |
env["SSL_PROTOCOL"] = v |
} |
// and pass the cipher suite in a manner compatible with apache's mod_ssl
for k, v := range caddytls.SupportedCipherSuites { |
if v == r.TLS.CipherSuite { |
env["SSL_CIPHER"] = k |
break |
} |
} |
} |
// Add env variables from config (with support for placeholders in values)
repl := r.Context().Value(caddy.ReplacerCtxKey).(caddy.Replacer) |
for _, envVar := range t.EnvVars { |
env[envVar[0]] = repl.ReplaceAll(envVar[1], "") |
} |
// Add all HTTP headers to env variables
for field, val := range r.Header { |
header := strings.ToUpper(field) |
header = headerNameReplacer.Replace(header) |
env["HTTP_"+header] = strings.Join(val, ", ") |
} |
return env, nil |
} |
// splitPos returns the index where path should
// be split based on t.SplitPath.
func (t Transport) splitPos(path string) int { |
// TODO:
// if httpserver.CaseSensitivePath {
// return strings.Index(path, r.SplitPath)
// }
return strings.Index(strings.ToLower(path), strings.ToLower(t.SplitPath)) |
} |
// TODO:
// Map of supported protocols to Apache ssl_mod format
// Note that these are slightly different from SupportedProtocols in caddytls/config.go
var tlsProtocolStrings = map[uint16]string{ |
tls.VersionTLS10: "TLSv1", |
tls.VersionTLS11: "TLSv1.1", |
tls.VersionTLS12: "TLSv1.2", |
tls.VersionTLS13: "TLSv1.3", |
} |
var headerNameReplacer = strings.NewReplacer(" ", "_", "-", "_") |
@ -1,86 +0,0 @@ |
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package reverseproxy |
import ( |
"net/http" |
"time" |
) |
// Upstream represents the interface that must be satisfied to use the healthchecker.
type Upstream interface { |
SetHealthiness(bool) |
} |
// HealthChecker represents a worker that periodically evaluates if proxy upstream host is healthy.
type HealthChecker struct { |
upstream Upstream |
Ticker *time.Ticker |
HTTPClient *http.Client |
StopChan chan bool |
} |
// ScheduleChecks periodically runs health checks against an upstream host.
func (h *HealthChecker) ScheduleChecks(url string) { |
// check if a host is healthy on start vs waiting for timer
h.upstream.SetHealthiness(h.IsHealthy(url)) |
stop := make(chan bool) |
h.StopChan = stop |
go func() { |
for { |
select { |
case <-h.Ticker.C: |
h.upstream.SetHealthiness(h.IsHealthy(url)) |
case <-stop: |
return |
} |
} |
}() |
} |
// Stop stops the healthchecker from makeing further requests.
func (h *HealthChecker) Stop() { |
h.Ticker.Stop() |
close(h.StopChan) |
} |
// IsHealthy attempts to check if a upstream host is healthy.
func (h *HealthChecker) IsHealthy(url string) bool { |
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, url, nil) |
if err != nil { |
return false |
} |
resp, err := h.HTTPClient.Do(req) |
if err != nil { |
return false |
} |
if resp.StatusCode < 200 || resp.StatusCode >= 400 { |
return false |
} |
return true |
} |
// NewHealthCheckWorker returns a new instance of a HealthChecker.
func NewHealthCheckWorker(u Upstream, interval time.Duration, client *http.Client) *HealthChecker { |
return &HealthChecker{ |
upstream: u, |
Ticker: time.NewTicker(interval), |
HTTPClient: client, |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ |
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package reverseproxy |
import ( |
"net" |
"net/http" |
"time" |
"" |
) |
func init() { |
caddy.RegisterModule(HTTPTransport{}) |
} |
// TODO: This is the default transport, basically just http.Transport, but we define JSON struct tags...
type HTTPTransport struct { |
// TODO: Actually this is where the TLS config should go, technically...
// as well as keepalives and dial timeouts...
// TODO: It's possible that other transports (like fastcgi) might be
// able to borrow/use at least some of these config fields; if so,
// move them into a type called CommonTransport and embed it
TLS *TLSConfig `json:"tls,omitempty"` |
KeepAlive *KeepAlive `json:"keep_alive,omitempty"` |
Compression *bool `json:"compression,omitempty"` |
MaxConnsPerHost int `json:"max_conns_per_host,omitempty"` // TODO: NOTE: we use our health check stuff to enforce max REQUESTS per host, but this is connections
DialTimeout caddy.Duration `json:"dial_timeout,omitempty"` |
FallbackDelay caddy.Duration `json:"dial_fallback_delay,omitempty"` |
ResponseHeaderTimeout caddy.Duration `json:"response_header_timeout,omitempty"` |
ExpectContinueTimeout caddy.Duration `json:"expect_continue_timeout,omitempty"` |
MaxResponseHeaderSize int64 `json:"max_response_header_size,omitempty"` |
WriteBufferSize int `json:"write_buffer_size,omitempty"` |
ReadBufferSize int `json:"read_buffer_size,omitempty"` |
// TODO: ProxyConnectHeader?
RoundTripper http.RoundTripper `json:"-"` |
} |
// CaddyModule returns the Caddy module information.
func (HTTPTransport) CaddyModule() caddy.ModuleInfo { |
return caddy.ModuleInfo{ |
Name: "http.handlers.reverse_proxy.transport.http", |
New: func() caddy.Module { return new(HTTPTransport) }, |
} |
} |
func (h *HTTPTransport) Provision(ctx caddy.Context) error { |
dialer := &net.Dialer{ |
Timeout: time.Duration(h.DialTimeout), |
FallbackDelay: time.Duration(h.FallbackDelay), |
// TODO: Resolver
} |
rt := &http.Transport{ |
DialContext: dialer.DialContext, |
MaxConnsPerHost: h.MaxConnsPerHost, |
ResponseHeaderTimeout: time.Duration(h.ResponseHeaderTimeout), |
ExpectContinueTimeout: time.Duration(h.ExpectContinueTimeout), |
MaxResponseHeaderBytes: h.MaxResponseHeaderSize, |
WriteBufferSize: h.WriteBufferSize, |
ReadBufferSize: h.ReadBufferSize, |
} |
if h.TLS != nil { |
rt.TLSHandshakeTimeout = time.Duration(h.TLS.HandshakeTimeout) |
// TODO: rest of TLS config
} |
if h.KeepAlive != nil { |
dialer.KeepAlive = time.Duration(h.KeepAlive.ProbeInterval) |
if enabled := h.KeepAlive.Enabled; enabled != nil { |
rt.DisableKeepAlives = !*enabled |
} |
rt.MaxIdleConns = h.KeepAlive.MaxIdleConns |
rt.MaxIdleConnsPerHost = h.KeepAlive.MaxIdleConnsPerHost |
rt.IdleConnTimeout = time.Duration(h.KeepAlive.IdleConnTimeout) |
} |
if h.Compression != nil { |
rt.DisableCompression = !*h.Compression |
} |
h.RoundTripper = rt |
return nil |
} |
func (h HTTPTransport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { |
return h.RoundTripper.RoundTrip(req) |
} |
type TLSConfig struct { |
CAPool []string `json:"ca_pool,omitempty"` |
ClientCertificate string `json:"client_certificate,omitempty"` |
InsecureSkipVerify bool `json:"insecure_skip_verify,omitempty"` |
HandshakeTimeout caddy.Duration `json:"handshake_timeout,omitempty"` |
} |
type KeepAlive struct { |
Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` |
ProbeInterval caddy.Duration `json:"probe_interval,omitempty"` |
MaxIdleConns int `json:"max_idle_conns,omitempty"` |
MaxIdleConnsPerHost int `json:"max_idle_conns_per_host,omitempty"` |
IdleConnTimeout caddy.Duration `json:"idle_timeout,omitempty"` // how long should connections be kept alive when idle
} |
var ( |
defaultDialer = net.Dialer{ |
Timeout: 10 * time.Second, |
KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second, |
} |
// TODO: does this need to be configured to enable HTTP/2?
defaultTransport = &http.Transport{ |
DialContext: defaultDialer.DialContext, |
TLSHandshakeTimeout: 5 * time.Second, |
IdleConnTimeout: 2 * time.Minute, |
} |
) |
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ |
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package reverseproxy |
import ( |
"" |
"" |
"" |
) |
func init() { |
caddy.RegisterModule(new(LoadBalanced)) |
httpcaddyfile.RegisterHandlerDirective("reverse_proxy", parseCaddyfile) // TODO: "proxy"?
} |
// CaddyModule returns the Caddy module information.
func (*LoadBalanced) CaddyModule() caddy.ModuleInfo { |
return caddy.ModuleInfo{ |
Name: "http.handlers.reverse_proxy", |
New: func() caddy.Module { return new(LoadBalanced) }, |
} |
} |
// parseCaddyfile sets up the handler from Caddyfile tokens. Syntax:
// proxy [<matcher>] <to>
// TODO: This needs to be finished. It definitely needs to be able to open a block...
func parseCaddyfile(h httpcaddyfile.Helper) (caddyhttp.MiddlewareHandler, error) { |
lb := new(LoadBalanced) |
for h.Next() { |
allTo := h.RemainingArgs() |
if len(allTo) == 0 { |
return nil, h.ArgErr() |
} |
for _, to := range allTo { |
lb.Upstreams = append(lb.Upstreams, &UpstreamConfig{Host: to}) |
} |
} |
return lb, nil |
} |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
@ -0,0 +1,351 @@ |
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package reverseproxy |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"hash/fnv" |
weakrand "math/rand" |
"net" |
"net/http" |
"sync/atomic" |
"time" |
"" |
) |
func init() { |
caddy.RegisterModule(RandomSelection{}) |
caddy.RegisterModule(RandomChoiceSelection{}) |
caddy.RegisterModule(LeastConnSelection{}) |
caddy.RegisterModule(RoundRobinSelection{}) |
caddy.RegisterModule(FirstSelection{}) |
caddy.RegisterModule(IPHashSelection{}) |
caddy.RegisterModule(URIHashSelection{}) |
caddy.RegisterModule(HeaderHashSelection{}) |
weakrand.Seed(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()) |
} |
// RandomSelection is a policy that selects
// an available host at random.
type RandomSelection struct{} |
// CaddyModule returns the Caddy module information.
func (RandomSelection) CaddyModule() caddy.ModuleInfo { |
return caddy.ModuleInfo{ |
Name: "http.handlers.reverse_proxy.selection_policies.random", |
New: func() caddy.Module { return new(RandomSelection) }, |
} |
} |
// Select returns an available host, if any.
func (r RandomSelection) Select(pool HostPool, request *http.Request) *Upstream { |
// use reservoir sampling because the number of available
// hosts isn't known:
var randomHost *Upstream |
var count int |
for _, upstream := range pool { |
if !upstream.Available() { |
continue |
} |
// (n % 1 == 0) holds for all n, therefore a
// upstream will always be chosen if there is at
// least one available
count++ |
if (weakrand.Int() % count) == 0 { |
randomHost = upstream |
} |
} |
return randomHost |
} |
// RandomChoiceSelection is a policy that selects
// two or more available hosts at random, then
// chooses the one with the least load.
type RandomChoiceSelection struct { |
Choose int `json:"choose,omitempty"` |
} |
// CaddyModule returns the Caddy module information.
func (RandomChoiceSelection) CaddyModule() caddy.ModuleInfo { |
return caddy.ModuleInfo{ |
Name: "http.handlers.reverse_proxy.selection_policies.random_choice", |
New: func() caddy.Module { return new(RandomChoiceSelection) }, |
} |
} |
func (r *RandomChoiceSelection) Provision(ctx caddy.Context) error { |
if r.Choose == 0 { |
r.Choose = 2 |
} |
return nil |
} |
func (r RandomChoiceSelection) Validate() error { |
if r.Choose < 2 { |
return fmt.Errorf("choose must be at least 2") |
} |
return nil |
} |
// Select returns an available host, if any.
func (r RandomChoiceSelection) Select(pool HostPool, _ *http.Request) *Upstream { |
k := r.Choose |
if k > len(pool) { |
k = len(pool) |
} |
choices := make([]*Upstream, k) |
for i, upstream := range pool { |
if !upstream.Available() { |
continue |
} |
j := weakrand.Intn(i) |
if j < k { |
choices[j] = upstream |
} |
} |
return leastRequests(choices) |
} |
// LeastConnSelection is a policy that selects the
// host with the least active requests. If multiple
// hosts have the same fewest number, one is chosen
// randomly. The term "conn" or "connection" is used
// in this policy name due to its similar meaning in
// other software, but our load balancer actually
// counts active requests rather than connections,
// since these days requests are multiplexed onto
// shared connections.
type LeastConnSelection struct{} |
// CaddyModule returns the Caddy module information.
func (LeastConnSelection) CaddyModule() caddy.ModuleInfo { |
return caddy.ModuleInfo{ |
Name: "http.handlers.reverse_proxy.selection_policies.least_conn", |
New: func() caddy.Module { return new(LeastConnSelection) }, |
} |
} |
// Select selects the up host with the least number of connections in the
// pool. If more than one host has the same least number of connections,
// one of the hosts is chosen at random.
func (LeastConnSelection) Select(pool HostPool, _ *http.Request) *Upstream { |
var bestHost *Upstream |
var count int |
var leastReqs int |
for _, host := range pool { |
if !host.Available() { |
continue |
} |
numReqs := host.NumRequests() |
if numReqs < leastReqs { |
leastReqs = numReqs |
count = 0 |
} |
// among hosts with same least connections, perform a reservoir
// sample:
if numReqs == leastReqs { |
count++ |
if (weakrand.Int() % count) == 0 { |
bestHost = host |
} |
} |
} |
return bestHost |
} |
// RoundRobinSelection is a policy that selects
// a host based on round-robin ordering.
type RoundRobinSelection struct { |
robin uint32 |
} |
// CaddyModule returns the Caddy module information.
func (RoundRobinSelection) CaddyModule() caddy.ModuleInfo { |
return caddy.ModuleInfo{ |
Name: "http.handlers.reverse_proxy.selection_policies.round_robin", |
New: func() caddy.Module { return new(RoundRobinSelection) }, |
} |
} |
// Select returns an available host, if any.
func (r *RoundRobinSelection) Select(pool HostPool, _ *http.Request) *Upstream { |
n := uint32(len(pool)) |
if n == 0 { |
return nil |
} |
for i := uint32(0); i < n; i++ { |
atomic.AddUint32(&r.robin, 1) |
host := pool[r.robin%n] |
if host.Available() { |
return host |
} |
} |
return nil |
} |
// FirstSelection is a policy that selects
// the first available host.
type FirstSelection struct{} |
// CaddyModule returns the Caddy module information.
func (FirstSelection) CaddyModule() caddy.ModuleInfo { |
return caddy.ModuleInfo{ |
Name: "http.handlers.reverse_proxy.selection_policies.first", |
New: func() caddy.Module { return new(FirstSelection) }, |
} |
} |
// Select returns an available host, if any.
func (FirstSelection) Select(pool HostPool, _ *http.Request) *Upstream { |
for _, host := range pool { |
if host.Available() { |
return host |
} |
} |
return nil |
} |
// IPHashSelection is a policy that selects a host
// based on hashing the remote IP of the request.
type IPHashSelection struct{} |
// CaddyModule returns the Caddy module information.
func (IPHashSelection) CaddyModule() caddy.ModuleInfo { |
return caddy.ModuleInfo{ |
Name: "http.handlers.reverse_proxy.selection_policies.ip_hash", |
New: func() caddy.Module { return new(IPHashSelection) }, |
} |
} |
// Select returns an available host, if any.
func (IPHashSelection) Select(pool HostPool, req *http.Request) *Upstream { |
clientIP, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(req.RemoteAddr) |
if err != nil { |
clientIP = req.RemoteAddr |
} |
return hostByHashing(pool, clientIP) |
} |
// URIHashSelection is a policy that selects a
// host by hashing the request URI.
type URIHashSelection struct{} |
// CaddyModule returns the Caddy module information.
func (URIHashSelection) CaddyModule() caddy.ModuleInfo { |
return caddy.ModuleInfo{ |
Name: "http.handlers.reverse_proxy.selection_policies.uri_hash", |
New: func() caddy.Module { return new(URIHashSelection) }, |
} |
} |
// Select returns an available host, if any.
func (URIHashSelection) Select(pool HostPool, req *http.Request) *Upstream { |
return hostByHashing(pool, req.RequestURI) |
} |
// HeaderHashSelection is a policy that selects
// a host based on a given request header.
type HeaderHashSelection struct { |
Field string `json:"field,omitempty"` |
} |
// CaddyModule returns the Caddy module information.
func (HeaderHashSelection) CaddyModule() caddy.ModuleInfo { |
return caddy.ModuleInfo{ |
Name: "http.handlers.reverse_proxy.selection_policies.header", |
New: func() caddy.Module { return new(HeaderHashSelection) }, |
} |
} |
// Select returns an available host, if any.
func (s HeaderHashSelection) Select(pool HostPool, req *http.Request) *Upstream { |
if s.Field == "" { |
return nil |
} |
val := req.Header.Get(s.Field) |
if val == "" { |
return RandomSelection{}.Select(pool, req) |
} |
return hostByHashing(pool, val) |
} |
// leastRequests returns the host with the
// least number of active requests to it.
// If more than one host has the same
// least number of active requests, then
// one of those is chosen at random.
func leastRequests(upstreams []*Upstream) *Upstream { |
if len(upstreams) == 0 { |
return nil |
} |
var best []*Upstream |
var bestReqs int |
for _, upstream := range upstreams { |
reqs := upstream.NumRequests() |
if reqs == 0 { |
return upstream |
} |
if reqs <= bestReqs { |
bestReqs = reqs |
best = append(best, upstream) |
} |
} |
return best[weakrand.Intn(len(best))] |
} |
// hostByHashing returns an available host
// from pool based on a hashable string s.
func hostByHashing(pool []*Upstream, s string) *Upstream { |
poolLen := uint32(len(pool)) |
if poolLen == 0 { |
return nil |
} |
index := hash(s) % poolLen |
for i := uint32(0); i < poolLen; i++ { |
index += i |
upstream := pool[index%poolLen] |
if upstream.Available() { |
return upstream |
} |
} |
return nil |
} |
// hash calculates a fast hash based on s.
func hash(s string) uint32 { |
h := fnv.New32a() |
h.Write([]byte(s)) |
return h.Sum32() |
} |
// Interface guards
var ( |
_ Selector = (*RandomSelection)(nil) |
_ Selector = (*RandomChoiceSelection)(nil) |
_ Selector = (*LeastConnSelection)(nil) |
_ Selector = (*RoundRobinSelection)(nil) |
_ Selector = (*FirstSelection)(nil) |
_ Selector = (*IPHashSelection)(nil) |
_ Selector = (*URIHashSelection)(nil) |
_ Selector = (*HeaderHashSelection)(nil) |
_ caddy.Validator = (*RandomChoiceSelection)(nil) |
_ caddy.Provisioner = (*RandomChoiceSelection)(nil) |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ |
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package reverseproxy |
// TODO: finish migrating these
// import (
// "net/http"
// "net/http/httptest"
// "os"
// "testing"
// )
// var workableServer *httptest.Server
// func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
// workableServer = httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(
// func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// // do nothing
// }))
// r := m.Run()
// workableServer.Close()
// os.Exit(r)
// }
// type customPolicy struct{}
// func (customPolicy) Select(pool HostPool, _ *http.Request) Host {
// return pool[0]
// }
// func testPool() HostPool {
// pool := []*UpstreamHost{
// {
// Name: workableServer.URL, // this should resolve (healthcheck test)
// },
// {
// Name: "http://localhost:99998", // this shouldn't
// },
// {
// Name: "http://C",
// },
// }
// return HostPool(pool)
// }
// func TestRoundRobinPolicy(t *testing.T) {
// pool := testPool()
// rrPolicy := &RoundRobin{}
// request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil)
// h := rrPolicy.Select(pool, request)
// // First selected host is 1, because counter starts at 0
// // and increments before host is selected
// if h != pool[1] {
// t.Error("Expected first round robin host to be second host in the pool.")
// }
// h = rrPolicy.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[2] {
// t.Error("Expected second round robin host to be third host in the pool.")
// }
// h = rrPolicy.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[0] {
// t.Error("Expected third round robin host to be first host in the pool.")
// }
// // mark host as down
// pool[1].Unhealthy = 1
// h = rrPolicy.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[2] {
// t.Error("Expected to skip down host.")
// }
// // mark host as up
// pool[1].Unhealthy = 0
// h = rrPolicy.Select(pool, request)
// if h == pool[2] {
// t.Error("Expected to balance evenly among healthy hosts")
// }
// // mark host as full
// pool[1].Conns = 1
// pool[1].MaxConns = 1
// h = rrPolicy.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[2] {
// t.Error("Expected to skip full host.")
// }
// }
// func TestLeastConnPolicy(t *testing.T) {
// pool := testPool()
// lcPolicy := &LeastConn{}
// request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil)
// pool[0].Conns = 10
// pool[1].Conns = 10
// h := lcPolicy.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[2] {
// t.Error("Expected least connection host to be third host.")
// }
// pool[2].Conns = 100
// h = lcPolicy.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[0] && h != pool[1] {
// t.Error("Expected least connection host to be first or second host.")
// }
// }
// func TestCustomPolicy(t *testing.T) {
// pool := testPool()
// customPolicy := &customPolicy{}
// request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil)
// h := customPolicy.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[0] {
// t.Error("Expected custom policy host to be the first host.")
// }
// }
// func TestIPHashPolicy(t *testing.T) {
// pool := testPool()
// ipHash := &IPHash{}
// request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil)
// // We should be able to predict where every request is routed.
// request.RemoteAddr = ""
// h := ipHash.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[1] {
// t.Error("Expected ip hash policy host to be the second host.")
// }
// request.RemoteAddr = ""
// h = ipHash.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[1] {
// t.Error("Expected ip hash policy host to be the second host.")
// }
// request.RemoteAddr = ""
// h = ipHash.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[2] {
// t.Error("Expected ip hash policy host to be the third host.")
// }
// request.RemoteAddr = ""
// h = ipHash.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[1] {
// t.Error("Expected ip hash policy host to be the second host.")
// }
// // we should get the same results without a port
// request.RemoteAddr = ""
// h = ipHash.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[1] {
// t.Error("Expected ip hash policy host to be the second host.")
// }
// request.RemoteAddr = ""
// h = ipHash.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[1] {
// t.Error("Expected ip hash policy host to be the second host.")
// }
// request.RemoteAddr = ""
// h = ipHash.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[2] {
// t.Error("Expected ip hash policy host to be the third host.")
// }
// request.RemoteAddr = ""
// h = ipHash.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[1] {
// t.Error("Expected ip hash policy host to be the second host.")
// }
// // we should get a healthy host if the original host is unhealthy and a
// // healthy host is available
// request.RemoteAddr = ""
// pool[1].Unhealthy = 1
// h = ipHash.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[2] {
// t.Error("Expected ip hash policy host to be the third host.")
// }
// request.RemoteAddr = ""
// h = ipHash.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[2] {
// t.Error("Expected ip hash policy host to be the third host.")
// }
// pool[1].Unhealthy = 0
// request.RemoteAddr = ""
// pool[2].Unhealthy = 1
// h = ipHash.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[0] {
// t.Error("Expected ip hash policy host to be the first host.")
// }
// request.RemoteAddr = ""
// h = ipHash.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[1] {
// t.Error("Expected ip hash policy host to be the second host.")
// }
// // We should be able to resize the host pool and still be able to predict
// // where a request will be routed with the same IP's used above
// pool = []*UpstreamHost{
// {
// Name: workableServer.URL, // this should resolve (healthcheck test)
// },
// {
// Name: "http://localhost:99998", // this shouldn't
// },
// }
// pool = HostPool(pool)
// request.RemoteAddr = ""
// h = ipHash.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[0] {
// t.Error("Expected ip hash policy host to be the first host.")
// }
// request.RemoteAddr = ""
// h = ipHash.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[1] {
// t.Error("Expected ip hash policy host to be the second host.")
// }
// request.RemoteAddr = ""
// h = ipHash.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[0] {
// t.Error("Expected ip hash policy host to be the first host.")
// }
// request.RemoteAddr = ""
// h = ipHash.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[1] {
// t.Error("Expected ip hash policy host to be the second host.")
// }
// // We should get nil when there are no healthy hosts
// pool[0].Unhealthy = 1
// pool[1].Unhealthy = 1
// h = ipHash.Select(pool, request)
// if h != nil {
// t.Error("Expected ip hash policy host to be nil.")
// }
// }
// func TestFirstPolicy(t *testing.T) {
// pool := testPool()
// firstPolicy := &First{}
// req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/", nil)
// h := firstPolicy.Select(pool, req)
// if h != pool[0] {
// t.Error("Expected first policy host to be the first host.")
// }
// pool[0].Unhealthy = 1
// h = firstPolicy.Select(pool, req)
// if h != pool[1] {
// t.Error("Expected first policy host to be the second host.")
// }
// }
// func TestUriPolicy(t *testing.T) {
// pool := testPool()
// uriPolicy := &URIHash{}
// request := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/test", nil)
// h := uriPolicy.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[0] {
// t.Error("Expected uri policy host to be the first host.")
// }
// pool[0].Unhealthy = 1
// h = uriPolicy.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[1] {
// t.Error("Expected uri policy host to be the first host.")
// }
// request = httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/test_2", nil)
// h = uriPolicy.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[1] {
// t.Error("Expected uri policy host to be the second host.")
// }
// // We should be able to resize the host pool and still be able to predict
// // where a request will be routed with the same URI's used above
// pool = []*UpstreamHost{
// {
// Name: workableServer.URL, // this should resolve (healthcheck test)
// },
// {
// Name: "http://localhost:99998", // this shouldn't
// },
// }
// request = httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/test", nil)
// h = uriPolicy.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[0] {
// t.Error("Expected uri policy host to be the first host.")
// }
// pool[0].Unhealthy = 1
// h = uriPolicy.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[1] {
// t.Error("Expected uri policy host to be the first host.")
// }
// request = httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/test_2", nil)
// h = uriPolicy.Select(pool, request)
// if h != pool[1] {
// t.Error("Expected uri policy host to be the second host.")
// }
// pool[0].Unhealthy = 1
// pool[1].Unhealthy = 1
// h = uriPolicy.Select(pool, request)
// if h != nil {
// t.Error("Expected uri policy policy host to be nil.")
// }
// }
// func TestHeaderPolicy(t *testing.T) {
// pool := testPool()
// tests := []struct {
// Name string
// Policy *Header
// RequestHeaderName string
// RequestHeaderValue string
// NilHost bool
// HostIndex int
// }{
// {"empty config", &Header{""}, "", "", true, 0},
// {"empty config+header+value", &Header{""}, "Affinity", "somevalue", true, 0},
// {"empty config+header", &Header{""}, "Affinity", "", true, 0},
// {"no header(fallback to roundrobin)", &Header{"Affinity"}, "", "", false, 1},
// {"no header(fallback to roundrobin)", &Header{"Affinity"}, "", "", false, 2},
// {"no header(fallback to roundrobin)", &Header{"Affinity"}, "", "", false, 0},
// {"hash route to host", &Header{"Affinity"}, "Affinity", "somevalue", false, 1},
// {"hash route to host", &Header{"Affinity"}, "Affinity", "somevalue2", false, 0},
// {"hash route to host", &Header{"Affinity"}, "Affinity", "somevalue3", false, 2},
// {"hash route with empty value", &Header{"Affinity"}, "Affinity", "", false, 1},
// }
// for idx, test := range tests {
// request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil)
// if test.RequestHeaderName != "" {
// request.Header.Add(test.RequestHeaderName, test.RequestHeaderValue)
// }
// host := test.Policy.Select(pool, request)
// if test.NilHost && host != nil {
// t.Errorf("%d: Expected host to be nil", idx)
// }
// if !test.NilHost && host == nil {
// t.Errorf("%d: Did not expect host to be nil", idx)
// }
// if !test.NilHost && host != pool[test.HostIndex] {
// t.Errorf("%d: Expected Header policy to be host %d", idx, test.HostIndex)
// }
// }
// }
@ -1,450 +0,0 @@ |
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package reverseproxy implements a load-balanced reverse proxy.
package reverseproxy |
import ( |
"context" |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"math/rand" |
"net" |
"net/http" |
"net/url" |
"strings" |
"sync" |
"sync/atomic" |
"time" |
"" |
"" |
) |
// CircuitBreaker defines the functionality of a circuit breaker module.
type CircuitBreaker interface { |
Ok() bool |
RecordMetric(statusCode int, latency time.Duration) |
} |
type noopCircuitBreaker struct{} |
func (ncb noopCircuitBreaker) RecordMetric(statusCode int, latency time.Duration) {} |
func (ncb noopCircuitBreaker) Ok() bool { |
return true |
} |
const ( |
// TypeBalanceRoundRobin represents the value to use for configuring a load balanced reverse proxy to use round robin load balancing.
TypeBalanceRoundRobin = iota |
// TypeBalanceRandom represents the value to use for configuring a load balanced reverse proxy to use random load balancing.
TypeBalanceRandom |
// TODO: add random with two choices
// msgNoHealthyUpstreams is returned if there are no upstreams that are healthy to proxy a request to
msgNoHealthyUpstreams = "No healthy upstreams." |
// by default perform health checks every 30 seconds
defaultHealthCheckDur = time.Second * 30 |
// used when an upstream is unhealthy, health checks can be configured to perform at a faster rate
defaultFastHealthCheckDur = time.Second * 1 |
) |
var ( |
// defaultTransport is the default transport to use for the reverse proxy.
defaultTransport = &http.Transport{ |
Dial: (&net.Dialer{ |
Timeout: 5 * time.Second, |
}).Dial, |
TLSHandshakeTimeout: 5 * time.Second, |
} |
// defaultHTTPClient is the default http client to use for the healthchecker.
defaultHTTPClient = &http.Client{ |
Timeout: time.Second * 10, |
Transport: defaultTransport, |
} |
// typeMap maps caddy load balance configuration to the internal representation of the loadbalance algorithm type.
typeMap = map[string]int{ |
"round_robin": TypeBalanceRoundRobin, |
"random": TypeBalanceRandom, |
} |
) |
// NewLoadBalancedReverseProxy returns a collection of Upstreams that are to be loadbalanced.
func NewLoadBalancedReverseProxy(lb *LoadBalanced, ctx caddy.Context) error { |
// set defaults
if lb.NoHealthyUpstreamsMessage == "" { |
lb.NoHealthyUpstreamsMessage = msgNoHealthyUpstreams |
} |
if lb.TryInterval == "" { |
lb.TryInterval = "20s" |
} |
// set request retry interval
ti, err := time.ParseDuration(lb.TryInterval) |
if err != nil { |
return fmt.Errorf("NewLoadBalancedReverseProxy: %v", err.Error()) |
} |
lb.tryInterval = ti |
// set load balance algorithm
t, ok := typeMap[lb.LoadBalanceType] |
if !ok { |
t = TypeBalanceRandom |
} |
lb.loadBalanceType = t |
// setup each upstream
var us []*upstream |
for _, uc := range lb.Upstreams { |
// pass the upstream decr and incr methods to keep track of unhealthy nodes
nu, err := newUpstream(uc, lb.decrUnhealthy, lb.incrUnhealthy) |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
// setup any configured circuit breakers
var cbModule = "http.handlers.reverse_proxy.circuit_breaker" |
var cb CircuitBreaker |
if uc.CircuitBreaker != nil { |
if _, err := caddy.GetModule(cbModule); err == nil { |
val, err := ctx.LoadModule(cbModule, uc.CircuitBreaker) |
if err == nil { |
cbv, ok := val.(CircuitBreaker) |
if ok { |
cb = cbv |
} else { |
fmt.Printf("\nerr: %v; cannot load circuit_breaker, using noop", err.Error()) |
cb = noopCircuitBreaker{} |
} |
} else { |
fmt.Printf("\nerr: %v; cannot load circuit_breaker, using noop", err.Error()) |
cb = noopCircuitBreaker{} |
} |
} else { |
fmt.Println("circuit_breaker module not loaded, using noop") |
cb = noopCircuitBreaker{} |
} |
} else { |
cb = noopCircuitBreaker{} |
} |
nu.CB = cb |
// start a healthcheck worker which will periodically check to see if an upstream is healthy
// to proxy requests to.
nu.healthChecker = NewHealthCheckWorker(nu, defaultHealthCheckDur, defaultHTTPClient) |
// TODO :- if path is empty why does this empty the entire Target?
// nu.Target.Path = uc.HealthCheckPath
nu.healthChecker.ScheduleChecks(nu.Target.String()) |
lb.HealthCheckers = append(lb.HealthCheckers, nu.healthChecker) |
us = append(us, nu) |
} |
lb.upstreams = us |
return nil |
} |
// LoadBalanced represents a collection of upstream hosts that are loadbalanced. It
// contains multiple features like health checking and circuit breaking functionality
// for upstreams.
type LoadBalanced struct { |
mu sync.Mutex |
numUnhealthy int32 |
selectedServer int // used during round robin load balancing
loadBalanceType int |
tryInterval time.Duration |
upstreams []*upstream |
// The following struct fields are set by caddy configuration.
// TryInterval is the max duration for which request retrys will be performed for a request.
TryInterval string `json:"try_interval,omitempty"` |
// Upstreams are the configs for upstream hosts
Upstreams []*UpstreamConfig `json:"upstreams,omitempty"` |
// LoadBalanceType is the string representation of what loadbalancing algorithm to use. i.e. "random" or "round_robin".
LoadBalanceType string `json:"load_balance_type,omitempty"` |
// NoHealthyUpstreamsMessage is returned as a response when there are no healthy upstreams to loadbalance to.
NoHealthyUpstreamsMessage string `json:"no_healthy_upstreams_message,omitempty"` |
// TODO :- store healthcheckers as package level state where each upstream gets a single healthchecker
// currently a healthchecker is created for each upstream defined, even if a healthchecker was previously created
// for that upstream
HealthCheckers []*HealthChecker `json:"health_checkers,omitempty"` |
} |
// Cleanup stops all health checkers on a loadbalanced reverse proxy.
func (lb *LoadBalanced) Cleanup() error { |
for _, hc := range lb.HealthCheckers { |
hc.Stop() |
} |
return nil |
} |
// Provision sets up a new loadbalanced reverse proxy.
func (lb *LoadBalanced) Provision(ctx caddy.Context) error { |
return NewLoadBalancedReverseProxy(lb, ctx) |
} |
// ServeHTTP implements the caddyhttp.MiddlewareHandler interface to
// dispatch an HTTP request to the proper server.
func (lb *LoadBalanced) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ caddyhttp.Handler) error { |
// ensure requests don't hang if an upstream does not respond or is not eventually healthy
var u *upstream |
var done bool |
retryTimer := time.NewTicker(lb.tryInterval) |
defer retryTimer.Stop() |
go func() { |
select { |
case <-retryTimer.C: |
done = true |
} |
}() |
// keep trying to get an available upstream to process the request
for { |
switch lb.loadBalanceType { |
case TypeBalanceRandom: |
u = lb.random() |
case TypeBalanceRoundRobin: |
u = lb.roundRobin() |
} |
// if we can't get an upstream and our retry interval has ended return an error response
if u == nil && done { |
w.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadGateway) |
fmt.Fprint(w, lb.NoHealthyUpstreamsMessage) |
return fmt.Errorf(msgNoHealthyUpstreams) |
} |
// attempt to get an available upstream
if u == nil { |
continue |
} |
start := time.Now() |
// if we get an error retry until we get a healthy upstream
res, err := u.ReverseProxy.ServeHTTP(w, r) |
if err != nil { |
if err == context.Canceled { |
return nil |
} |
continue |
} |
// record circuit breaker metrics
go u.CB.RecordMetric(res.StatusCode, time.Now().Sub(start)) |
return nil |
} |
} |
// incrUnhealthy increments the amount of unhealthy nodes in a loadbalancer.
func (lb *LoadBalanced) incrUnhealthy() { |
atomic.AddInt32(&lb.numUnhealthy, 1) |
} |
// decrUnhealthy decrements the amount of unhealthy nodes in a loadbalancer.
func (lb *LoadBalanced) decrUnhealthy() { |
atomic.AddInt32(&lb.numUnhealthy, -1) |
} |
// roundRobin implements a round robin load balancing algorithm to select
// which server to forward requests to.
func (lb *LoadBalanced) roundRobin() *upstream { |
if atomic.LoadInt32(&lb.numUnhealthy) == int32(len(lb.upstreams)) { |
return nil |
} |
selected := lb.upstreams[lb.selectedServer] |
|||| |
lb.selectedServer++ |
if lb.selectedServer >= len(lb.upstreams) { |
lb.selectedServer = 0 |
} |
|||| |
if selected.IsHealthy() && selected.CB.Ok() { |
return selected |
} |
return nil |
} |
// random implements a random server selector for load balancing.
func (lb *LoadBalanced) random() *upstream { |
if atomic.LoadInt32(&lb.numUnhealthy) == int32(len(lb.upstreams)) { |
return nil |
} |
n := rand.Int() % len(lb.upstreams) |
selected := lb.upstreams[n] |
if selected.IsHealthy() && selected.CB.Ok() { |
return selected |
} |
return nil |
} |
// UpstreamConfig represents the config of an upstream.
type UpstreamConfig struct { |
// Host is the host name of the upstream server.
Host string `json:"host,omitempty"` |
// FastHealthCheckDuration is the duration for which a health check is performed when a node is considered unhealthy.
FastHealthCheckDuration string `json:"fast_health_check_duration,omitempty"` |
CircuitBreaker json.RawMessage `json:"circuit_breaker,omitempty"` |
// // CircuitBreakerConfig is the config passed to setup a circuit breaker.
// CircuitBreakerConfig *circuitbreaker.Config `json:"circuit_breaker,omitempty"`
circuitbreaker CircuitBreaker |
// HealthCheckDuration is the default duration for which a health check is performed.
HealthCheckDuration string `json:"health_check_duration,omitempty"` |
// HealthCheckPath is the path at the upstream host to use for healthchecks.
HealthCheckPath string `json:"health_check_path,omitempty"` |
} |
// upstream represents an upstream host.
type upstream struct { |
Healthy int32 // 0 = false, 1 = true
Target *url.URL |
ReverseProxy *ReverseProxy |
Incr func() |
Decr func() |
CB CircuitBreaker |
healthChecker *HealthChecker |
healthCheckDur time.Duration |
fastHealthCheckDur time.Duration |
} |
// newUpstream returns a new upstream.
func newUpstream(uc *UpstreamConfig, d func(), i func()) (*upstream, error) { |
host := strings.TrimSpace(uc.Host) |
protoIdx := strings.Index(host, "://") |
if protoIdx == -1 || len(host[:protoIdx]) == 0 { |
return nil, fmt.Errorf("protocol is required for host") |
} |
hostURL, err := url.Parse(host) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
// parse healthcheck durations
hcd, err := time.ParseDuration(uc.HealthCheckDuration) |
if err != nil { |
hcd = defaultHealthCheckDur |
} |
fhcd, err := time.ParseDuration(uc.FastHealthCheckDuration) |
if err != nil { |
fhcd = defaultFastHealthCheckDur |
} |
u := upstream{ |
healthCheckDur: hcd, |
fastHealthCheckDur: fhcd, |
Target: hostURL, |
Decr: d, |
Incr: i, |
Healthy: int32(0), // assume is unhealthy on start
} |
u.ReverseProxy = newReverseProxy(hostURL, u.SetHealthiness) |
return &u, nil |
} |
// SetHealthiness sets whether an upstream is healthy or not. The health check worker is updated to
// perform checks faster if a node is unhealthy.
func (u *upstream) SetHealthiness(ok bool) { |
h := atomic.LoadInt32(&u.Healthy) |
var wasHealthy bool |
if h == 1 { |
wasHealthy = true |
} else { |
wasHealthy = false |
} |
if ok { |
u.healthChecker.Ticker = time.NewTicker(u.healthCheckDur) |
if !wasHealthy { |
atomic.AddInt32(&u.Healthy, 1) |
u.Decr() |
} |
} else { |
u.healthChecker.Ticker = time.NewTicker(u.fastHealthCheckDur) |
if wasHealthy { |
atomic.AddInt32(&u.Healthy, -1) |
u.Incr() |
} |
} |
} |
// IsHealthy returns whether an Upstream is healthy or not.
func (u *upstream) IsHealthy() bool { |
i := atomic.LoadInt32(&u.Healthy) |
if i == 1 { |
return true |
} |
return false |
} |
// newReverseProxy returns a new reverse proxy handler.
func newReverseProxy(target *url.URL, setHealthiness func(bool)) *ReverseProxy { |
errorHandler := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error) { |
// we don't need to worry about cancelled contexts since this doesn't necessarilly mean that
// the upstream is unhealthy.
if err != context.Canceled { |
setHealthiness(false) |
} |
} |
rp := NewSingleHostReverseProxy(target) |
rp.ErrorHandler = errorHandler |
rp.Transport = defaultTransport // use default transport that times out in 5 seconds
return rp |
} |
// Interface guards
var ( |
_ caddyhttp.MiddlewareHandler = (*LoadBalanced)(nil) |
_ caddy.Provisioner = (*LoadBalanced)(nil) |
_ caddy.CleanerUpper = (*LoadBalanced)(nil) |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ |
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package caddy |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"sync" |
"sync/atomic" |
) |
// UsagePool is a thread-safe map that pools values
// based on usage; a LoadOrStore operation increments
// the usage, and a Delete decrements from the usage.
// If the usage count reaches 0, the value will be
// removed from the map. There is no way to overwrite
// existing keys in the pool without first deleting
// it as many times as it was stored. Deleting too
// many times will panic.
// An empty UsagePool is NOT safe to use; always call
// NewUsagePool() to make a new value.
type UsagePool struct { |
pool *sync.Map |
} |
// NewUsagePool returns a new usage pool.
func NewUsagePool() *UsagePool { |
return &UsagePool{pool: new(sync.Map)} |
} |
// Delete decrements the usage count for key and removes the
// value from the underlying map if the usage is 0. It returns
// true if the usage count reached 0 and the value was deleted.
// It panics if the usage count drops below 0; always call
// Delete precisely as many times as LoadOrStore.
func (up *UsagePool) Delete(key interface{}) (deleted bool) { |
usageVal, ok := up.pool.Load(key) |
if !ok { |
return false |
} |
upv := usageVal.(*usagePoolVal) |
newUsage := atomic.AddInt32(&upv.usage, -1) |
if newUsage == 0 { |
up.pool.Delete(key) |
return true |
} else if newUsage < 0 { |
panic(fmt.Sprintf("deleted more than stored: %#v (usage: %d)", |
upv.value, upv.usage)) |
} |
return false |
} |
// LoadOrStore puts val in the pool and returns false if key does
// not already exist; otherwise if the key exists, it loads the
// existing value, increments the usage for that value, and returns
// the value along with true.
func (up *UsagePool) LoadOrStore(key, val interface{}) (actual interface{}, loaded bool) { |
usageVal := &usagePoolVal{ |
usage: 1, |
value: val, |
} |
actual, loaded = up.pool.LoadOrStore(key, usageVal) |
if loaded { |
upv := actual.(*usagePoolVal) |
actual = upv.value |
atomic.AddInt32(&upv.usage, 1) |
} |
return |
} |
type usagePoolVal struct { |
usage int32 // accessed atomically; must be 64-bit aligned for 32-bit systems
value interface{} |
} |
Reference in new issue