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374 lines
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package app
import (
// Transaction contains all tx information
type Transaction struct {
Edge struct {
ObservationEdge struct {
Parents []struct {
HashReference string `json:"hashReference"`
HashType string `json:"hashType"`
BaseHash string `json:"baseHash"`
} `json:"parents"`
Data struct {
HashReference string `json:"hashReference"`
HashType string `json:"hashType"`
BaseHash string `json:"baseHash"`
} `json:"data"`
} `json:"observationEdge"`
SignedObservationEdge struct {
SignatureBatch struct {
Hash string `json:"hash"`
Signatures []struct {
Signature string `json:"signature"`
ID struct {
Hex string `json:"hex"`
} `json:"id"`
} `json:"signatures"`
} `json:"signatureBatch"`
} `json:"signedObservationEdge"`
Data struct {
Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
LastTxRef struct {
PrevHash string `json:"prevHash"`
Ordinal int `json:"ordinal"`
} `json:"lastTxRef"`
Fee int64 `json:"fee,omitempty"`
Salt int64 `json:"salt"`
} `json:"data"`
} `json:"edge"`
LastTxRef struct {
PrevHash string `json:"prevHash"`
Ordinal int `json:"ordinal"`
} `json:"lastTxRef"`
IsDummy bool `json:"isDummy"`
IsTest bool `json:"isTest"`
/* Send a transaction */
// TriggerTXFromFE will initate a new transaction triggered from the frontend.
func (a *WalletApplication) TriggerTXFromFE(amount float64, fee float64, address string) bool {
amountConverted := int64(amount * 1e8)
feeConverted := int64(fee * 1e8)
a.PrepareTransaction(amountConverted, feeConverted, address)
for !a.TransactionFinished {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
return a.TransactionFailed
// PrepareTransaction is triggered from the frontend (Transaction.vue) and will initialize a new tx.
// methods called are defined in buildchain.go
func (a *WalletApplication) PrepareTransaction(amount int64, fee int64, address string) {
balance, err := a.GetTokenBalance()
if err != nil {
a.log.Errorln("Error when querying wallet balance. Reason: ", err)
a.sendWarning("Unable to poll balance for wallet. Please try again later.")
a.TransactionFailed = true
if amount+fee > int64(balance*1e8) {
a.log.Warnf("Trying to send: %d", amount+fee)
a.log.Warnf("Insufficient Balance: %d", int64(balance*1e8))
a.sendWarning("Insufficent Balance.")
a.TransactionFailed = true
if a.TransactionFinished {
a.TransactionFinished = false
// Asynchronously inform FE of TX state in wallet.
go func() {
for !a.TransactionFinished {
a.RT.Events.Emit("tx_in_transit", a.TransactionFinished)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
a.RT.Events.Emit("tx_in_transit", a.TransactionFinished)
ptx := a.loadTXFromFile(a.paths.PrevTXFile)
ltx := a.loadTXFromFile(a.paths.LastTXFile)
ptxObj, ltxObj := a.convertToTXObject(ptx, ltx)
a.formTXChain(amount, fee, address, ptxObj, ltxObj)
func (a *WalletApplication) putTXOnNetwork(tx *Transaction) (bool, string) {
a.log.Info("Attempting to communicate with mainnet on: " + a.Network.URL + a.Network.Handles.Transaction)
a.log.Warnln("TX Ordinal:", tx.Edge.Data.LastTxRef.Ordinal)
bytesRepresentation, err := json.Marshal(tx)
if err != nil {
a.log.Errorln("Unable to parse JSON data for transaction", err)
a.sendError("Unable to parse JSON data for transaction", err)
return false, ""
resp, err := http.Post(a.Network.URL+a.Network.Handles.Transaction, "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer(bytesRepresentation))
if err != nil {
a.log.Errorln("Failed to send HTTP request. Reason: ", err)
a.sendError("Unable to send request to mainnet. Please check your internet connection. Reason: ", err)
return false, ""
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
bodyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
a.log.Errorln("Failed to read the response body. Reason: ", err)
bodyString := string(bodyBytes[1:65])
a.log.Infoln("The bytesize of the request body: ", len(bodyBytes))
if len(bodyBytes) == 66 {
a.log.Info("Transaction Hash: ", bodyString)
a.log.Infoln("Transaction has been successfully sent to the network.")
a.sendSuccess("Transaction successfully sent!")
return true, bodyString
a.sendWarning("Unable to put transaction on the network. Reason: " + bodyString)
return false, ""
bodyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
bodyString := string(bodyBytes)
a.sendError("Unable to communicate with mainnet. Reason: "+bodyString, err)
a.log.Errorln("Unable to put TX on the network. HTTP Code: " + string(resp.StatusCode) + " - " + bodyString)
return false, ""
func (a *WalletApplication) sendTransaction(txFile string) *models.TXHistory {
txObject := a.loadTXFromFile(txFile)
tx := &Transaction{}
bytes := []byte(txObject)
err := json.Unmarshal(bytes, &tx)
if err != nil {
a.sendError("Unable to parse the last transaction. Reason:", err)
a.log.Errorf("Unable to parse contents of last_tx. Reason: %s", err)
return nil
// Put TX object on network
TXSuccessfullyPutOnNetwork, hash := a.putTXOnNetwork(tx)
if TXSuccessfullyPutOnNetwork {
txData := &models.TXHistory{
Amount: tx.Edge.Data.Amount,
Receiver: tx.Edge.ObservationEdge.Parents[1].HashReference,
Fee: tx.Edge.Data.Fee,
Hash: hash,
TS: time.Now().Format("Jan _2 15:04:05"),
Status: "Pending",
Failed: false,
a.RT.Events.Emit("new_transaction", txData) // Pass the tx to the frontend as a new transaction.
a.TransactionFinished = true
a.TransactionFailed = false
return txData
txData := &models.TXHistory{
Amount: tx.Edge.Data.Amount,
Receiver: tx.Edge.ObservationEdge.Parents[1].HashReference,
Fee: tx.Edge.Data.Fee,
Hash: hash,
TS: time.Now().Format("Jan _2 15:04:05"),
Status: "Error",
Failed: true,
a.log.Errorln("TX Failed, storing with failed state.")
a.TransactionFinished = true
a.TransactionFailed = true
return txData
func (a *WalletApplication) storeTX(txData *models.TXHistory) {
if txData == nil {
if err := a.DB.Model(&a.wallet).Where("wallet_alias = ?", a.wallet.WalletAlias).Association("TXHistory").Append(txData).Error; err != nil {
a.log.Errorln("Unable to update the DB record with the new TX. Reason: ", err)
a.sendError("Unable to update the DB record with the new TX. Reason: ", err)
a.log.Infoln("Successfully stored tx in DB")
// loadTXFromFile takes a file, scans it and returns it in an object
func (a *WalletApplication) loadTXFromFile(txFile string) string {
var txObjects string
fi, err := os.Stat(txFile)
if err != nil {
a.log.Errorln("Unable to stat last_tx. Reason: ", err)
a.sendError("Unable to stat last_tx. Reason: ", err)
return ""
// get the size
size := fi.Size()
if size <= 0 {
a.log.Info("TX file is empty.")
return ""
file, err := os.Open(txFile) // acct
if err != nil {
a.log.Errorln("Unable to open TX file. Reason: ", err)
a.sendError("Unable to read last tx. Aborting... Reason: ", err)
return ""
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
for scanner.Scan() {
txObjects = scanner.Text()
defer file.Close()
return txObjects
/* Query TX */
// TxProcessed will query the last transaction. If no answer is returned, it means it's processed and the
// method will return true.
func (a *WalletApplication) TxProcessed(TXHash string) bool {
a.log.Info("Communicating with mainnet on: " + a.Network.URL + a.Network.Handles.Transaction + "/" + TXHash)
resp, err := http.Get(a.Network.URL + a.Network.Handles.Transaction + "/" + TXHash)
if err != nil {
a.log.Errorln("Failed to send HTTP request. Reason: ", err)
if err := a.DB.Model(&a.wallet).Where("wallet_alias = ?", a.wallet.WalletAlias).Delete(&a.wallet).Error; err != nil {
a.log.Errorln("Unable to delete wallet upon failed import. Reason: ", err)
return false
a.log.Errorln("Unable to verify transaction status. Please check your internet connection.")
return false
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.Body == nil {
return false
bodyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return false
// Declared an empty interface
var result map[string]interface{}
// Unmarshal or Decode the JSON to the interface.
err = json.Unmarshal(bodyBytes, &result)
if err != nil {
return false
if result["cbBaseHash"] != nil {
a.log.Infoln("CheckPoint Hash :", result["cbBaseHash"])
return true
// null response means it's snapshotted
return string(bodyBytes) == "null"
type txStatus struct {
Complete string
Pending string
Error string
// TxPending takes a TX Hash and updates the frontend with the current status (Pending/Error/Complete)
func (a *WalletApplication) TxPending(TXHash string) {
status := &txStatus{
Complete: "Complete",
Pending: "Pending",
Error: "Error",
consensus := 0
select {
case <-a.killSignal:
go func() bool {
for retryCounter := 0; retryCounter < 30; retryCounter++ {
processed := a.TxProcessed(TXHash)
if !processed {
a.log.Warnf("Transaction %v pending", TXHash)
a.RT.Events.Emit("tx_pending", status.Pending)
time.Sleep(time.Duration(retryCounter) * time.Second) // Increase polling interval
if retryCounter == 29 {
// Register failed transaction
a.sendWarning("Unable to get verification of processed transaction from the network. Please try again later.")
a.log.Errorf("Unable to get status from the network on transaction: %s", TXHash)
a.RT.Events.Emit("tx_pending", status.Error)
if err := a.DB.Table("tx_histories").Where("hash = ?", TXHash).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"status": status.Error, "failed": true}).Error; err != nil {
a.log.Errorln("Unable to query database object for the imported wallet. Reason: ", err)
a.LoginError("Unable to query database object for the imported wallet.")
return false
a.RT.Events.Emit("update_tx_history", []models.TXHistory{}) // Clear TX history
return false
consensus = 0 // Reset consensus
if processed && consensus != 3 {
a.log.Infof("TX status check has reached consensus %v/3", consensus)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
if processed && consensus == 3 { // Need five consecetive confirmations that TX has been processed.
a.log.Infof("Transaction %v has been successfully processed", TXHash)
a.sendSuccess("Transaction " + TXHash[:30] + "... has been successfully processed")
if err := a.DB.Table("tx_histories").Where("hash = ?", TXHash).UpdateColumn("status", status.Complete).Error; err != nil {
a.log.Errorln("Unable to query database object for the imported wallet. Reason: ", err)
a.LoginError("Unable to query database object for the imported wallet.")
return false
a.RT.Events.Emit("tx_pending", status.Complete)
a.RT.Events.Emit("update_tx_history", []models.TXHistory{}) // Clear TX history
return true