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237 lines
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package app
import (
log ""
// WalletApplication holds all application specific objects
// such as the Client/Server event bus and logger
type WalletApplication struct {
Version string
RT *wails.Runtime
log *logrus.Logger
wallet models.Wallet
DB *gorm.DB
killSignal chan struct{}
Network struct {
URL string
Handles struct {
Send string // Takes TX Object, returns TX Hash (200)
Transaction string // Takes TX Object, returns TX Hash (200)
Balance string // Polls the wallets available balance
BlockExplorer struct {
URL string
Handles struct {
Transactions string // Takes TX Hash, returns TX info
Checkpoints string // Takes Checkpoint block hash, returns checkpoint block info
Snapshots string // Takes SnapshotHash, returns info
CollectTX string // Takes DAG address, returns tx objects
paths struct {
HomeDir string
DAGDir string
TMPDir string
EncryptedDir string
EmptyTXFile string
PrevTXFile string
LastTXFile string
AddressFile string
ImageDir string
Java string
KeyStoreAccess bool
TransactionFinished bool
TransactionFailed bool
UserLoggedIn bool
NewUser bool
WalletImported bool
FirstTX bool
SecondTX bool
WidgetRunning struct {
PassKeysToFrontend bool
DashboardWidgets bool
WalletCLI struct {
URL string
Version string
// WailsShutdown is called when the application is closed
func (a *WalletApplication) WailsShutdown() {
a.wallet = models.Wallet{}
close(a.killSignal) // Kills the Go Routines
// WailsInit initializes the Client and Server side bindings
func (a *WalletApplication) WailsInit(runtime *wails.Runtime) error {
var err error
a.log = logrus.New()
err = a.initDirectoryStructure()
if err != nil {
a.log.Errorln("Unable to set up directory structure. Reason: ", err)
err = api.InitRPCServer()
if err != nil {
a.log.Panicf("Unable to initialize RPC Server. Reason: %v", err)
a.log.Infoln("RPC Server initialized.")
a.UserLoggedIn = false
a.NewUser = false
a.TransactionFinished = true
a.RT = runtime
a.killSignal = make(chan struct{}) // Used to kill go routines and hand back system resources
a.wallet.Currency = "USD" // Set default currency
a.WalletCLI.URL = ""
a.WalletCLI.Version = "2.6.0"
a.Version = "1.2.0"
a.DB, err = gorm.Open("sqlite3", a.paths.DAGDir+"/store.db")
if err != nil {
a.log.Panicln("failed to connect database", err)
// Migrate the schema
a.DB.AutoMigrate(&models.Wallet{}, &models.TXHistory{}, &models.Path{})
return nil
// initLogger writes logs to STDOUT and a.paths.DAGDir/wallet.log
func (a *WalletApplication) initLogger() {
logFile, err := os.OpenFile(a.paths.DAGDir+"/wallet.log", os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0664)
if err != nil {
a.log.Fatal("Unable to create log file.")
mw := io.MultiWriter(os.Stdout, logFile)
ForceColors: true,
FullTimestamp: true,
// Initializes the Directory Structure and stores the paths to the WalletApplication struct.
func (a *WalletApplication) initDirectoryStructure() error {
user, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
return err
a.paths.HomeDir = user.HomeDir // Home directory of the user
a.paths.DAGDir = a.paths.HomeDir + "/.dag" // DAG directory for configuration files and wallet specific data
a.paths.TMPDir = a.paths.DAGDir + "/tmp"
a.paths.LastTXFile = a.paths.TMPDir + "/last_tx"
a.paths.PrevTXFile = a.paths.TMPDir + "/prev_tx"
a.paths.EmptyTXFile = a.paths.TMPDir + "/genesis_tx"
a.paths.ImageDir = "./frontend/src/assets/img/" // Image Folder
a.log.Info("DAG Directory: ", a.paths.DAGDir)
err = a.directoryCreator(a.paths.DAGDir, a.paths.TMPDir)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// initMainnetConnection populates the WalletApplication struct with mainnet data
func (a *WalletApplication) initMainnetConnection() {
a.Network.URL = "" // Temp
a.Network.Handles.Send = "/send"
a.Network.Handles.Transaction = "/transaction"
a.Network.Handles.Balance = "/address/"
a.Network.BlockExplorer.URL = ""
a.Network.BlockExplorer.Handles.Transactions = "/transactions/"
a.Network.BlockExplorer.Handles.Checkpoints = "/checkpoints/"
a.Network.BlockExplorer.Handles.Snapshots = "/snapshots/"
a.Network.BlockExplorer.Handles.CollectTX = "/transactions?sender="
// APIError reported by the blockexplerer/loadbalancer are reported in the following format
// {"error": "Cannot find transactions for sender"}
type APIError struct {
Error string
// verifyAPIResponse takes API response converted to a byte array and checks if the API returned
// an error. If it did, it'll return the error message.
func (a *WalletApplication) verifyAPIResponse(r []byte) (bool, string) {
APIErr := APIError{}
if string(r[3:8]) == "error" {
err := json.Unmarshal(r, &APIErr)
if err != nil {
a.log.Errorln("Unable to parse API error. Reason: ", err)
return false, APIErr.Error
return true, ""
func (a *WalletApplication) sendSuccess(msg string) {
if len(msg) > 200 {
msg = string(msg[:200]) // Restrict error size for frontend
a.RT.Events.Emit("success", msg)
a.RT.Events.Emit("success", msg)
func (a *WalletApplication) sendWarning(msg string) {
if len(msg) > 200 {
msg = string(msg[:200]) // Restrict error size for frontend
a.RT.Events.Emit("warning", msg)
a.RT.Events.Emit("warning", msg)
func (a *WalletApplication) sendError(msg string, err error) {
var errStr string
if err != nil {
b := []byte(err.Error())
if len(b) > 80 {
errStr = string(b[:80]) // Restrict error size for frontend
} else if len(b) < 80 {
errStr = string(b)
} else {
errStr = ""
a.RT.Events.Emit("error_handling", msg, errStr+" ...")
} else {
a.RT.Events.Emit("error_handling", msg+" ...")