forked from go/golangs_learn
836 lines
23 KiB
836 lines
23 KiB
package app
import (
type VideoSrtTranslateStruct struct {
TranslateSwitch bool //字幕翻译开关
Supplier int //引擎供应商
BilingualSubtitleSwitch bool //是否输出双语字幕
InputLanguage int //输入字幕语言
OutputLanguage int //输出字幕语言
OutputMainSubtitleInputLanguage bool //双语主字幕(输入语言)
BaiduTranslate translate.BaiduTranslate //百度翻译
TengxunyunTranslate translate.TengxunyunTranslate //腾讯云翻译
type VideoSrtTranslateResult struct {
From string //翻译源语言
To string //译文语言
TransResultSrc string //翻译结果(原文)
TransResultDst string //翻译结果(译文)
type VideoSrt struct {
Ffmpeg ffmpeg.Ffmpeg
AliyunOss aliyun.AliyunOss //oss
AliyunClound aliyun.AliyunClound //语音识别引擎
CloseAutoDeleteOssTempFile bool //关闭自动删除临时音频文件(默认开启)[false开启 true关闭]
CloseIntelligentBlockSwitch bool //关闭智能分段处理(默认开启)
TempDir string //临时文件目录
AppDir string //应用根目录
SrtDir string //字幕文件输出目录
OutputType *AppSetingsOutput //输出文件类型
OutputEncode int //输出文件编码
SoundTrack int //输出音轨(0输出全部音轨)
MaxConcurrency int //最大处理并发数
TranslateCfg *VideoSrtTranslateStruct //翻译配置
FilterSetings *AppFilterSetings //过滤器配置
LogHandler func(s string , video string) //日志回调
SuccessHandler func(video string) //成功回调
FailHandler func(video string) //失败回调
func NewApp(appDir string) *VideoSrt {
app := new(VideoSrt)
app.TempDir = "temp/audio"
app.AppDir = appDir
app.OutputEncode = OUTPUT_ENCODE_UTF8 //默认输出文件编码
app.MaxConcurrency = 2
app.TranslateCfg = new(VideoSrtTranslateStruct)
return app
func (app *VideoSrt) InitAppConfig(oss *AliyunOssCache , engine *AliyunEngineCache) {
app.AliyunOss.Endpoint = oss.Endpoint
app.AliyunOss.AccessKeyId = oss.AccessKeyId
app.AliyunOss.AccessKeySecret = oss.AccessKeySecret
app.AliyunOss.BucketName = oss.BucketName
app.AliyunOss.BucketDomain = oss.BucketDomain
app.AliyunClound.AppKey = engine.AppKey
app.AliyunClound.AccessKeyId = engine.AccessKeyId
app.AliyunClound.AccessKeySecret = engine.AccessKeySecret
app.AliyunClound.Region = engine.Region
func (app *VideoSrt) InitTranslateConfig (translateSettings *VideoSrtTranslateStruct) {
app.TranslateCfg = translateSettings
func (app *VideoSrt) InitFilterConfig (filterSetings *AppFilterSetings) {
app.FilterSetings = filterSetings
func (app *VideoSrt) SetCloseAutoDeleteOssTempFile(state bool) {
app.CloseAutoDeleteOssTempFile = state
func (app *VideoSrt) SetCloseIntelligentBlockSwitch(state bool) {
app.CloseIntelligentBlockSwitch = state
func (app *VideoSrt) SetSrtDir(dir string) {
app.SrtDir = dir
func (app *VideoSrt) SetOutputType(output *AppSetingsOutput) {
app.OutputType = output
func (app *VideoSrt) SetOutputEncode(encode int) {
app.OutputEncode = encode
func (app *VideoSrt) SetSoundTrack(track int) {
app.SoundTrack = track
func (app *VideoSrt) SetMaxConcurrency(number int) {
if number == 0 {
number = 2
app.MaxConcurrency = number
func (app *VideoSrt) SetSuccessHandler(callback func(video string)) {
app.SuccessHandler = callback
func (app *VideoSrt) SetFailHandler(callback func(video string)) {
app.FailHandler = callback
func (app *VideoSrt) SetLogHandler(callback func(s string , video string)) {
app.LogHandler = callback
func (app *VideoSrt) Log(s string , v string) {
app.LogHandler(s , v)
func (app *VideoSrt) ClearTempDir() {
tmpAudioDir := app.AppDir + "/" + app.TempDir
if tool.DirExists(tmpAudioDir) {
if remove := os.RemoveAll(tmpAudioDir); remove != nil {
app.Log("清空临时文件夹失败,请手动操作" , "警告")
func (app *VideoSrt) Run(video string) {
var tmpAudio string = ""
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
//fmt.Println( err )
e , ok := err.(error)
if ok {
app.Log("错误:" + e.Error() , video)
} else {
if tool.VaildFile(video) != true {
tmpAudioDir := app.AppDir + "/" + app.TempDir
if !tool.DirExists(tmpAudioDir) {
if err := tool.CreateDir(tmpAudioDir , false); err != nil {
tmpAudioFile := tool.GetRandomCodeString(15) + ".mp3"
tmpAudio = tmpAudioDir + "/" + tmpAudioFile //临时音频文件
app.Log("提取音频文件 ..." , video)
ExtractVideoAudio(video , tmpAudio)
app.Log("上传音频文件 ..." , video)
tempfile := UploadAudioToClound(app.AliyunOss , tmpAudio)
filelink := app.AliyunOss.GetObjectFileUrl(tempfile)
app.Log("上传文件成功 , 识别中 ..." , video)
defer func() {
if app.CloseAutoDeleteOssTempFile == false {
if e := DeleteOssCloundTempAudio(app.AliyunOss , tempfile); e!=nil {
app.Log("OSS临时音频清理失败,建议手动删除" , video)
} else {
app.Log("OSS临时音频清理成功" , video)
if app.CloseIntelligentBlockSwitch {
app.Log("您已关闭了软件智能分段处理,将输出原样结果" , video)
AudioResult , IntelligentBlockResult := AliyunAudioRecognition(app , video , app.AliyunClound, filelink)
app.Log("文件识别成功 , 字幕处理中 ..." , video)
if e := AliyunAudioResultTranslate(app , video , AudioResult , IntelligentBlockResult); e != nil {
app.Log("字幕翻译失败:" + e.Error() , video)
app.Log("已强制关闭翻译,仅输出原始字幕文件" , video)
app.TranslateCfg.TranslateSwitch = false
AliyunResultFilter(app , video , AudioResult , IntelligentBlockResult)
if app.OutputType.SRT {
AliyunAudioResultMakeSubtitleFile(app , video , OUTPUT_SRT , AudioResult , IntelligentBlockResult)
if app.OutputType.LRC {
AliyunAudioResultMakeSubtitleFile(app , video , OUTPUT_LRC , AudioResult , IntelligentBlockResult)
if app.OutputType.TXT {
AliyunAudioResultMakeSubtitleFile(app , video , OUTPUT_STRING , AudioResult , IntelligentBlockResult)
if CheckEmptyResult(AudioResult) {
app.Log("检测到识别结果为空,生成字幕失败(检查:媒体文件人声是否清晰?语音引擎与媒体语言是否匹配?)" , video)
app.Log("处理完成" , video)
if tmpAudio != "" {
if remove := os.Remove(tmpAudio); remove != nil {
app.Log("删除临时文件失败,请手动删除" , video)
func (app *VideoSrt) RunTranslate(s string , file string) (*VideoSrtTranslateResult , error) {
var trys int = 0
translateResult := new(VideoSrtTranslateResult)
if app.TranslateCfg.Supplier == TRANSLATE_SUPPLIER_BAIDU {
if app.TranslateCfg.BaiduTranslate.AuthenType == translate.ACCOUNT_COMMON_AUTHEN { //百度翻译标准版
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 1050)
} else {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 200)
from := GetLanguageChar(app.TranslateCfg.InputLanguage , TRANSLATE_SUPPLIER_BAIDU)
to := GetLanguageChar(app.TranslateCfg.OutputLanguage , TRANSLATE_SUPPLIER_BAIDU)
baiduResult,transErr := app.TranslateCfg.BaiduTranslate.TranslateBaidu(s , from , to)
for transErr != nil && trys <= 5 {
app.Log("翻译请求失败,重试第" + strconv.Itoa(trys) + "次 ..." , file)
time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(trys))
baiduResult,transErr = app.TranslateCfg.BaiduTranslate.TranslateBaidu(s , from , to)
if transErr != nil {
return translateResult,errors.New("翻译失败!错误信息:" + transErr.Error())
translateResult.TransResultDst = baiduResult.TransResultDst
translateResult.TransResultSrc = baiduResult.TransResultSrc
translateResult.From = baiduResult.From
translateResult.To = baiduResult.To
return translateResult,nil
} else if app.TranslateCfg.Supplier == TRANSLATE_SUPPLIER_TENGXUNYUN {
t := app.TranslateCfg.TengxunyunTranslate.TranslateSleepTime(app.MaxConcurrency)
from := GetLanguageChar(app.TranslateCfg.InputLanguage , TRANSLATE_SUPPLIER_TENGXUNYUN)
to := GetLanguageChar(app.TranslateCfg.OutputLanguage , TRANSLATE_SUPPLIER_TENGXUNYUN)
txResult,transErr := app.TranslateCfg.TengxunyunTranslate.TranslateTengxunyun(s , from , to)
for transErr != nil && trys <= 5 {
app.Log("翻译请求失败,重试第" + strconv.Itoa(trys) + "次 ..." , file)
time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(trys))
txResult,transErr = app.TranslateCfg.TengxunyunTranslate.TranslateTengxunyun(s , from , to)
if transErr != nil {
return translateResult,errors.New("翻译失败!错误信息:" + transErr.Error())
translateResult.TransResultDst = txResult.TransResultDst
translateResult.TransResultSrc = txResult.TransResultSrc
translateResult.From = txResult.From
translateResult.To = txResult.To
return translateResult,nil
} else {
return translateResult,errors.New("翻译失败!缺少翻译引擎!")
func ExtractVideoAudio(video string , tmpAudio string) {
if err := ffmpeg.ExtractAudio(video , tmpAudio); err != nil {
func UploadAudioToClound(target aliyun.AliyunOss , audioFile string) string {
name := ""
if fileInfo, e := os.Stat(audioFile);e != nil {
} else {
name = fileInfo.Name()
if file , e := target.UploadFile(audioFile , name); e != nil {
} else {
return file
func DeleteOssCloundTempAudio (target aliyun.AliyunOss , objectName string) error {
if e := target.DeleteFile(objectName); e != nil {
return e
return nil
func CheckEmptyResult(AudioResult map[int64][] *aliyun.AliyunAudioRecognitionResult) bool {
empty := true
for _,v := range AudioResult {
for range v {
empty = false
return empty
func AliyunAudioRecognition(app *VideoSrt , video string , engine aliyun.AliyunClound , filelink string) (AudioResult map[int64][] *aliyun.AliyunAudioRecognitionResult , IntelligentBlockResult map[int64][] *aliyun.AliyunAudioRecognitionResult) {
taskid, client, e := engine.NewAudioFile(filelink)
if e != nil {
AudioResult = make(map[int64][] *aliyun.AliyunAudioRecognitionResult)
IntelligentBlockResult = make(map[int64][] *aliyun.AliyunAudioRecognitionResult)
resultError := engine.GetAudioFileResult(taskid , client , func(text string) {
app.Log(text , video)
} , func(result []byte) {
statusText, _ := jsonparser.GetString(result, "StatusText") //结果状态
if statusText == aliyun.STATUS_SUCCESS {
if !app.CloseIntelligentBlockSwitch {
aliyun.AliyunAudioResultWordHandle(result , func(vresult *aliyun.AliyunAudioRecognitionResult) {
channelId := vresult.ChannelId
_ , isPresent := IntelligentBlockResult[channelId]
if isPresent {
IntelligentBlockResult[channelId] = append(IntelligentBlockResult[channelId] , vresult)
} else {
IntelligentBlockResult[channelId] = []*aliyun.AliyunAudioRecognitionResult{}
IntelligentBlockResult[channelId] = append(IntelligentBlockResult[channelId] , vresult)
_, err := jsonparser.ArrayEach(result, func(value []byte, dataType jsonparser.ValueType, offset int, err error) {
text , _ := jsonparser.GetString(value, "Text")
channelId , _ := jsonparser.GetInt(value, "ChannelId")
beginTime , _ := jsonparser.GetInt(value, "BeginTime")
endTime , _ := jsonparser.GetInt(value, "EndTime")
silenceDuration , _ := jsonparser.GetInt(value, "SilenceDuration")
speechRate , _ := jsonparser.GetInt(value, "SpeechRate")
emotionValue , _ := jsonparser.GetInt(value, "EmotionValue")
vresult := &aliyun.AliyunAudioRecognitionResult {
_ , isPresent := AudioResult[channelId]
if isPresent {
AudioResult[channelId] = append(AudioResult[channelId] , vresult)
} else {
AudioResult[channelId] = []*aliyun.AliyunAudioRecognitionResult{}
AudioResult[channelId] = append(AudioResult[channelId] , vresult)
} , "Result", "Sentences")
if err != nil {
if (resultError != nil) {
func AliyunAudioResultTranslate(app *VideoSrt , video string , AudioResult map[int64][] *aliyun.AliyunAudioRecognitionResult , IntelligentBlockResult map[int64][] *aliyun.AliyunAudioRecognitionResult) error {
if app.TranslateCfg.TranslateSwitch {
app.Log("字幕翻译处理中 ..." , video)
if app.TranslateCfg.Supplier == TRANSLATE_SUPPLIER_BAIDU && app.TranslateCfg.BaiduTranslate.AuthenType == translate.ACCOUNT_COMMON_AUTHEN {
app.Log("你使用的是 “百度翻译标准版” 账号,翻译速度较慢,请耐心等待 ..." , video)
} else {
return nil
outputSoundTrack := app.SoundTrack
totalRow := 0 //总处理行数
var lastrv float64 = 0 //最后进度(%)
if !app.CloseIntelligentBlockSwitch {
if app.OutputType.SRT || app.OutputType.LRC {
for channel , result := range IntelligentBlockResult {
soundChannel := channel + 1
if outputSoundTrack != 3 && outputSoundTrack != 0 {
if outputSoundTrack != int(soundChannel) {
continue //跳出非输出音轨转换
totalRow += len(result)
if app.OutputType.TXT {
for channel,result := range AudioResult {
soundChannel := channel + 1
if outputSoundTrack != 3 && outputSoundTrack != 0 {
if outputSoundTrack != int(soundChannel) {
continue //跳出非输出音轨转换
totalRow += len(result)
index := 0
if app.OutputType.SRT || app.OutputType.LRC {
for channel , result := range IntelligentBlockResult {
soundChannel := channel + 1
if outputSoundTrack != 3 && outputSoundTrack != 0 {
if outputSoundTrack != int(soundChannel) {
continue //跳出非输出音轨转换
for _ , data := range result {
transResult,e := app.RunTranslate(data.Text , video)
if e != nil {
return e
//panic(e) //终止翻译
data.TranslateText = strings.TrimSpace(transResult.TransResultDst) //译文
rv := (float64(index)/float64(totalRow))*100
if (rv - lastrv) > 20 {
app.Log("字幕翻译已处理:" + fmt.Sprintf("%.2f" , rv) + "%" , video)
lastrv = rv
if app.OutputType.TXT {
for channel,result := range AudioResult {
soundChannel := channel + 1
if outputSoundTrack != 3 && outputSoundTrack != 0 {
if outputSoundTrack != int(soundChannel) {
continue //跳出非输出音轨转换
for _ , data := range result {
transResult,e := app.RunTranslate(data.Text , video)
if e != nil {
return e
//panic(e) //终止翻译
data.TranslateText = strings.TrimSpace(transResult.TransResultDst) //译文
rv := (float64(index)/float64(totalRow))*100
if (rv - lastrv) > 20 {
app.Log("字幕翻译已处理:" + fmt.Sprintf("%.2f" , rv) + "%" , video)
lastrv = rv
} else { //关闭智能分段
for channel,result := range AudioResult {
soundChannel := channel + 1
if outputSoundTrack != 3 && outputSoundTrack != 0 {
if outputSoundTrack != int(soundChannel) {
continue //跳出非输出音轨转换
totalRow += len(result)
index := 0
for channel,result := range AudioResult {
soundChannel := channel + 1
if outputSoundTrack != 3 && outputSoundTrack != 0 {
if outputSoundTrack != int(soundChannel) {
continue //跳出非输出音轨转换
for _ , data := range result {
transResult,e := app.RunTranslate(data.Text , video)
if e != nil {
return e
//panic(e) //终止翻译
data.TranslateText = strings.TrimSpace(transResult.TransResultDst) //译文
rv := (float64(index)/float64(totalRow))*100
if (rv - lastrv) > 20 {
app.Log("字幕翻译已处理:" + fmt.Sprintf("%.2f" , rv) + "%" , video)
lastrv = rv
return nil
func AliyunResultFilter(app *VideoSrt , video string , AudioResult map[int64][] *aliyun.AliyunAudioRecognitionResult , IntelligentBlockResult map[int64][] *aliyun.AliyunAudioRecognitionResult) {
if !app.FilterSetings.DefinedFilter.Switch && !app.FilterSetings.GlobalFilter.Switch {
app.Log("字幕过滤处理中 ..." , video)
if app.FilterSetings.GlobalFilter.Switch && strings.TrimSpace(app.FilterSetings.GlobalFilter.Words) != "" {
modalWords := strings.Split(app.FilterSetings.GlobalFilter.Words , "\r\n")
for _,result := range IntelligentBlockResult {
for _ , data := range result {
for _ , w := range modalWords {
data.Text = ModalWordsFilter(data.Text , w)
if app.TranslateCfg.TranslateSwitch {
data.TranslateText = ModalWordsFilter(data.TranslateText , w)
for _,result := range AudioResult {
for _ , data := range result {
for _ , w := range modalWords {
data.Text = ModalWordsFilter(data.Text , w)
if app.TranslateCfg.TranslateSwitch {
data.TranslateText = ModalWordsFilter(data.TranslateText , w)
if app.FilterSetings.DefinedFilter.Switch && len(app.FilterSetings.DefinedFilter.Rule) > 0 {
rules := app.FilterSetings.DefinedFilter.Rule
for _,result := range IntelligentBlockResult {
for _ , data := range result {
for _ , rule := range rules {
data.Text = DefinedWordRuleFilter(data.Text , rule)
if app.TranslateCfg.TranslateSwitch {
data.TranslateText = DefinedWordRuleFilter(data.TranslateText , rule)
for _,result := range AudioResult {
for _ , data := range result {
for _ , rule := range rules {
data.Text = DefinedWordRuleFilter(data.Text , rule)
if app.TranslateCfg.TranslateSwitch {
data.TranslateText = DefinedWordRuleFilter(data.TranslateText , rule)
func AliyunAudioResultMakeSubtitleFile(app *VideoSrt , video string , outputType int , AudioResult map[int64][] *aliyun.AliyunAudioRecognitionResult , IntelligentBlockResult map[int64][] *aliyun.AliyunAudioRecognitionResult) {
var subfileDir string
if app.SrtDir == "" {
subfileDir = path.Dir(video)
} else {
subfileDir = app.SrtDir
subfile := tool.GetFileBaseName(video)
thisAudioResult := make(map[int64][] *aliyun.AliyunAudioRecognitionResult)
if !app.CloseIntelligentBlockSwitch {
if outputType == OUTPUT_SRT || outputType == OUTPUT_LRC {
thisAudioResult = IntelligentBlockResult
} else if outputType == OUTPUT_STRING {
thisAudioResult = AudioResult
} else {
thisAudioResult = AudioResult
oneSoundChannel := false //是否输出单条音轨
for channel,result := range thisAudioResult {
soundChannel := channel + 1
if app.SoundTrack != 3 && app.SoundTrack != 0 {
oneSoundChannel = true
if app.SoundTrack != int(soundChannel) {
var thisfile string
if oneSoundChannel {
thisfile = subfileDir + "/" + subfile
} else {
thisfile = subfileDir + "/" + subfile + "_channel_" + strconv.FormatInt(soundChannel , 10)
if outputType == OUTPUT_SRT {
thisfile += ".srt"
} else if outputType == OUTPUT_STRING {
thisfile += ".txt"
} else if outputType == OUTPUT_LRC {
thisfile += ".lrc"
file, e := os.Create(thisfile)
if e != nil {
defer file.Close()
if app.OutputEncode == OUTPUT_ENCODE_UTF8_BOM {
if _, e := file.Write([]byte{0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF});e != nil {
if outputType == OUTPUT_LRC {
_,_ = file.WriteString("[ar:]\r\n[ti:]\r\n[al:]\r\n[by:]\r\n")
bilingualAsc := app.TranslateCfg.OutputMainSubtitleInputLanguage
index := 0
var txtOutputContent bytes.Buffer
var txtTransalteOutputContent bytes.Buffer
for _ , data := range result {
var linestr string
if data.Text == "" {
continue //跳过空行
if outputType == OUTPUT_SRT || outputType == OUTPUT_LRC {
if outputType == OUTPUT_SRT {
if app.TranslateCfg.TranslateSwitch {
if app.TranslateCfg.BilingualSubtitleSwitch {
linestr = MakeSubtitleText(index , data.BeginTime , data.EndTime , data.Text , data.TranslateText , true , bilingualAsc)
} else {
linestr = MakeSubtitleText(index , data.BeginTime , data.EndTime , data.TranslateText , "" , false , true)
} else {
linestr = MakeSubtitleText(index , data.BeginTime , data.EndTime , data.Text , "" , false , true)
} else if outputType == OUTPUT_LRC {
if app.TranslateCfg.TranslateSwitch {
linestr = MakeMusicLrcText(index , data.BeginTime , data.EndTime , data.TranslateText)
} else {
linestr = MakeMusicLrcText(index , data.BeginTime , data.EndTime , data.Text)
if _, e = file.WriteString(linestr);e != nil {
} else if outputType == OUTPUT_STRING {
if app.TranslateCfg.TranslateSwitch {
if outputType == OUTPUT_STRING {
if _, e = file.WriteString(txtOutputContent.String());e != nil {
if _, e = file.WriteString(txtTransalteOutputContent.String());e != nil {