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package app
import (
// UploadImage 将转发所选图像的图片路径。
func (a *WalletApplication) UploadImage() string {
filePath := a.RT.Dialog.SelectFile()
splitPath := strings.Split(filePath, "/")
filename := splitPath[len(splitPath)-1]
a.log.Info("Path to user uploaded image: " + filePath)
err := CopyFile(filePath, a.paths.ImageDir+filename)
if err != nil && filePath != "" {
a.log.Errorln("Unable to copy image. ", err)
a.sendError("Unable to change Image. ", err)
return "None"
file, err := os.Open(filePath)
if err != nil && filePath != "" {
a.log.Errorln("Unable to open image. ", err)
a.sendError("Unable to find Image on the path provided. ", err)
return "None"
defer func(file *os.File) {
err := file.Close()
if err != nil {
img, _, err := image.DecodeConfig(file)
if err != nil {
a.log.Info("Attempting to decode as JPEG")
img, err = jpeg.DecodeConfig(file)
if err != nil {
a.log.Errorln("无法解码图像配置", err)
a.sendError("无法更改图像。", err)
return "None"
a.log.Info("Uploaded image resolution is set to ", img.Height, "x", img.Width)
if img.Height >= 201 || img.Width >= 201 {
a.log.Warnf("图像分辨率太大。不能大于 200x200")
return "None"
return filename
// GetImagePath 从 Login.Vue 中调用。它将查询 DB 以获取用户的个人资料图片并将其返回给 FE 进行展示。
func (a *WalletApplication) GetImagePath() string {
if err := a.DB.Model(&a.wallet).Where("wallet_alias = ?", a.wallet.WalletAlias).Error; err != nil {
a.log.Errorln("无法查询 Image 路径的数据库记录。原因: ", err)
a.sendError("无法查询 Image 路径的数据库记录。原因: ", err)
return ""
a.log.Infoln("已选择个人资料图片: ", a.wallet.ProfilePicture)
return a.wallet.ProfilePicture
// StoreImagePathInDB 存储个人资料图片在数据库中位置的路径
func (a *WalletApplication) StoreImagePathInDB(path string) bool {
if err := a.DB.Model(&a.wallet).
Where("wallet_alias = ?", a.wallet.WalletAlias).Update("ProfilePicture", path).Error; err != nil {
a.log.Errorln("无法使用 Image path (映像路径) 更新 DB 记录。原因: ", err)
a.sendError("无法使用 Image path (映像路径) 更新 DB 记录。原因: ", err)
return false
return true
// GetWalletTag 从 Login.Vue 调用
func (a *WalletApplication) GetWalletTag() string {
if err := a.DB.Model(&a.wallet).Where("wallet_alias = ?", a.wallet.WalletAlias).Error; err != nil {
a.log.Errorln("无法查询 Image 路径的数据库记录。原因: ", err)
a.sendError("无法查询 Image 路径的数据库记录。原因: ", err)
a.log.Infoln("已选择 Wallet Tag: ", a.wallet.WalletTag)
return a.wallet.WalletTag
// StoreWalletLabelInDB 获取用户输入的钱包标签字符串并将其存储在数据库中
func (a *WalletApplication) StoreWalletLabelInDB(walletTag string) bool {
if err := a.DB.Model(&a.wallet).Where("wallet_alias = ?", a.wallet.WalletAlias).Update("WalletTag", walletTag).Error; err != nil {
a.log.Errorln("无法使用 wallet 标签更新 DB 记录。原因: ", err)
a.sendError("无法使用 wallet 标签更新 DB 记录。原因: ", err)
return false
return true
// GetUserTheme 从 Login.Vue 调用
func (a *WalletApplication) GetUserTheme() bool {
if err := a.DB.Model(&a.wallet).Where("wallet_alias = ?", a.wallet.WalletAlias).Error; err != nil {
a.log.Errorln("无法查询 Image 路径的数据库记录。原因: ", err)
a.sendError("无法查询 Image 路径的数据库记录。原因: ", err)
if a.wallet.DarkMode {
return a.wallet.DarkMode
// StoreDarkModeStateDB 将暗模式状态存储在用户数据库中
func (a *WalletApplication) StoreDarkModeStateDB(darkMode bool) bool {
if err := a.DB.Model(&a.wallet).Where("wallet_alias = ?", a.wallet.WalletAlias).Update("DarkMode", darkMode).Error; err != nil {
a.log.Errorln("Unable to store darkmode state. Reason: ", err)
a.sendError("Unable to store darkmode state persistently. Reason: ", err)
return false
return true
// StoreCurrencyStateDB 将货币状态存储在用户 DB 中
func (a *WalletApplication) StoreCurrencyStateDB(currency string) bool {
if err := a.DB.Model(&a.wallet).Where("wallet_alias = ?", a.wallet.WalletAlias).Update("Currency", currency).Error; err != nil {
a.log.Errorln("无法存储货币状态。原因: ", err)
a.sendError("无法持久存储货币状态。原因: ", err)
return false
totalCurrencyBalance := 0.0
if a.wallet.Currency == "USD" {
totalCurrencyBalance = float64(a.wallet.Balance) * a.wallet.TokenPrice.DAG.USD
} else if a.wallet.Currency == "EUR" {
totalCurrencyBalance = float64(a.wallet.Balance) * a.wallet.TokenPrice.DAG.EUR
} else if a.wallet.Currency == "BTC" {
totalCurrencyBalance = float64(a.wallet.Balance) * a.wallet.TokenPrice.DAG.BTC
a.RT.Events.Emit("totalValue", a.wallet.Currency, totalCurrencyBalance)
return true
// UpdateMolly 从前端调用并触发应用程序更新
func (a *WalletApplication) UpdateMolly() {
update := new(UpdateWallet) = a
// CopyFile the src file to dst. Any existing file will be overwritten and will not
// copy file attributes.
func CopyFile(src, dst string) error {
in, err := os.Open(src)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func(in *os.File) {
err := in.Close()
if err != nil {
out, err := os.Create(dst)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func(out *os.File) {
err := out.Close()
if err != nil {
_, err = io.Copy(out, in)
if err != nil {
return err
return out.Close()