# ytd Dekstop app for downloading audio tracks from youtube built with wails & angular **(*) please note this is an alpha version in case of malfunction please open an issue** ## Install [Download from releases page](https://github.com/marcio199226/ytd/releases) [PWA](https://ytd.surge.sh/) Supported platfroms for now - Macos (tested on 11.5.x/11.6.x & 12.x apple m1) ## Main features: - check for updates & app update - clipboard watch (once yt link is copied it will be automatically downloaded, **can be disabled**) - run in bg on close (run app in bg even if you closed app window) - convert webm files to mp3 - system tray with fast settings - in app player for single tracks and playlists (for now only for offline created playlists) - Internalization - English - Polish - Italian - clean and simple UI (I hope ;)) - create offline playlist - playback playlist - add/remove tracks - export to any external devices (pen drive , external hd etc...) or any folder - Made with :green_heart: with golang & angular in my spare time ## Screenshots home settings_dialog downloading_track track_playback playlist_playback ## Build from sources Wails requirements: https://wails.io/docs/gettingstarted/installation #### Dev env Angular `cd frontend && npm install && npm run serve` Wails `wails dev --e "html"` Open tab in chrome (preffered) and go to http://localhost:4200 Extract translation for golang side: `xgotext -exclude "vendor,frontend" -in "/Users/oskarmarciniak/projects/golang/ytd" -out "/Users/oskarmarciniak/projects/golang/ytd/i18n"` #### Build binaries (Macos only at the moment) `wails build --platform darwin/arm64 --clean --package --production` `wails build --platform darwin/amd64 --clean --package --production --upx` (*) upx doesn't work for apple m1 https://github.com/upx/upx/issues/446 ## Roadmap - [ ] Chrome extension so tracks may be downloaded without user interaction (even without copy yt links) - [x] Internalization - [x] Share tracks through public webserver running locally - [ ] Share tracks through telegram (user could subscribe to ytd bot and then will be able to send downloaded tracks to yourself telegram account) - [ ] Download playlists from yt (exports them, search for playlist, playback playlist etc...)