package main
import (
excelize "github.com/xuri/excelize/v2"
_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
var SQL2Ku = ` select '公务员表统计多人' Type,'' AS A0195, m0207 Work,m0201 Name,m0203 IDNumber from m_m02 m2 inner join m_m01 m1 on m2.ouuid=m1.ouuid where m0104='1' and m1.rpt='@rpt' and m2.rpt='@rpt' and m0203 not in (select a0184 from a01 where a0163='1' and a0160='1')
union all select '公务员表采集多人' Type,'' AS A0195,a0192a Work,a0101 Name,a0184 IDNumber from a01 where a0163='1' and a0160='1' and a0184 not in(select m0203 from m_m02 m2 inner join m_m01 m1 on m2.ouuid=m1.ouuid where m0104='1' and m1.rpt='@rpt' and m2.rpt='@rpt')
union all select '参公群团表统计多人' Type,'' AS A0195,m0207 Work,m0201 Name,m0203 IDNumber from m_m02 m2 inner join m_m01 m1 on m2.ouuid=m1.ouuid where m0104='2' and m1.rpt='@rpt' and m2.rpt='@rpt' and m0203 not in (select a0184 from a01 where a0163='1' and a0160='5')
union all select '参公群团表采集多人' Type,'' AS A0195,a0192a Work,a0101 Name,a0184 IDNumber from a01 where a0163='1' and a0160='5' and a0184 not in(select m0203 from m_m02 m2 inner join m_m01 m1 on m2.ouuid=m1.ouuid where m0104='2' and m1.rpt='@rpt' and m2.rpt='@rpt')
union all select '参公事业表统计多人' Type,'' AS A0195,m0207 Work,m0201 Name,m0203 IDNumber from m_m02 m2 inner join m_m01 m1 on m2.ouuid=m1.ouuid where m0104='3' and m1.rpt='@rpt' and m2.rpt='@rpt' and m0203 not in (select a0184 from a01 where a0163='1' and a0160='6')
union all select '参公事业表采集多人' Type,'' AS A0195,a0192a Work,a0101 Name,a0184 IDNumber from a01 where a0163='1' and a0160='6' and a0184 not in(select m0203 from m_m02 m2 inner join m_m01 m1 on m2.ouuid=m1.ouuid where m0104='3' and m1.rpt='@rpt' and m2.rpt='@rpt')
union all select '基础库比统计库多' Type,(select b0101 from b01 where b0111=a.a0195) AS A0195,a0192a Work,a.a0101 Name,a.A0184 IDNumber from a01 a where a0163='1' and a0184 not in(select m0203 from m_m02 inner join tb_set_unit s on m_m02.unid=s.TBUNITID and rpid='@rpt' and rpt='@rpt' and TBUNITID<>'0' and ouuid in (select ouuid from m_m01))
union all select '基础库比统计库少' Type,(select m0101 from m_m01 where unid=m.unid and rpt='@rpt') AS A0195,m0207 Work,m.m0201 Name,m.m0203 IDNumber from m_m02 m inner join tb_set_unit s on m.unid=s.TBUNITID and rpid='@rpt' and rpt='@rpt' and TBUNITID<>'0' where m0203 not in(select a0184 from a01 where a0163='1') and ouuid in (select ouuid from m_m01)
var SQLJck = `
select ifnull(A0184,'')IDNumber,
ifnull(A0101,'') Name,
ifnull(A0192A,'') Work,
ifnull(substr(a0107, 1, 6),'') BirthDate,
IF(A0104 = 1, '男', '女') Gender,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from code_value where A0117=code_value and code_type='GB3304'),'') Ethnicity,
ifnull(substr(a0134, 1, 6),'') WorkStartDate,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from code_value where A0141=code_value and code_type='GB4762'),'') PoliticalStatus,
ifnull((select case when A0801B like '1%' then '研究生' when A0801B like '2%' then '大学本科' when A0801B like '3%' then '大学专科' else '中专及以下' end
from A08 where A0831=1 and A01.A0000=A08.A0000 limit 1), '') FullTimeEducation,
ifnull((select case when A0801B like '1%' then '研究生' when A0801B like '2%' then '大学本科' when A0801B like '3%' then '大学专科' else '中专及以下' end
from A08 where A0834=1 and A01.A0000=A08.A0000 limit 1), '') HighestEducation,
ifnull((select case when A0901B like '3%' then '硕士' when A0901B like '4%' then '学士' else '博士' end from A08 where A0835=1 and A01.A0000=A08.A0000 limit 1), '') HighestDegree,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from code_value where A0123=code_value and code_type='XZ93'),'') JobCategory,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from A05, code_value where A0501B=code_value and code_type='ZB09' and A0531=0 and A0524=1 and A01.A0000=A05.A0000), '') CurrentPositionLevel,
ifnull((select substr(A0504, 1, 6) from A05 where A0531=0 and A0524=1 and A01.A0000=A05.A0000), '') CurrentPositionStartDate,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from A05, code_value where A0501B=code_value and code_type='ZB148' and A0531=1 and A0524=1 and A01.A0000=A05.A0000), '') CurrentRankLevel,
ifnull((select ifnull(DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(concat(substr(A0530, 1, 4),'-',substr(A0530, 5, 2),'-01'), INTERVAL ifnull(A0532, 0) MONTH), '%Y%m'),
ifnull(substr(A0504, 1, 6), '')) from A05 where A0531=1 and A0524=1 and A01.A0000=A05.A0000 limit 1), '') CurrentRankStartDate,
IF(A0197 = 1, '是', '否') Has2YearsGrassrootsExp,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from A15, code_value where A1517=code_value and code_type='ZB18' and A1521='2023' and A01.A0000=A15.A0000), '') AnnualAssessment2023,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from code_value where A0160=code_value and code_type='ZB125'),'') PersonCategory,
ifnull((select '是' from A99Z1 where A99Z101=1 and A99Z103=1 and A99Z102 like '@rpt%' and A01.A0000=A99Z1.A0000 limit 1), '否') SelectedFor2024
from A01
where A0163 = '1'
var SQLZjk = `
select ifnull(M0203,'') IDNumber,
ifnull(M0201,'') Name,
ifnull(M0207,'') Work,
ifnull(substr(M0204, 1, 6) ,'') BirthDate,
IF(M0202 = 1, '男', '女') Gender,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from code_value where M0205=code_value and code_type='GB3304'),'') Ethnicity,
ifnull(substr(M0216, 1, 6),'') WorkStartDate,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from code_value where M0206=code_value and code_type='GB4762'),'') PoliticalStatus,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from code_value where M0242=code_value and code_type='M_D_C11'),'') FullTimeEducation,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from code_value where M0212=code_value and code_type='M_D_C11'),'') HighestEducation,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from code_value where M0213=code_value and code_type='M_D_C12'),'') HighestDegree,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from code_value where M0246=code_value and code_type='XZ93'),'') JobCategory,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from code_value where M0208=code_value and code_type='ZB09'),'') CurrentPositionLevel,
ifnull(substr(M0233, 1, 6),'') CurrentPositionStartDate,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from code_value where M0243=code_value and code_type='ZB148'),'') CurrentRankLevel,
ifnull(substr(M0244, 1, 6),'') CurrentRankStartDate,
IF(M0215 = 1, '是', '否') Has2YearsGrassrootsExp,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from code_value where M0251=code_value and code_type='M_D_C32_2021'),'') AnnualAssessment2023,
ifnull((select case M0104 when 2 then '参照管理机关工作人员' when 3 then '参照管理事业单位人员' else '公务员' end from M_M01 where M_M01.UNID=M_M02.UNID and rpt='@rpt' limit 1),'') PersonCategory,
ifnull((select IF(M0525 = 1, '是', '否') from M_M05 where M0503=M0203 and rpt='@rpt' limit 1),'否') SelectedFor2024
from M_M02
where rpt = '@rpt'
var SQLGzk = `
ifnull(S0202,'') IDNumber,
ifnull(S0201,'') Name,
ifnull(S0203,'') Work,
'-' BirthDate,
'-' Gender,
'-' Ethnicity,
'-' WorkStartDate,
'-' PoliticalStatus,
'-' FullTimeEducation,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from code_value where S0225=code_value and code_type='M_D_C11'),'') HighestEducation,
'-' HighestDegree,
'-' JobCategory,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from code_value where S0204=code_value and code_type='ZB09'),'') CurrentPositionLevel,
'-' CurrentPositionStartDate,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from code_value where S0205=code_value and code_type='ZB148'),'') CurrentRankLevel,
'-' CurrentRankStartDate,
'-' Has2YearsGrassrootsExp,
'-' AnnualAssessment2023,
'-' PersonCategory,
'-' SelectedFor2024
from m_s02 where rpt='@rpt' and S0208=1 union all
ifnull(S0402,'') IDNumber,
ifnull(S0401,'') Name,
ifnull(S0403,'') Work,
'-' BirthDate,
'-' Gender,
'-' Ethnicity,
'-' WorkStartDate,
'-' PoliticalStatus,
'-' FullTimeEducation,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from code_value where S0425=code_value and code_type='M_D_C11'),'') HighestEducation,
'-' HighestDegree,
'-' JobCategory,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from code_value where S0404=code_value and code_type='ZB09'),'') CurrentPositionLevel,
'-' CurrentPositionStartDate,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from code_value where S0405=code_value and code_type='ZB148'),'') CurrentRankLevel,
'-' CurrentRankStartDate,
'-' Has2YearsGrassrootsExp,
'-' AnnualAssessment2023,
'-' PersonCategory,
'-' SelectedFor2024
from m_s04 where rpt='@rpt' and S0408=1
var SQLCzk = `
A0101 Name,
A0184 IDNumber,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from code_value where A0221=code_value and code_type='ZB09'),'') CurrentPositionLevel,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from code_value where A0192E=code_value and code_type='ZB148'),'') CurrentRankLevel,
ifnull(A0195, '') OldWork from C01 where C0105 like '@rpt%'
var SQLBhb = `
M0501 Name,
M0503 IDNumber,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from code_value where M0515=code_value and code_type='ZB09'),'') CurrentPositionLevel,
ifnull((select min(code_name) from code_value where M0515=code_value and code_type='ZB148'),'') CurrentRankLevel,
M0510 OldWork from M_M05 a where M0511=2 and M0514=3
// 存在所有对象信息 - 集合
func main() {
db, _ := sql.Open("mysql", "root:admin@tcp(")
fmt.Println("操作数据库连接:", db)
// 创建临时文件夹
dir := time.Now().Format("2006102150405")
file := fmt.Sprintf("对比结果-%s.xlsx", dir)
var rpt string
// 获取全局报告期
query := "SELECT aaa005 FROM aa01 WHERE aaa001 = 'PERIOD'"
err := db.QueryRow(query).Scan(&rpt)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
} else {
fmt.Println("查询失败:", err)
fmt.Println("当前报告期:", rpt)
peoplesJck := queryBySQL(db, SQLJck, rpt)
peoplesZjk := queryBySQL(db, SQLZjk, rpt)
peoplesGzk := queryBySQL(db, SQLGzk, rpt)
results1 := mergeResults(peoplesJck, peoplesZjk, peoplesGzk)
peoplesCzk := queryByCzSQL(db, SQLCzk, rpt)
peoplesBhb := queryByCzSQL(db, SQLBhb, rpt)
results2 := mergeCzResults(peoplesCzk, peoplesBhb)
results3 := queryByChaSQL(db, SQL2Ku, rpt)
// 创建一个新的 Excel 文件
f := excelize.NewFile()
_ = f.NewSheet("三库对比")
_ = f.NewSheet("辞职人员对比")
_ = f.NewSheet("两库人头差")
saveSheet1(f, results1)
saveSheet2(f, results2)
saveSheet3(f, results3)
// 保存文件
if err := f.SaveAs(file); err != nil {
fmt.Println("保存文件失败:", err)
} else {
fmt.Printf("文件已保存为 %s", file)
func saveSheet1(f *excelize.File, results []Diff) {
sheetName := "三库对比"
// 设置表头
headers := []string{"身份证号", "姓名", "职务", "项名称", "基础库", "中间库", "工资库"}
for i, header := range headers {
cell := fmt.Sprintf("%c1", 'A'+i)
_ = f.SetCellValue(sheetName, cell, header)
// 写入数据
for i, diff := range results {
row := i + 2 // 数据从第二行开始
_ = f.SetCellValue(sheetName, fmt.Sprintf("A%d", row), diff.IDNumber)
_ = f.SetCellValue(sheetName, fmt.Sprintf("B%d", row), diff.Name)
_ = f.SetCellValue(sheetName, fmt.Sprintf("C%d", row), diff.Work)
_ = f.SetCellValue(sheetName, fmt.Sprintf("D%d", row), diff.ColName)
_ = f.SetCellValue(sheetName, fmt.Sprintf("E%d", row), diff.Jck)
_ = f.SetCellValue(sheetName, fmt.Sprintf("F%d", row), diff.Zjk)
func saveSheet2(f *excelize.File, results []Diff) {
sheetName := "辞职人员对比"
// 设置表头
headers := []string{"身份证号", "姓名", "项名称", "辞职库", "中间库"}
for i, header := range headers {
cell := fmt.Sprintf("%c1", 'A'+i)
_ = f.SetCellValue(sheetName, cell, header)
// 写入数据
for i, diff := range results {
row := i + 2 // 数据从第二行开始
_ = f.SetCellValue(sheetName, fmt.Sprintf("A%d", row), diff.IDNumber)
_ = f.SetCellValue(sheetName, fmt.Sprintf("B%d", row), diff.Name)
_ = f.SetCellValue(sheetName, fmt.Sprintf("C%d", row), diff.ColName)
_ = f.SetCellValue(sheetName, fmt.Sprintf("D%d", row), diff.Jck)
_ = f.SetCellValue(sheetName, fmt.Sprintf("E%d", row), diff.Zjk)
func saveSheet3(f *excelize.File, results []Cha) {
sheetName := "两库人头差"
// 设置表头
headers := []string{"类型", "统计单位", "职务", "姓名", "身份证号"}
for i, header := range headers {
cell := fmt.Sprintf("%c1", 'A'+i)
_ = f.SetCellValue(sheetName, cell, header)
// 写入数据
for i, diff := range results {
row := i + 2 // 数据从第二行开始
_ = f.SetCellValue(sheetName, fmt.Sprintf("A%d", row), diff.Type)
_ = f.SetCellValue(sheetName, fmt.Sprintf("B%d", row), diff.A0195)
_ = f.SetCellValue(sheetName, fmt.Sprintf("C%d", row), diff.Work)
_ = f.SetCellValue(sheetName, fmt.Sprintf("D%d", row), diff.Name)
_ = f.SetCellValue(sheetName, fmt.Sprintf("E%d", row), diff.IDNumber)
queryBySQL 按照基础脚本查询
func queryBySQL(db *sql.DB, SQL, rpt string) []Person {
rows, err := db.Query(strings.Replace(SQL, "@rpt", rpt, -1))
if err != nil {
_ = fmt.Errorf("发生报错:%s", err)
defer func(rows *sql.Rows) {
err := rows.Close()
if err != nil {
var people []Person
for rows.Next() {
var p Person
err := rows.Scan(
if err != nil {
_ = fmt.Errorf("发生报错:%s", err)
people = append(people, p)
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
_ = fmt.Errorf("发生报错:%s", err)
return people
queryByCzSQL 按照辞职脚本查询
func queryByCzSQL(db *sql.DB, SQL, rpt string) []CzPerson {
rows, err := db.Query(strings.Replace(SQL, "@rpt", rpt, -1))
if err != nil {
_ = fmt.Errorf("发生报错:%s", err)
defer func(rows *sql.Rows) {
err := rows.Close()
if err != nil {
var people []CzPerson
for rows.Next() {
var p CzPerson
err := rows.Scan(
if err != nil {
_ = fmt.Errorf("发生报错:%s", err)
people = append(people, p)
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
_ = fmt.Errorf("发生报错:%s", err)
return people
queryByCzSQL 按照辞职脚本查询
func queryByChaSQL(db *sql.DB, SQL, rpt string) []Cha {
rows, err := db.Query(strings.Replace(SQL, "@rpt", rpt, -1))
if err != nil {
_ = fmt.Errorf("发生报错:%s", err)
defer func(rows *sql.Rows) {
err := rows.Close()
if err != nil {
var people []Cha
for rows.Next() {
var p Cha
err := rows.Scan(
if err != nil {
_ = fmt.Errorf("发生报错:%s", err)
people = append(people, p)
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
_ = fmt.Errorf("发生报错:%s", err)
return people
mergeResults 基础人员对比
func mergeResults(peoplesJck, peoplesZjk, peoplesGzk []Person) []Diff {
jckMap := mapPersonToDiff(peoplesJck)
zjkMap := mapPersonToDiff(peoplesZjk)
gzkMap := mapPersonToDiff(peoplesGzk)
var diffs []Diff
// 遍历所有可能的键
allKeys, nl := make(map[string]int), make(map[string]map[string]string)
for key := range jckMap {
allKeys[key] += 4
for key := range zjkMap {
allKeys[key] += 2
for key := range gzkMap {
allKeys[key] += 1
for key := range allKeys {
idNumber := strings.Split(key, "_")[0]
name := strings.Split(key, "_")[1]
if allKeys[key] == 1 {
// 全部存在 基础
diffs = setDiffs(gzkMap, key, nl, nl, gzkMap, idNumber, name, gzkMap[key]["职务"], diffs)
} else if allKeys[key] == 2 {
// 全部存在 中间
diffs = setDiffs(zjkMap, key, nl, zjkMap, nl, idNumber, name, zjkMap[key]["职务"], diffs)
} else if allKeys[key] == 3 {
// 全部存在 中间 + 工资
diffs = setDiffs(zjkMap, key, nl, zjkMap, gzkMap, idNumber, name, zjkMap[key]["职务"], diffs)
} else if allKeys[key] == 4 {
// 全部存在 基础
diffs = setDiffs(jckMap, key, jckMap, nl, nl, idNumber, name, jckMap[key]["职务"], diffs)
} else if allKeys[key] == 5 {
// 全部存在 基础 + 工资
diffs = setDiffs(jckMap, key, jckMap, nl, gzkMap, idNumber, name, jckMap[key]["职务"], diffs)
} else if allKeys[key] == 6 {
// 全部存在 基础 + 中间
diffs = setDiffs(zjkMap, key, jckMap, zjkMap, nl, idNumber, name, zjkMap[key]["职务"], diffs)
} else {
// 全部存在 基础 + 中间 + 工资
diffs = setDiffs(jckMap, key, jckMap, zjkMap, gzkMap, idNumber, name, jckMap[key]["职务"], diffs)
return diffs
func setDiffs(
oneMap map[string]map[string]string,
key string,
jckMap map[string]map[string]string,
zjkMap map[string]map[string]string,
gzkMap map[string]map[string]string,
idNumber string,
name string,
work string,
diffs []Diff) []Diff {
for colName := range oneMap[key] {
if colName == "身份证号" || colName == "姓名" {
var diff Diff
if gzMap[colName] {
// 指定需要注意工资部分
if jckMap[key][colName] != zjkMap[key][colName] ||
jckMap[key][colName] != gzkMap[key][colName] ||
zjkMap[key][colName] != gzkMap[key][colName] {
diff = Diff{
IDNumber: idNumber,
Name: name,
Work: work,
ColName: colName,
Jck: jckMap[key][colName],
Zjk: zjkMap[key][colName],
Gzk: gzkMap[key][colName],
diffs = append(diffs, diff)
} else {
// 需要公共比较
if jckMap[key][colName] != zjkMap[key][colName] {
diff = Diff{
IDNumber: idNumber,
Name: name,
Work: work,
ColName: colName,
Jck: jckMap[key][colName],
Zjk: zjkMap[key][colName],
Gzk: gzkMap[key][colName],
diffs = append(diffs, diff)
return diffs
mergeCzResults 辞职人员对比
func mergeCzResults(peoplesCzk, peoplesBhb []CzPerson) []Diff {
jckMap := mapCzPersonToDiff(peoplesCzk)
zjkMap := mapCzPersonToDiff(peoplesBhb)
var diffs []Diff
// 遍历所有可能的键
allKeys := make(map[string]bool)
for key := range jckMap {
allKeys[key] = true
for key := range zjkMap {
allKeys[key] = true
for key := range allKeys {
idNumber := strings.Split(key, "_")[0]
name := strings.Split(key, "_")[1]
// 获取每个属性的值
for colName := range jckMap[key] {
if colName == "身份证号" || colName == "姓名" {
var diff Diff
// 需要公共比较
if colName == "职务层次" || colName == "职级" {
if jckMap[key][colName] == zjkMap[key][colName] ||
jckMap[key]["职务层次"] == zjkMap[key]["职级"] ||
jckMap[key]["职级"] == zjkMap[key]["职务层次"] {
if jckMap[key][colName] != zjkMap[key][colName] {
diff = Diff{
IDNumber: idNumber,
Name: name,
ColName: colName,
Jck: jckMap[key][colName],
Zjk: zjkMap[key][colName],
diffs = append(diffs, diff)
return diffs
// 示例数组
var gzMap map[string]bool
func init() {
ArrGz := []string{"身份证号", "姓名", "最高学历", "现职务层次", "现职级层次"}
// 将数组转换为 map
gzMap = make(map[string]bool)
for _, item := range ArrGz {
gzMap[item] = true
mapPersonToDiff 基础查询对比
func mapPersonToDiff(people []Person) map[string]map[string]string {
result := make(map[string]map[string]string)
for _, person := range people {
key := person.IDNumber + "_" + person.Name
if result[key] == nil {
result[key] = make(map[string]string)
result[key]["身份证号"] = person.IDNumber
result[key]["姓名"] = person.Name
result[key]["职务"] = person.Work
result[key]["出生时间"] = person.BirthDate
result[key]["性别"] = person.Gender
result[key]["民族"] = person.Ethnicity
result[key]["参加工作时间"] = person.WorkStartDate
result[key]["政治面貌"] = person.PoliticalStatus
result[key]["全日制学历"] = person.FullTimeEducation
result[key]["最高学历"] = person.HighestEducation
result[key]["最高学位"] = person.HighestDegree
result[key]["职位类别"] = person.JobCategory
result[key]["现职务层次"] = person.CurrentPositionLevel
result[key]["任现职务层次时间"] = person.CurrentPositionStartDate
result[key]["现职级层次"] = person.CurrentRankLevel
result[key]["任现职级层次时间"] = person.CurrentRankStartDate
result[key]["是否具有2年以上基层经验"] = person.Has2YearsGrassrootsExp
result[key]["上年年度考核结果"] = person.AnnualAssessment2023
result[key]["人员类别"] = person.PersonCategory
result[key]["本年考录选调生"] = person.SelectedFor2024
return result
mapCzPersonToDiff 辞职查询对比
func mapCzPersonToDiff(people []CzPerson) map[string]map[string]string {
result := make(map[string]map[string]string)
for _, person := range people {
key := person.IDNumber + "_" + person.Name
if result[key] == nil {
result[key] = make(map[string]string)
result[key]["身份证号"] = person.IDNumber
result[key]["姓名"] = person.Name
result[key]["职务层次"] = person.CurrentPositionLevel
result[key]["职级"] = person.CurrentRankLevel
result[key]["原职务"] = person.OldWork
return result
func Eq(a, b *string) bool {
if *a == "" {
a = nil
if *b == "" {
a = nil
return a == b
type Person struct {
IDNumber string // 身份证号
Name string // 姓名
Work string // 职务
BirthDate string // 出生时间
Gender string // 性别
Ethnicity string // 民族
WorkStartDate string // 参加工作时间
PoliticalStatus string // 政治面貌
FullTimeEducation string // 全日制学历
HighestEducation string // 最高学历
HighestDegree string // 最高学位
JobCategory string // 职位类别
CurrentPositionLevel string // 现职务层次
CurrentPositionStartDate string // 任现职务层次时间
CurrentRankLevel string // 现职级层次
CurrentRankStartDate string // 任现职级层次时间
Has2YearsGrassrootsExp string // 是否具有2年以上基层经验
AnnualAssessment2023 string // 上年度考核结果
PersonCategory string // 人员类别
SelectedFor2024 string // 本年考录选调生
type CzPerson struct {
IDNumber string // 身份证号
Name string // 姓名
CurrentPositionLevel string // 职务层次
CurrentRankLevel string // 职级
OldWork string // 原职务
type Diff struct {
IDNumber string `json:"身份证号"` // 身份证号
Name string `json:"姓名"` // 姓名
Work string `json:"职务"` // 职务
ColName string `json:"项名称"` // 项名称
Jck string `json:"基础库"` // 基础库
Zjk string `json:"中间库"` // 中间库
Gzk string `json:"工资库"` // 工资库
type Cha struct {
Type string `json:"类型"` // 类型
A0195 string `json:"统计单位"` // 统计单位
Work string `json:"职务"` // 职务
Name string `json:"姓名"` // 姓名
IDNumber string `json:"身份证号"` // 身份证号