You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

328 lines
8.6 KiB

package plugins
import (
ytDownloader ""
. "ytd/constants"
. "ytd/db"
. "ytd/models"
type Yt struct {
Name string
WailsRuntime *wails.Runtime
AppConfig *AppConfig
AppStats *AppStats
NewEntries chan GenericEntry
dir string
client ytDownloader.Client
ctx context.Context
type YtEntry struct {
Type string
Track GenericTrack
Playlist GenericPlaylist
func (yt *Yt) SetWailsRuntime(runtime *wails.Runtime) {
yt.WailsRuntime = runtime
func (yt *Yt) SetContext(ctx context.Context) {
yt.ctx = ctx
func (yt *Yt) SetAppConfig(config *AppConfig) {
yt.AppConfig = config
func (yt *Yt) SetAppStats(stats *AppStats) {
yt.AppStats = stats
func (yt *Yt) GetName() string {
return "youtube"
func (yt *Yt) Initialize() error {
fmt.Println("Initializing yt client...")
yt.client = ytDownloader.Client{Debug: true}
return nil
func (yt *Yt) SetDir(dir string) {
yt.dir = dir
if _, err := os.Stat(yt.dir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
fmt.Printf("Creating %s directory for youtube plugin", yt.dir)
os.MkdirAll(yt.dir, os.ModePerm)
func (yt *Yt) GetDir() string {
return yt.dir
func (yt *Yt) IsTrackFileExists(track GenericTrack, fileType string) bool {
if _, err := os.Stat(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s.%s", yt.dir, track.ID, fileType)); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false
return true
func (yt *Yt) Fetch(url string, isFromClipboard bool) *GenericEntry {
fmt.Printf("Fetching from yt %s...", url)
if isPlaylist := strings.Contains(url, "playlist?"); isPlaylist {
fmt.Println("Fetching playlist info...")
ytEntry := &GenericEntry{Source: yt.Name, Type: "playlist"}
playlist, err := yt.client.GetPlaylist(url)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("yt.client.GetPlaylist(url) error: %s", err)
return nil
var playlistTracks []string
playlistEntry := NewGenericPlaylist(playlist.ID, playlist.Title, len(playlist.Videos), playlistTracks)
ytEntry.Playlist = playlistEntry
ytEntry.Playlist.Url = url
for _, v := range playlist.Videos {
ytEntry.Playlist.TracksIds = append(ytEntry.Playlist.TracksIds, v.ID)
err = DbWriteEntry(ytEntry.Playlist.ID, ytEntry)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error while saving playlist: %s", err)
yt.WailsRuntime.Events.Emit("ytd:playlist", ytEntry) // notify frontend
for k, v := range playlist.Videos {
fmt.Printf("(%d) %s - '%s'\n", k+1, v.Author, v.Title)
video, err := yt.client.VideoFromPlaylistEntry(v)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("yt.client.VideoFromPlaylistEntry(v) error: %s", err)
track := NewGenericTrack(video.ID, video.Title, video.Author, video.ID, url)
for _, thumbnail := range video.Thumbnails {
track.Thumbnails = append(track.Thumbnails, thumbnail.URL)
ytEntry := &GenericEntry{Source: yt.Name, Type: "track", Track: track}
ytEntry.Track.Status = TrackStatusProcessing
ytEntry.Track.Duration = video.Duration.Minutes()
ytEntry.Track.PlaylistID = playlist.ID
DbWriteEntry(ytEntry.Track.ID, ytEntry) // write to rigth bucket
yt.WailsRuntime.Events.Emit("ytd:track", ytEntry) // notify frontend
err = yt.downloadTrack(video, ytEntry)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("yt.downloadTrack(video, video.ID) error: %s \n", err)
ytEntry.Track.Status = TrackStatusFailed
ytEntry.Track.StatusError = err.Error()
DbWriteEntry(ytEntry.Track.ID, ytEntry)
yt.WailsRuntime.Events.Emit("ytd:track", ytEntry)
ytEntry.Track.Status = TrackStatusDownladed
DbWriteEntry(ytEntry.Track.ID, ytEntry)
yt.WailsRuntime.Events.Emit("ytd:track", ytEntry)
return ytEntry
return yt.fetchTrack(url, isFromClipboard)
func (yt *Yt) GetFilename() error {
return nil
func (yt *Yt) Supports(address string) bool {
u, err := url.Parse(address)
if err != nil {
return false
return strings.Contains(u.Hostname(), "youtube")
func (yt *Yt) fetchTrack(url string, isFromClipboard bool) *GenericEntry {
video, err := yt.client.GetVideoContext(yt.ctx, url)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("yt.client.GetVideo(url) error: %s \n", err)
ytEntry := GenericEntry{Source: yt.Name, Type: "track", Track: NewFailedTrack(url, err)}
yt.WailsRuntime.Events.Emit("ytd:track", ytEntry)
return nil
ytEntry := yt.addTrack(url, video)
DbWriteEntry(ytEntry.Track.ID, ytEntry) // write to rigth bucket
yt.WailsRuntime.Events.Emit("ytd:track", ytEntry) // notify frontend
if yt.AppConfig.ClipboardWatch && !yt.AppConfig.DownloadOnCopy && isFromClipboard {
return nil
if yt.AppStats.DownloadingCount >= yt.AppConfig.MaxParrallelDownloads {
fmt.Println("MaxParrallelDownloads has been reached")
return nil
err = yt.downloadTrack(video, ytEntry)
if err != nil {
ytEntry.Track.Status = TrackStatusFailed
ytEntry.Track.StatusError = err.Error()
DbWriteEntry(ytEntry.Track.ID, ytEntry)
yt.WailsRuntime.Events.Emit("ytd:track", ytEntry)
return nil
ytEntry.Track.Status = TrackStatusDownladed
DbWriteEntry(ytEntry.Track.ID, ytEntry)
yt.WailsRuntime.Events.Emit("ytd:track", ytEntry)
return ytEntry
func (yt *Yt) StartDownload(ytEntry *GenericEntry) GenericEntry {
// update AppState.Entries
video, err := yt.client.GetVideo(ytEntry.Track.Url)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("StartDownload error: %s \n", err)
ytEntry.Track.Status = TrackStatusFailed
ytEntry.Track.StatusError = err.Error()
DbWriteEntry(ytEntry.Track.ID, ytEntry)
yt.WailsRuntime.Events.Emit("ytd:track", ytEntry)
return *ytEntry
err = yt.downloadTrack(video, ytEntry)
if err != nil {
ytEntry.Track.Status = TrackStatusFailed
ytEntry.Track.StatusError = err.Error()
DbWriteEntry(ytEntry.Track.ID, ytEntry)
yt.WailsRuntime.Events.Emit("ytd:track", ytEntry)
return *ytEntry
ytEntry.Track.Status = TrackStatusDownladed
DbWriteEntry(ytEntry.Track.ID, ytEntry)
yt.WailsRuntime.Events.Emit("ytd:track", ytEntry)
return *ytEntry
func (yt *Yt) downloadTrack(video *ytDownloader.Video, ytEntry *GenericEntry) error {
audioFormats := video.Formats.Type("audio/webm")
if len(audioFormats) == 0 {
return TrackWithoutAudioFormat
stream, size, err := yt.client.GetStream(video, &audioFormats[0])
ytEntry.Track.FileSize = size
ytEntry.Track.Status = TrackStatusDownloading
yt.WailsRuntime.Events.Emit("ytd:track", ytEntry)
if err != nil {
return err
return yt.saveTrack(stream, video.ID, size)
func (yt *Yt) saveTrack(stream io.ReadCloser, filename string, filesize int64) error {
file, err := os.Create(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s.webm", yt.dir, filename))
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Cannot create file for track %s | %s\n", filename, err)
return err
defer file.Close()
done := make(chan int64)
progress := make(chan uint)
go downloadProgress(done, progress, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s.webm", yt.dir, filename), filesize)
go func() { // read from progress channel as soon as downloadProgress writes to progress chan
// loop until channel progress is closed by downloadProgress goroutine
for p := range progress {
fmt.Printf("Received progress: %d for video with ID %s\n", p, filename)
struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Progress uint `json:"progress"`
}{Id: filename, Progress: p},
w, err := io.Copy(file, stream)
if err != nil {
return err
done <- w
return nil
func (yt *Yt) addTrack(url string, video *ytDownloader.Video) *GenericEntry {
if video == nil {
track := GenericTrack{Url: url, Status: TrackStatusPending}
return &GenericEntry{Source: yt.Name, Type: "track", Track: track}
track := NewGenericTrack(video.ID, video.Title, video.Author, video.ID, url)
for _, thumbnail := range video.Thumbnails {
track.Thumbnails = append(track.Thumbnails, thumbnail.URL)
ytEntry := &GenericEntry{Source: yt.Name, Type: "track", Track: track}
ytEntry.Track.Status = TrackStatusProcessing
ytEntry.Track.Duration = video.Duration.Minutes()
return ytEntry
func downloadProgress(done chan int64, progress chan<- uint, path string, total int64) {
var stop bool = false
for {
select {
case <-done:
stop = true
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
fi, err := file.Stat()
if err != nil {
size := fi.Size()
if size == 0 {
size = 1
var percent float64 = float64(size) / float64(total) * 100
progress <- uint(percent)
if stop {