forked from go/golangs_learn
310 lines
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310 lines
9.9 KiB
3 years ago
package main
import (
_ ""
const sheetName = `Sheet1`
const fileName = `公务员系统数据-`
const fileType = `.xlsx`
const sqlCodeStr = `SELECT concat(code_type,code_value),code_name FROM CODE_VALUE where code_type in('%s') union SELECT concat(code_type,code_value),code_name3 FROM CODE_VALUE where code_type='ZB01'`
const sqlB01 = `select b0111,b0121,b0101 from b01 where b0111<>'-1' order by b0121,sortid`
const sqlA01A0279 = `select %s from a01 where a0163='1' and exists(select 1 from a02 a02 where a01.a0000=a02.a0000 and a0279='1' and A0201B='%s') order by (select lpad(max(a0225),5,'0') from a02 where a01.a0000=a02.a0000 and a0279='1' and A0201B='%s')`
const sqlA01A0281 = `select %s from a01 where a0163='1' and exists(select 1 from a02 a02 where a01.a0000=a02.a0000 and a0281='true' and A0201B='%s') order by (select lpad(max(a0225),5,'0') from a02 where a01.a0000=a02.a0000 and a0281='true' and A0201B='%s')`
var CodeValueMap = make(map[string]string)
func RunMc() (string, bool) {
db, _ := sql.Open("mysql", url)
codes, headers, types, headWidth, err := getInit()
if err {
return "", err
var allObj [][]interface{}
if len(CodeValueMap) == 0 {
QueryMap(db, fmt.Sprintf(sqlCodeStr, strings.Join(types, "','")), CodeValueMap)
b01s := QueryB01(db)
b01 := dept{
Id: "-1",
Child: make([]*dept, 0),
makeTree(b01s, &b01)
makeA01s(b01, db, codes, types, &allObj)
return getExcelFile(headers, headWidth, allObj), false
func makeA01s(b01 dept, db *sql.DB, codes []string, types []string, allObj *[][]interface{}) {
for _, d := range b01.Child {
QueryA01(db, strings.Join(codes, ","), types, d.Id, allObj)
if len(d.Child) > 0 {
makeA01s(*d, db, codes, types, allObj)
// getInit 初始化 JSON 对象,获取猎头
func getInit() ([]string, []string, []string, []float64, bool) {
var yrYhs []YrYh
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(yryh), &yrYhs)
if err != nil {
showMsg(fmt.Sprintf("导出名册发生异常:%s", err))
return nil, nil, nil, nil, true
yrYhsLen := len(yrYhs)
types := make([]string, yrYhsLen, yrYhsLen) // 输出类型
codes := make([]string, yrYhsLen, yrYhsLen) // 输出信息项
headers := make([]string, yrYhsLen, yrYhsLen) // 输出列名
headWidth := make([]float64, yrYhsLen, yrYhsLen) // 输出列名
for i1, i2 := range yrYhs {
codes[i1] = i2.Code
headers[i1] = i2.Name
headWidth[i1] = i2.Width
types[i1] = i2.Type
return codes, headers, types, headWidth, false
func getExcelFile(headers []string, headWidth []float64, values [][]interface{}) string {
f, _ := ExportExcel(sheetName, headers, headWidth, values)
fileNameType := fileName + time.Now().Format("2006102150405") + fileType
_ = f.SaveAs(fileNameType)
return fileNameType
// maxCharCount 最多26个字符A-Z
const maxCharCount = 26
// ExportExcel 导出Excel文件
// sheetName 工作表名称, 注意这里不要取sheet1这种名字,否则导致文件打开时发生部分错误。
// headers 列名切片, 表头
// rows 数据切片,是一个二维数组
func ExportExcel(sheetName string, headers []string, headWidth []float64, rows [][]interface{}) (*excelize.File, error) {
f := excelize.NewFile()
style, _ := f.NewStyle(`{
sheetIndex := f.NewSheet(sheetName)
maxColumnRowNameLen := 1 + len(strconv.Itoa(len(rows)))
columnCount := len(headers)
if columnCount > maxCharCount {
} else if columnCount > maxCharCount*maxCharCount {
maxColumnRowNameLen += 2
columnNames := make([][]byte, 0, columnCount)
f.SetRowHeight(sheetName, 1, 80) // 设置行高
for i, header := range headers {
columnName := getColumnName(i, maxColumnRowNameLen)
columnNames = append(columnNames, columnName)
// 初始化excel表头,这里的index从1开始要注意
curColumnName := getColumnRowName(columnName, 1)
f.SetColWidth(sheetName, toCharStr(i+1), toCharStr(i+1), headWidth[i])
f.SetCellValue(sheetName, curColumnName, header)
f.SetCellStyle(sheetName, curColumnName, curColumnName, style) // 设置单元格样式
for rowIndex, row := range rows {
for columnIndex, columnName := range columnNames {
// 从第二行开始
f.SetCellValue(sheetName, getColumnRowName(columnName, rowIndex+2), row[columnIndex])
return f, nil
// getColumnName 生成列名
// Excel的列名规则是从A-Z往后排;超过Z以后用两个字母表示,比如AA,AB,AC;两个字母不够以后用三个字母表示,比如AAA,AAB,AAC
// 这里做数字到列名的映射:0 -> A, 1 -> B, 2 -> C
// maxColumnRowNameLen 表示名称框的最大长度,假设数据是10行,1000列,则最后一个名称框是J1000(如果有表头,则是J1001),是4位
// 这里根据 maxColumnRowNameLen 生成切片,后面生成名称框的时候可以复用这个切片,而无需扩容
func getColumnName(column, maxColumnRowNameLen int) []byte {
const A = 'A'
if column < maxCharCount {
// 第一次就分配好切片的容量
slice := make([]byte, 0, maxColumnRowNameLen)
return append(slice, byte(A+column))
} else {
// 递归生成类似AA,AB,AAA,AAB这种形式的列名
return append(getColumnName(column/maxCharCount-1, maxColumnRowNameLen), byte(A+column%maxCharCount))
// getColumnRowName 生成名称框
// Excel的名称框是用A1,A2,B1,B2来表示的,这里需要传入前一步生成的列名切片,然后直接加上行索引来生成名称框,就无需每次分配内存
func getColumnRowName(columnName []byte, rowIndex int) (columnRowName string) {
l := len(columnName)
columnName = strconv.AppendInt(columnName, int64(rowIndex), 10)
columnRowName = string(columnName)
// 将列名恢复回去
columnName = columnName[:l]
// QueryB01 获取机构树信息
func QueryB01(db *sql.DB) []*dept {
rows, _ := db.Query(sqlB01)
defer rows.Close()
var b0111, b0121, b0101 string
depts := make([]*dept, 0)
for rows.Next() {
_ = rows.Scan(&b0111, &b0121, &b0101)
depts = append(depts, &dept{
Id: b0111,
Pid: b0121,
Name: b0101,
Child: make([]*dept, 0),
return depts
// QueryA01 获取人员信息
func QueryA01(db *sql.DB, codes string, types []string, b0111 string, allObj *[][]interface{}) {
var sqlStr string
if typeStr == "1" {
sqlStr = fmt.Sprintf(sqlA01A0279, codes, b0111, b0111)
} else {
sqlStr = fmt.Sprintf(sqlA01A0281, codes, b0111, b0111)
rows, _ := db.Query(sqlStr)
defer rows.Close()
columns, _ := rows.Columns()
columnsLen := len(columns)
scanArgs := make([]interface{}, columnsLen)
values := make([]interface{}, columnsLen)
for i := range values {
scanArgs[i] = &values[i]
for rows.Next() {
_ = rows.Scan(scanArgs...)
valuer := make([]interface{}, columnsLen)
setValueStr(values, types, valuer)
*allObj = append(*allObj, valuer)
func setValueStr(values []interface{}, types []string, valuer []interface{}) {
for i, col := range values {
if col != nil {
s := string(col.([]byte))
if types[i] == NULL {
valuer[i] = s
} else if types[i] == DATE {
valuer[i] = s[0:4] + DIAN + s[4:6]
} else {
valuer[i] = CodeValueMap[types[i]+s]
} else {
valuer[i] = NULL
// 获取表数据
func QueryMap(db *sql.DB, sqlStr string, m map[string]string) {
rows, _ := db.Query(sqlStr)
defer rows.Close()
columns, _ := rows.Columns()
for rows.Next() {
_ = rows.Scan(&columns[0], &columns[1])
m[columns[0]] = columns[1]
func has(v1 dept, vs []*dept) bool {
var has bool
has = false
for _, v2 := range vs {
v3 := *v2
if v1.Id == v3.Pid {
has = true
return has
// makeTree 生成机构树对象
func makeTree(vs []*dept, node *dept) {
childs := findChild(node, vs)
for _, child := range childs {
node.Child = append(node.Child, child)
if has(*child, vs) {
makeTree(vs, child)
func findChild(v *dept, vs []*dept) (ret []*dept) {
ret = make([]*dept, 0)
for _, v2 := range vs {
if v.Id == v2.Pid {
ret = append(ret, v2)
// 数字转字母
func toCharStr(i int) string {
return string(rune('A' - 1 + i))
type YrYh struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Code string `json:"code"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Width float64 `json:"width"`
const yryh = `[
const DATE = "DATE"
const NULL = ""
const DIAN = "."
// 树结构
type dept struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Pid string `json:"pid"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Child []*dept `json:"child"`