# English | [简体中文](./README_zhCN.md)
[PowerJob](https://github.com/PowerJob/PowerJob) is an open-source distributed computing and job scheduling framework which allows developers to easily schedule tasks in their own application.
Refer to [PowerJob Introduction](https://www.yuque.com/powerjob/en/introduce) for detailed information.
# Introduction
### Features
- **Friendly UI:** [Front-end](http://try.powerjob.tech/#/welcome?appName=powerjob-agent-test&password=123) page is provided and developers can manage their task, monitor the status, check the logs online, etc.
- **Abundant Timing Strategies:** Four timing strategies are supported, including CRON expression, fixed rate, fixed delay and OpenAPI which allows you to define your own scheduling policies, such as delaying execution.
- **Multiple Execution Mode:** Four execution modes are supported, including stand-alone, broadcast, Map and MapReduce. Distributed computing resource could be utilized in MapReduce mode, try the magic out [here](https://www.yuque.com/powerjob/en/za1d96#9YOnV)!
- **Workflow(DAG) Support:** Both job dependency management and data communications between jobs are supported.
- **Extensive Processor Support:** Developers can write their processors in Java, Shell, Python, and will subsequently support multilingual scheduling via HTTP.
- **Powerful Disaster Tolerance:** As long as there are enough computing nodes, configurable retry policies make it possible for your task to be executed and finished successfully.
- **High Availability & High Performance:** PowerJob supports unlimited horizontal expansion. It's easy to achieve high availability and performance by deploying as many PowerJob server and worker nodes.
### Applicable scenes
- Timed tasks, for example, allocating e-coupons on 9 AM every morning.
- Broadcast tasks, for example, broadcasting to the cluster to clear logs.
- MapReduce tasks, for example, speeding up certain job like updating large amounts of data.
- Delayed tasks, for example, processing overdue orders.
- Customized tasks, triggered with [OpenAPI](https://www.yuque.com/powerjob/en/openapi).
### Online trial
- Address: [try.powerjob.tech](http://try.powerjob.tech/#/welcome?appName=powerjob-agent-test&password=123)
- Recommend reading the documentation first: [here](https://www.yuque.com/powerjob/en/trial)
# Documents
# Known Users
[Click to register as PowerJob user!](https://github.com/PowerJob/PowerJob/issues/6)
ღ( ´・ᴗ・\` )ღ Many thanks to the following registered users. ღ( ´・ᴗ・\` )ღ
# Stargazers over time
# License
PowerJob is released under Apache License 2.0. Please refer to [License](./LICENSE) for details.
# Others
- Any developer interested in getting more involved in PowerJob may join our [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerJob) or [Gitter](https://gitter.im/PowerJob/community) community and make [contributions](https://github.com/PowerJob/PowerJob/pulls)!
- Reach out to me through email **tengjiqi@gmail.com**. Any issues or questions are welcomed on [Issues](https://github.com/PowerJob/PowerJob/issues).
- Look forward to your opinions. Response may be late but not denied.