You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

100 lines
3.4 KiB

2 months ago
package handler
import (
func (s *FeedServiceImpl) GetUserFeed(ctx context.Context, req *feed.DouyinFeedRequest) (res *feed.DouyinFeedResponse, err error) {
log_list := []string{}
if req.LatestTime == 0 {
req.LatestTime = time.Now().Unix()
user_id_string := misc.FillUserId(fmt.Sprint(req.UserId))
// 1. 从Redis中获取Feed列表(通过LPop)
var list []service.VideoInHB
var ok bool
list, ok = service.GetFeedCache(ctx, user_id_string, 10)
// 2. 【视频条数不足】从hbase中从latest_time开始,以24h的周期向前查询,直至条数满足或超过current_time - 14 * 24h
if !ok {
listFromHB, err := service.SearchFeedEarlierInHB(req.LatestTime, req.LatestTime-7*86400)
if err != nil {
return pack.PackFeedListResp([]service.VideoInHB{}, 1, "search hbase defeat", req.UserId)
// 3. 取前10条视频作为本次feed的数据,其余的通过RPush进入投递箱
err = service.SetFeedCache(ctx, "r", user_id_string, listFromHB...)
if err != nil {
return pack.PackFeedListResp([]service.VideoInHB{}, 1, "set send box defeat", req.UserId)
var newListNum int64
if len(listFromHB) >= 10 {
newListNum = 10
} else {
newListNum = int64(len(listFromHB))
list, ok = service.GetFeedCache(ctx, user_id_string, newListNum)
if !ok {
return pack.PackFeedListResp([]service.VideoInHB{}, 1, "get send box defeat", req.UserId)
// 4. 计算current_time与marked_time的差值是否超过6个小时,如是则进行查询
current_time := time.Now().Unix()
marked_time, err := service.GetMarkedTime(ctx, user_id_string)
if err != nil {
marked_time = fmt.Sprint(current_time)
if err != nil {
marked_time = fmt.Sprint(current_time)
if err := service.SetMarkedTime(ctx, user_id_string, marked_time); err != nil {
// TODO: 此处只进行日志记录,并向返回信息中说明
log_list = append(log_list, "user_id为"+user_id_string+"的用户设置新的marked_time失败")
if service.JudgeTimeDiff(current_time, marked_time, 60*60*6) {
// 时间差值已经超过了6个小时
laterVideoListInHB, new_marked_time, err := service.SearchFeedLaterInHB(marked_time, fmt.Sprint(current_time))
if err != nil {
// TODO: 此处只进行日志记录,并向返回信息中说明
log_list = append(log_list, "user_id为"+user_id_string+"的用户SearchFeedlaterInHB失败")
if err := service.SetMarkedTime(ctx, user_id_string, new_marked_time); err != nil {
// TODO: 此处只进行日志记录,并向返回信息中说明
log_list = append(log_list, "user_id为"+user_id_string+"的用户SetMarkedTime失败")
// 5. 若存在新更新的内容,将结果存入投递箱,根据比例选择RPush或LPush
if err := service.SetFeedCache(ctx, "r", user_id_string, laterVideoListInHB...); err != nil {
// TODO: 此处只进行日志记录,并向返回信息中说明
log_list = append(log_list, "user_id为"+user_id_string+"的用户SetFeedCache失败")
//log_string := ""
//for _, v := range log_list {
// log_string += v
// log_string += ";"
return pack.PackFeedListResp(list, 0, "Success", req.UserId)