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* feat: implementation diff processor * fix: checkstyle * feat: ignore sync if without change * fix: checkstyle * feat:add databasir diff api * feat:update frontend resourcesmaster
3 years ago
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ |
package com.databasir.core.domain.document.converter; |
public interface BaseConverter { |
@NullToEmpty |
default String nullToEmpty(String s) { |
return s == null ? "" : s; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ |
package com.databasir.core.domain.document.converter; |
import com.databasir.core.infrastructure.converter.JsonConverter; |
import; |
import; |
import; |
import; |
import com.databasir.dao.tables.pojos.*; |
import org.mapstruct.Mapper; |
import org.mapstruct.Mapping; |
import java.util.Collections; |
import java.util.List; |
import java.util.Map; |
import java.util.function.Function; |
import; |
@Mapper(componentModel = "spring", uses = JsonConverter.class) |
public interface DatabaseMetaConverter { |
default DatabaseMeta of(DatabaseDocumentPojo database, |
List<TableDocumentPojo> tables, |
List<TableColumnDocumentPojo> columns, |
List<TableIndexDocumentPojo> indexes, |
List<TableTriggerDocumentPojo> triggers, |
List<TableForeignKeyDocumentPojo> foreignKeys) { |
var columnMap = groupBy(columns, TableColumnDocumentPojo::getTableDocumentId); |
var indexMap = groupBy(indexes, TableIndexDocumentPojo::getTableDocumentId); |
var triggerMap = groupBy(triggers, TableTriggerDocumentPojo::getTableDocumentId); |
var fkMap = groupBy(foreignKeys, TableForeignKeyDocumentPojo::getTableDocumentId); |
return of(database, tables, columnMap, indexMap, triggerMap, fkMap); |
} |
default DatabaseMeta of(DatabaseDocumentPojo database, |
List<TableDocumentPojo> tables, |
Map<Integer, List<TableColumnDocumentPojo>> columnGroupByTableId, |
Map<Integer, List<TableIndexDocumentPojo>> indexGroupByTableId, |
Map<Integer, List<TableTriggerDocumentPojo>> triggerGroupByTableId, |
Map<Integer, List<TableForeignKeyDocumentPojo>> fkGroupByTableId) { |
List<TableMeta> tableMetas = |
.map(table -> { |
Integer id = table.getId(); |
var columns = columnGroupByTableId.getOrDefault(id, Collections.emptyList()); |
var indexes = indexGroupByTableId.getOrDefault(id, Collections.emptyList()); |
var triggers = triggerGroupByTableId.getOrDefault(id, Collections.emptyList()); |
var foreignKeys = fkGroupByTableId.getOrDefault(id, Collections.emptyList()); |
return of(table, columns, indexes, triggers, foreignKeys); |
}) |
.collect(Collectors.toList()); |
return of(database, tableMetas); |
} |
DatabaseMeta of(DatabaseDocumentPojo database, List<TableMeta> tables); |
TableMeta of(TableDocumentPojo table, |
List<TableColumnDocumentPojo> columns, |
List<TableIndexDocumentPojo> indexes, |
List<TableTriggerDocumentPojo> triggers, |
List<TableForeignKeyDocumentPojo> foreignKeys); |
ColumnMeta of(TableColumnDocumentPojo pojo); |
@Mapping(target = "isUniqueKey", source = "pojo.isUnique") |
@Mapping(target = "columnNames", source = "pojo.columnNameArray") |
IndexMeta of(TableIndexDocumentPojo pojo); |
default <R> Map<Integer, List<R>> groupBy(List<R> content, Function<R, Integer> idMapping) { |
return |
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(idMapping)); |
} |
} |
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ |
package com.databasir.core.domain.document.converter; |
import org.mapstruct.Qualifier; |
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; |
import java.lang.annotation.Retention; |
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; |
import java.lang.annotation.Target; |
@Qualifier |
@Target(ElementType.METHOD) |
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS) |
public @interface NullToEmpty { |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
package com.databasir.core.diff; |
import; |
import com.databasir.core.diff.processor.DatabaseDiffProcessor; |
import; |
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; |
@Slf4j |
public class Diffs { |
private static final DatabaseDiffProcessor databaseDiffProcessor = new DatabaseDiffProcessor(); |
public static RootDiff diff(DatabaseMeta original, DatabaseMeta current) { |
return databaseDiffProcessor.process(original, current); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
package; |
public interface Diff { |
DiffType getDiffType(); |
Object getOriginal(); |
Object getCurrent(); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
package; |
public enum DiffType { |
public static boolean isModified(DiffType type) { |
return type != null && type != NONE; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
package; |
import lombok.Builder; |
import lombok.Data; |
import java.util.ArrayList; |
import java.util.List; |
@Data |
@Builder |
public class FieldDiff implements Diff { |
private String fieldName; |
private DiffType diffType; |
private Object original; |
private Object current; |
@Builder.Default |
private List<FieldDiff> fields = new ArrayList<>(); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
package; |
import lombok.Data; |
import java.util.ArrayList; |
import java.util.List; |
@Data |
public class RootDiff { |
private DiffType diffType; |
private List<FieldDiff> fields = new ArrayList<>(); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
package com.databasir.core.diff.processor; |
import; |
import; |
import java.util.List; |
public class ColumnDiffProcessor implements DiffProcessor<ColumnMeta> { |
@Override |
public FieldDiff process(String fieldName, List<ColumnMeta> original, List<ColumnMeta> current) { |
return diffTableField(original, current, fieldName, ColumnMeta::getName); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ |
package com.databasir.core.diff.processor; |
import; |
import; |
import; |
import; |
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; |
import java.lang.reflect.Field; |
import java.util.ArrayList; |
import java.util.Arrays; |
import java.util.List; |
import java.util.Objects; |
@Slf4j |
public class DatabaseDiffProcessor { |
private final TableDiffProcessor tableDiffProcessor = new TableDiffProcessor(); |
private static final DatabaseMeta EMPTY = DatabaseMeta.builder().build(); |
public RootDiff process(DatabaseMeta original, DatabaseMeta current) { |
DiffType diffType = null; |
if (original == null && current != null) { |
diffType = DiffType.ADDED; |
} |
if (original != null && current == null) { |
diffType = DiffType.REMOVED; |
} |
List<FieldDiff> fields = diffDatabaseFields( |
Objects.requireNonNullElse(original, EMPTY), |
Objects.requireNonNullElse(current, EMPTY) |
); |
boolean isModified = -> DiffType.isModified(f.getDiffType())); |
if (diffType == null) { |
diffType = isModified ? DiffType.MODIFIED : DiffType.NONE; |
} |
RootDiff diff = new RootDiff(); |
diff.setFields(fields); |
diff.setDiffType(diffType); |
return diff; |
} |
private List<FieldDiff> diffDatabaseFields(DatabaseMeta original, DatabaseMeta current) { |
Class<DatabaseMeta> clazz = DatabaseMeta.class; |
Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); |
List<FieldDiff> diffs = new ArrayList<>(32); |
// ignore tables diff
||| |
.filter(field -> !Objects.equals(field.getName(), "tables")) |
.forEach(field -> { |
try { |
field.setAccessible(true); |
Object originalValue = original == null ? null : field.get(original); |
Object currentValue = current == null ? null : field.get(current); |
if (!Objects.equals(originalValue, currentValue)) { |
DiffType diffType; |
if (originalValue == null) { |
diffType = DiffType.ADDED; |
} else if (currentValue == null) { |
diffType = DiffType.REMOVED; |
} else { |
diffType = DiffType.MODIFIED; |
} |
diffs.add(FieldDiff.builder() |
.diffType(diffType) |
.fieldName(field.getName()) |
.original(originalValue) |
.current(currentValue) |
.build()); |
} |
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) { |
log.error("diff field failed", e); |
} |
}); |
FieldDiff tablesField = tableDiffProcessor.process("tables", original.getTables(), current.getTables()); |
diffs.add(tablesField); |
return diffs; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ |
package com.databasir.core.diff.processor; |
import; |
import; |
import java.util.ArrayList; |
import java.util.List; |
import java.util.Map; |
import java.util.Objects; |
import java.util.function.Function; |
import; |
public interface DiffProcessor<T> { |
FieldDiff process(String fieldName, List<T> original, List<T> current); |
default FieldDiff diffTableField(List<T> original, |
List<T> current, |
String fieldName, |
Function<T, String> identity) { |
Map<String, T> originalMap = toMap(original, identity); |
Map<String, T> currentMap = toMap(current, identity); |
List<FieldDiff> columnFieldDiffs = new ArrayList<>(32); |
// removed
List<FieldDiff> removedFields = originalRemovedField(originalMap, currentMap); |
columnFieldDiffs.addAll(removedFields); |
// added
List<FieldDiff> addedFields = currentAddedField(originalMap, currentMap); |
columnFieldDiffs.addAll(addedFields); |
// modified
List<FieldDiff> modifiedFields = modifiedField(originalMap, currentMap); |
columnFieldDiffs.addAll(modifiedFields); |
return FieldDiff.builder() |
.fieldName(fieldName) |
.diffType(columnFieldDiffs.isEmpty() ? DiffType.NONE : DiffType.MODIFIED) |
.fields(columnFieldDiffs) |
.build(); |
} |
default Map<String, T> toMap(List<T> content, Function<T, String> idMapping) { |
return content |
.stream() |
.collect(Collectors.toMap(idMapping, Function.identity())); |
} |
default List<FieldDiff> originalRemovedField(Map<String, T> originalMapById, |
Map<String, T> currentMapById) { |
return originalMapById.entrySet() |
.stream() |
.filter(entry -> !currentMapById.containsKey(entry.getKey())) |
.map(entry -> FieldDiff.builder() |
.fieldName(entry.getKey()) |
.original(entry.getValue()) |
.diffType(DiffType.REMOVED) |
.build()) |
.collect(Collectors.toList()); |
} |
default List<FieldDiff> currentAddedField(Map<String, T> originalMapById, |
Map<String, T> currentMapById) { |
return currentMapById.entrySet() |
.stream() |
.filter(entry -> !originalMapById.containsKey(entry.getKey())) |
.map(entry -> FieldDiff.builder() |
.fieldName(entry.getKey()) |
.current(entry.getValue()) |
.diffType(DiffType.ADDED) |
.build()) |
.collect(Collectors.toList()); |
} |
default List<FieldDiff> modifiedField(Map<String, T> original, |
Map<String, T> current) { |
List<FieldDiff> diff = new ArrayList<>(); |
original.entrySet() |
.stream() |
.filter(entry -> current.containsKey(entry.getKey())) |
.forEach(entry -> { |
T originalValue = entry.getValue(); |
T currentValue = current.get(entry.getKey()); |
if (!Objects.equals(originalValue, currentValue)) { |
FieldDiff fieldDiff = FieldDiff.builder() |
.fieldName(entry.getKey()) |
.original(originalValue) |
.current(currentValue) |
.diffType(DiffType.MODIFIED) |
.build(); |
diff.add(fieldDiff); |
} |
}); |
return diff; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
package com.databasir.core.diff.processor; |
import; |
import; |
import java.util.List; |
public class ForeignKeyDiffProcessor implements DiffProcessor<ForeignKeyMeta> { |
@Override |
public FieldDiff process(String fieldName, List<ForeignKeyMeta> original, List<ForeignKeyMeta> current) { |
return diffTableField( |
original, |
current, |
"foreignKeys", |
fk -> { |
if (fk.getFkName() == null) { |
return fk.getFkTableName() + "." + fk.getFkColumnName() + "." + fk.getKeySeq(); |
} else { |
return fk.getFkName(); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
package com.databasir.core.diff.processor; |
import; |
import; |
import java.util.List; |
public class IndexDiffProcessor implements DiffProcessor<IndexMeta> { |
@Override |
public FieldDiff process(String fieldName, List<IndexMeta> original, List<IndexMeta> current) { |
return diffTableField(original, current, fieldName, IndexMeta::getName); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ |
package com.databasir.core.diff.processor; |
import; |
import; |
import; |
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; |
import java.util.*; |
import; |
@Slf4j |
public class TableDiffProcessor implements DiffProcessor<TableMeta> { |
private final IndexDiffProcessor indexDiffProcessor = new IndexDiffProcessor(); |
private final ColumnDiffProcessor columnDiffProcessor = new ColumnDiffProcessor(); |
private final TriggerDiffProcessor triggerDiffProcessor = new TriggerDiffProcessor(); |
private final ForeignKeyDiffProcessor foreignKeyDiffProcessor = new ForeignKeyDiffProcessor(); |
private static final TableMeta EMPTY = new TableMeta(); |
@Override |
public FieldDiff process(String fieldName, List<TableMeta> original, List<TableMeta> current) { |
// diff tables field
Map<String, TableMeta> originalMap = toMap(original, TableMeta::getName); |
Map<String, TableMeta> currentMap = toMap(current, TableMeta::getName); |
List<FieldDiff> tables = new ArrayList<>(); |
List<TableMeta> added = added(originalMap, currentMap); |
List<TableMeta> removed = removed(originalMap, currentMap); |
// added
List<FieldDiff> addedFields = |
.map(table -> diffTableField(EMPTY, table)) |
.collect(Collectors.toList()); |
tables.addAll(addedFields); |
// removed
List<FieldDiff> removedFields = |
.map(table -> diffTableField(table, EMPTY)) |
.collect(Collectors.toList()); |
tables.addAll(removedFields); |
// modified
List<FieldDiff> modified = originalMap.entrySet() |
.stream() |
.filter(entry -> currentMap.containsKey(entry.getKey())) |
.filter(entry -> !Objects.equals(entry.getValue(), currentMap.get(entry.getKey()))) |
.map(entry -> { |
TableMeta originalValue = entry.getValue(); |
TableMeta currentValue = currentMap.get(entry.getKey()); |
return diffTableField(originalValue, currentValue); |
}) |
.collect(Collectors.toList()); |
tables.addAll(modified); |
DiffType tablesDiffType; |
if (!modified.isEmpty()) { |
tablesDiffType = DiffType.MODIFIED; |
} else if (!addedFields.isEmpty()) { |
tablesDiffType = DiffType.ADDED; |
} else if (!removedFields.isEmpty()) { |
tablesDiffType = DiffType.REMOVED; |
} else { |
tablesDiffType = DiffType.NONE; |
} |
FieldDiff tablesField = FieldDiff.builder() |
.diffType(tablesDiffType) |
.fieldName(fieldName) |
.fields(tables) |
.build(); |
return tablesField; |
} |
private List<TableMeta> added(Map<String, TableMeta> originalMap, |
Map<String, TableMeta> currentMap) { |
return currentMap.entrySet() |
.stream() |
.filter(entry -> !originalMap.containsKey(entry.getKey())) |
.map(Map.Entry::getValue) |
.collect(Collectors.toList()); |
} |
private List<TableMeta> removed(Map<String, TableMeta> originalMap, |
Map<String, TableMeta> currentMap) { |
return originalMap.entrySet() |
.stream() |
.filter(entry -> !currentMap.containsKey(entry.getKey())) |
.map(Map.Entry::getValue) |
.collect(Collectors.toList()); |
} |
private FieldDiff diffTableField(TableMeta original, TableMeta current) { |
FieldDiff columns = |
columnDiffProcessor.process("columns", original.getColumns(), current.getColumns()); |
FieldDiff indexes = |
indexDiffProcessor.process("indexes", original.getIndexes(), current.getIndexes()); |
FieldDiff triggers = |
triggerDiffProcessor.process("triggers", original.getTriggers(), current.getTriggers()); |
FieldDiff foreignKeys = |
foreignKeyDiffProcessor.process("foreignKeys", original.getForeignKeys(), current.getForeignKeys()); |
List<FieldDiff> otherFields = fields(original, current); |
List<FieldDiff> fields = new ArrayList<>(); |
fields.add(columns); |
fields.add(indexes); |
fields.add(foreignKeys); |
fields.add(triggers); |
fields.addAll(otherFields); |
DiffType diffType; |
if (original == EMPTY) { |
diffType = DiffType.ADDED; |
} else if (current == EMPTY) { |
diffType = DiffType.REMOVED; |
} else { |
diffType = DiffType.MODIFIED; |
} |
return FieldDiff.builder() |
.diffType(diffType) |
.fieldName(original == EMPTY ? current.getName() : original.getName()) |
.original(current == EMPTY ? original : null) |
.current(original == EMPTY ? current : null) |
.fields(fields) |
.build(); |
} |
private List<FieldDiff> fields(TableMeta original, TableMeta current) { |
List<FieldDiff> fields = new ArrayList<>(); |
// ignore tables diff
Class<TableMeta> clazz = TableMeta.class; |
List<String> ignoredFields = List.of("columns", "indexes", "triggers", "foreignKeys"); |
||| |
.filter(field -> !ignoredFields.contains(field.getName())) |
.forEach(field -> { |
try { |
field.setAccessible(true); |
Object originalValue = original == null ? null : field.get(original); |
Object currentValue = current == null ? null : field.get(current); |
if (!Objects.equals(originalValue, currentValue)) { |
DiffType diffType; |
if (originalValue == null) { |
diffType = DiffType.ADDED; |
} else if (currentValue == null) { |
diffType = DiffType.REMOVED; |
} else { |
diffType = DiffType.MODIFIED; |
} |
fields.add(FieldDiff.builder() |
.diffType(diffType) |
.fieldName(field.getName()) |
.original(originalValue) |
.current(currentValue) |
.build()); |
} |
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) { |
log.error("diff field failed", e); |
} |
}); |
return fields; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
package com.databasir.core.diff.processor; |
import; |
import; |
import java.util.List; |
public class TriggerDiffProcessor implements DiffProcessor<TriggerMeta> { |
@Override |
public FieldDiff process(String fieldName, List<TriggerMeta> original, List<TriggerMeta> current) { |
return diffTableField(original, current, fieldName, TriggerMeta::getName); |
} |
} |
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ |
import com.databasir.core.Databasir; |
import; |
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; |
import; |
import; |
import java.sql.Connection; |
import java.sql.DriverManager; |
import java.sql.SQLException; |
import java.util.Properties; |
public class App { |
@Test |
public void testRenderAsMarkdown() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { |
try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("")) { |
Connection connection = getJdbcConnection(); |
Databasir databasir = Databasir.of(); |
DatabaseMeta doc = databasir.get(connection, "demo").orElseThrow(); |
databasir.renderAsMarkdown(doc, out); |
} catch (IOException e) { |
throw new IllegalStateException(e); |
} |
} |
private static Connection getJdbcConnection() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { |
// get database connection
Class.forName("com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"); |
Properties info = new Properties(); |
info.put("user", "root"); |
info.put("password", "123456"); |
// this config is used by mysql
info.put("useInformationSchema", "true"); |
String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/demo?" |
+ "useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&useSSL=false&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true"; |
return DriverManager.getConnection(url, info); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,597 @@ |
package com.databasir.core.diff.service; |
import com.databasir.core.diff.Diffs; |
import; |
import; |
import; |
import*; |
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude; |
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature; |
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; |
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature; |
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll; |
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; |
import; |
import; |
import java.util.List; |
import java.util.Map; |
import java.util.Objects; |
import java.util.TimeZone; |
import java.util.function.Function; |
import; |
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; |
class DiffsTest { |
private static ObjectMapper objectMapper; |
@BeforeAll |
static void init() { |
objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); |
objectMapper.setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_ABSENT) |
.disable(SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS) |
.disable(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES) |
.disable(DeserializationFeature.READ_DATE_TIMESTAMPS_AS_NANOSECONDS) |
.disable(SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATE_TIMESTAMPS_AS_NANOSECONDS) |
.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getDefault()); |
} |
@Test |
void diffEmptyDatabaseSame() { |
DatabaseMeta original = DatabaseMeta.builder().build(); |
DatabaseMeta current = DatabaseMeta.builder().build(); |
RootDiff diff = Diffs.diff(original, current); |
assertEquals(DiffType.NONE, diff.getDiffType()); |
} |
@Test |
void diffDatabaseSame() { |
DatabaseMeta original = load("ut/diffsTest/diffDatabaseSame/original.json"); |
DatabaseMeta current = load("ut/diffsTest/diffDatabaseSame/current.json"); |
RootDiff diff = Diffs.diff(original, current); |
assertEquals(DiffType.NONE, diff.getDiffType()); |
assertSame(1, diff.getFields().size()); |
FieldDiff tableField = diff.getFields().iterator().next(); |
assertEquals("tables", tableField.getFieldName()); |
assertEquals(DiffType.NONE, tableField.getDiffType()); |
assertTrue(tableField.getFields().isEmpty()); |
} |
@Test |
void diffDatabaseAdded() { |
DatabaseMeta current = load("ut/diffsTest/diffDatabaseAdded/current.json"); |
RootDiff diff = Diffs.diff(null, current); |
assertEquals(DiffType.ADDED, diff.getDiffType()); |
} |
@Test |
void diffDatabaseRemoved() { |
DatabaseMeta original = load("ut/diffsTest/diffDatabaseRemoved/original.json"); |
RootDiff diff = Diffs.diff(original, null); |
assertEquals(DiffType.REMOVED, diff.getDiffType()); |
} |
@Test |
void diffDatabaseModified() { |
DatabaseMeta original = load("ut/diffsTest/diffDatabaseModified/original.json"); |
DatabaseMeta current = load("ut/diffsTest/diffDatabaseModified/current.json"); |
// database
RootDiff diff = Diffs.diff(original, current); |
assertEquals(DiffType.MODIFIED, diff.getDiffType()); |
assertSame(2, diff.getFields().size()); |
Map<String, FieldDiff> diffMap = diff.getFields() |
.stream() |
.collect(Collectors.toMap(d -> d.getFieldName(), Function.identity())); |
// productVersion
assertTrue(diffMap.containsKey("productVersion")); |
assertIsModified(diffMap.get("productVersion")); |
assertEquals(original.getProductVersion(), diffMap.get("productVersion").getOriginal()); |
assertEquals(current.getProductVersion(), diffMap.get("productVersion").getCurrent()); |
// tables
assertTrue(diffMap.containsKey("tables")); |
assertIsNone(diffMap.get("tables")); |
assertTrue(diffMap.get("tables").getFields().isEmpty()); |
} |
@Test |
void diffTableAdded() { |
DatabaseMeta original = load("ut/diffsTest/diffTableAdded/original.json"); |
DatabaseMeta current = load("ut/diffsTest/diffTableAdded/current.json"); |
// database
RootDiff diff = Diffs.diff(original, current); |
assertEquals(DiffType.MODIFIED, diff.getDiffType()); |
// add table: departments, dept_emp
assertSame(1, diff.getFields().size()); |
FieldDiff tableField = diff.getFields().iterator().next(); |
assertEquals("tables", tableField.getFieldName()); |
assertEquals(DiffType.ADDED, tableField.getDiffType()); |
// tables without original & current value
assertNull(tableField.getOriginal()); |
assertNull(tableField.getCurrent()); |
// add two tables
assertSame(2, tableField.getFields().size()); |
Map<String, FieldDiff> tableFieldMap = tableField.getFields() |
.stream() |
.collect(Collectors.toMap(FieldDiff::getFieldName, Function.identity())); |
Map<String, TableMeta> currentTablesMap = current.getTables() |
.stream() |
.collect(Collectors.toMap(TableMeta::getName, Function.identity())); |
List.of("departments", "dept_emp").forEach(tableName -> { |
assertTrue(tableFieldMap.containsKey(tableName)); |
FieldDiff departments = tableFieldMap.get(tableName); |
assertIsAdded(departments); |
assertNull(departments.getOriginal()); |
assertNotNull(departments.getCurrent()); |
assertEquals(currentTablesMap.get(tableName), departments.getCurrent()); |
}); |
} |
@Test |
void diffTableRemoved() { |
DatabaseMeta original = load("ut/diffsTest/diffTableRemoved/original.json"); |
DatabaseMeta current = load("ut/diffsTest/diffTableRemoved/current.json"); |
// database
RootDiff diff = Diffs.diff(original, current); |
assertEquals(DiffType.MODIFIED, diff.getDiffType()); |
// remove table: departments, dept_emp
assertSame(1, diff.getFields().size()); |
FieldDiff tableField = diff.getFields().iterator().next(); |
assertEquals("tables", tableField.getFieldName()); |
assertEquals(DiffType.REMOVED, tableField.getDiffType()); |
// tables without original & current value
assertNull(tableField.getOriginal()); |
assertNull(tableField.getCurrent()); |
// remove two tables
assertSame(2, tableField.getFields().size()); |
Map<String, FieldDiff> tableFieldMap = tableField.getFields() |
.stream() |
.collect(Collectors.toMap(FieldDiff::getFieldName, Function.identity())); |
Map<String, TableMeta> originalTablesMap = original.getTables() |
.stream() |
.collect(Collectors.toMap(TableMeta::getName, Function.identity())); |
List.of("departments", "dept_emp").forEach(tableName -> { |
assertTrue(tableFieldMap.containsKey(tableName)); |
FieldDiff field = tableFieldMap.get(tableName); |
assertIsRemoved(field); |
assertNull(field.getCurrent()); |
assertNotNull(field.getOriginal()); |
assertEquals(originalTablesMap.get(tableName), field.getOriginal()); |
}); |
} |
/** |
* modify three table: departments, dept_emp |
* - dept_manager: add comment, change table type |
* - departments: add comment |
* - dept_emp: add comment |
*/ |
@Test |
void diffTableModified() { |
DatabaseMeta original = load("ut/diffsTest/diffTableModified/original.json"); |
DatabaseMeta current = load("ut/diffsTest/diffTableModified/current.json"); |
// database
RootDiff diff = Diffs.diff(original, current); |
assertEquals(DiffType.MODIFIED, diff.getDiffType()); |
assertSame(1, diff.getFields().size()); |
FieldDiff tableField = diff.getFields().iterator().next(); |
assertEquals("tables", tableField.getFieldName()); |
assertEquals(DiffType.MODIFIED, tableField.getDiffType()); |
// tables without original & current value
assertNull(tableField.getOriginal()); |
assertNull(tableField.getCurrent()); |
// modify 3 tables
assertSame(3, tableField.getFields().size()); |
Map<String, FieldDiff> tableFieldMap = tableField.getFields() |
.stream() |
.collect(Collectors.toMap(FieldDiff::getFieldName, Function.identity())); |
Map<String, TableMeta> originalTableMap = original.getTables() |
.stream() |
.collect(Collectors.toMap(TableMeta::getName, Function.identity())); |
Map<String, TableMeta> currentTableMap = current.getTables() |
.stream() |
.collect(Collectors.toMap(TableMeta::getName, Function.identity())); |
List.of("departments", "dept_emp", "dept_manager").forEach(tableName -> { |
assertTrue(tableFieldMap.containsKey(tableName)); |
FieldDiff departments = tableFieldMap.get(tableName); |
assertIsModified(departments); |
assertNull(departments.getCurrent()); |
assertNull(departments.getOriginal()); |
if ("dept_manager".equals(tableName)) { |
// columns \ indexes \ triggers \ forgienKes \ comment
assertSame(6, departments.getFields().size()); |
FieldDiff departmentCommentField = departments.getFields().stream() |
.filter(f -> f.getFieldName().equals("type")) |
.findAny() |
.orElseThrow(); |
assertEquals(originalTableMap.get(tableName).getType(), departmentCommentField.getOriginal()); |
assertEquals(currentTableMap.get(tableName).getType(), departmentCommentField.getCurrent()); |
} else { |
// columns \ indexes \ triggers \ forgienKes \ comment
assertSame(5, departments.getFields().size()); |
} |
FieldDiff departmentCommentField = departments.getFields().stream() |
.filter(f -> f.getFieldName().equals("comment")) |
.findAny() |
.orElseThrow(); |
assertEquals(originalTableMap.get(tableName).getComment(), departmentCommentField.getOriginal()); |
assertEquals(currentTableMap.get(tableName).getComment(), departmentCommentField.getCurrent()); |
}); |
} |
/** |
* add columns \ indexes \ triggers \ foreignKeys |
* <p> |
* department: |
* - add column [deleted], [dept_code] |
* - add index [dept_deleted] |
* - add triggers [before_insert] |
* - add foreignKeys [dept_emp_ibfk_1] |
* </p> |
*/ |
@Test |
void diffTableFieldsAdded() { |
DatabaseMeta original = load("ut/diffsTest/diffTableFieldsAdded/original.json"); |
DatabaseMeta current = load("ut/diffsTest/diffTableFieldsAdded/current.json"); |
// database
RootDiff diff = Diffs.diff(original, current); |
assertEquals(DiffType.MODIFIED, diff.getDiffType()); |
// modified table: departments
assertSame(1, diff.getFields().size()); |
FieldDiff tableField = diff.getFields().iterator().next(); |
assertEquals("tables", tableField.getFieldName()); |
assertEquals(DiffType.MODIFIED, tableField.getDiffType()); |
// tables without original & current value
assertNull(tableField.getOriginal()); |
assertNull(tableField.getCurrent()); |
// modified 1 tables
assertSame(1, tableField.getFields().size()); |
Map<String, FieldDiff> tableFieldMap = tableField.getFields() |
.stream() |
.collect(Collectors.toMap(FieldDiff::getFieldName, Function.identity())); |
TableMeta currentDepartment = current.getTables() |
.stream() |
.filter(t -> "departments".equals(t.getName())) |
.findFirst() |
.orElseThrow(); |
List.of("departments").forEach(tableName -> { |
assertTrue(tableFieldMap.containsKey(tableName)); |
FieldDiff departments = tableFieldMap.get(tableName); |
assertIsModified(departments); |
assertNull(departments.getOriginal()); |
assertNull(departments.getCurrent()); |
// columns / indexes / triggers / foreignKes
assertSame(4, departments.getFields().size()); |
for (FieldDiff field : departments.getFields()) { |
assertIsModified(field); |
if ("columns".equals(field.getFieldName())) { |
assertSame(2, field.getFields().size()); |
for (FieldDiff columnField : field.getFields()) { |
assertIsAdded(columnField); |
assertNull(columnField.getOriginal()); |
assertNotNull(columnField.getCurrent()); |
ColumnMeta colMeta = (ColumnMeta) columnField.getCurrent(); |
boolean matched = currentDepartment.getColumns().stream() |
.anyMatch(idx -> Objects.equals(idx, colMeta)); |
assertTrue(matched); |
} |
} |
if ("indexes".equals(field.getFieldName())) { |
assertSame(1, field.getFields().size()); |
FieldDiff indexes = field.getFields().iterator().next(); |
assertIsAdded(indexes); |
assertNull(indexes.getOriginal()); |
IndexMeta index = (IndexMeta) indexes.getCurrent(); |
assertNotNull(index); |
boolean matched = currentDepartment.getIndexes().stream() |
.anyMatch(idx -> Objects.equals(idx, index)); |
assertTrue(matched); |
} |
if ("triggers".equals(field.getFieldName())) { |
assertSame(1, field.getFields().size()); |
FieldDiff triggers = field.getFields().iterator().next(); |
assertIsAdded(triggers); |
assertNull(triggers.getOriginal()); |
TriggerMeta tg = (TriggerMeta) triggers.getCurrent(); |
assertNotNull(tg); |
boolean matched = currentDepartment.getTriggers().stream().anyMatch(t -> Objects.equals(t, tg)); |
assertTrue(matched); |
} |
if ("foreignKeys".equals(field.getFieldName())) { |
assertSame(1, field.getFields().size()); |
FieldDiff foreignKeys = field.getFields().iterator().next(); |
assertIsAdded(foreignKeys); |
assertNull(foreignKeys.getOriginal()); |
ForeignKeyMeta fk = (ForeignKeyMeta) foreignKeys.getCurrent(); |
assertNotNull(fk); |
boolean matched = currentDepartment.getForeignKeys().stream().anyMatch(f -> Objects.equals(f, fk)); |
assertTrue(matched); |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
/** |
* dept_emp |
* fk: dept_emp_ibfk_2 |
* column: from_date, to_date |
* index: dept_no |
* trigger: before_insert |
*/ |
@Test |
void diffTableFieldsRemoved() { |
DatabaseMeta original = load("ut/diffsTest/diffTableFieldsRemoved/original.json"); |
DatabaseMeta current = load("ut/diffsTest/diffTableFieldsRemoved/current.json"); |
// database
RootDiff diff = Diffs.diff(original, current); |
assertEquals(DiffType.MODIFIED, diff.getDiffType()); |
// modified table: departments
assertSame(1, diff.getFields().size()); |
FieldDiff tableField = diff.getFields().iterator().next(); |
assertEquals("tables", tableField.getFieldName()); |
assertEquals(DiffType.MODIFIED, tableField.getDiffType()); |
// tables without original & current value
assertNull(tableField.getOriginal()); |
assertNull(tableField.getCurrent()); |
// modified 1 tables
assertSame(1, tableField.getFields().size()); |
Map<String, FieldDiff> tableFieldMap = tableField.getFields() |
.stream() |
.collect(Collectors.toMap(FieldDiff::getFieldName, Function.identity())); |
TableMeta originalTable = original.getTables() |
.stream() |
.filter(t -> "dept_emp".equals(t.getName())) |
.findFirst() |
.orElseThrow(); |
List.of("dept_emp").forEach(tableName -> { |
assertTrue(tableFieldMap.containsKey(tableName)); |
FieldDiff departments = tableFieldMap.get(tableName); |
assertIsModified(departments); |
assertNull(departments.getOriginal()); |
assertNull(departments.getCurrent()); |
// columns / indexes / triggers / foreignKes
assertSame(4, departments.getFields().size()); |
for (FieldDiff field : departments.getFields()) { |
assertIsModified(field); |
if ("columns".equals(field.getFieldName())) { |
assertSame(2, field.getFields().size()); |
for (FieldDiff columnField : field.getFields()) { |
assertIsRemoved(columnField); |
assertNull(columnField.getCurrent()); |
assertNotNull(columnField.getOriginal()); |
ColumnMeta colMeta = (ColumnMeta) columnField.getOriginal(); |
boolean matched = originalTable.getColumns().stream() |
.anyMatch(idx -> Objects.equals(idx, colMeta)); |
assertTrue(matched); |
} |
} |
if ("indexes".equals(field.getFieldName())) { |
assertSame(1, field.getFields().size()); |
FieldDiff indexes = field.getFields().iterator().next(); |
assertIsRemoved(indexes); |
assertNull(indexes.getCurrent()); |
IndexMeta index = (IndexMeta) indexes.getOriginal(); |
assertNotNull(index); |
boolean matched = originalTable.getIndexes().stream() |
.anyMatch(idx -> Objects.equals(idx, index)); |
assertTrue(matched); |
} |
if ("triggers".equals(field.getFieldName())) { |
assertSame(1, field.getFields().size()); |
FieldDiff triggers = field.getFields().iterator().next(); |
assertIsRemoved(triggers); |
assertNull(triggers.getCurrent()); |
TriggerMeta tg = (TriggerMeta) triggers.getOriginal(); |
assertNotNull(tg); |
boolean matched = originalTable.getTriggers().stream().anyMatch(t -> Objects.equals(t, tg)); |
assertTrue(matched); |
} |
if ("foreignKeys".equals(field.getFieldName())) { |
assertSame(1, field.getFields().size()); |
FieldDiff foreignKeys = field.getFields().iterator().next(); |
assertIsRemoved(foreignKeys); |
assertNull(foreignKeys.getCurrent()); |
ForeignKeyMeta fk = (ForeignKeyMeta) foreignKeys.getOriginal(); |
assertNotNull(fk); |
boolean matched = originalTable.getForeignKeys().stream().anyMatch(f -> Objects.equals(f, fk)); |
assertTrue(matched); |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
/** |
* departments |
* column: dept_no add comment |
* column: dept_name add comment |
* indexes: dept_name change unique=false |
* <p> |
* dept_emp |
* column: emp_no change default value |
* column: dept_noL change auto increment true |
* indexes: dept_no |
* triggers: before_insert |
* foreignKeys: dept_emp_ibfk_2 |
* </p> |
*/ |
@Test |
void diffTableFieldsModified() { |
DatabaseMeta original = load("ut/diffsTest/diffTableFieldsModified/original.json"); |
DatabaseMeta current = load("ut/diffsTest/diffTableFieldsModified/current.json"); |
// database
RootDiff diff = Diffs.diff(original, current); |
assertEquals(DiffType.MODIFIED, diff.getDiffType()); |
// modified table: departments, dept_emp
assertSame(1, diff.getFields().size()); |
FieldDiff tablesField = diff.getFields().iterator().next(); |
assertEquals("tables", tablesField.getFieldName()); |
assertEquals(DiffType.MODIFIED, tablesField.getDiffType()); |
// tables without original & current value
assertNull(tablesField.getOriginal()); |
assertNull(tablesField.getCurrent()); |
// modified 1 tables
assertSame(2, tablesField.getFields().size()); |
Map<String, FieldDiff> tableFieldMap = tablesField.getFields() |
.stream() |
.collect(Collectors.toMap(FieldDiff::getFieldName, Function.identity())); |
Map<String, TableMeta> originalTaleMap = original.getTables() |
.stream() |
.collect(Collectors.toMap(TableMeta::getName, Function.identity())); |
Map<String, TableMeta> currentTableMap = current.getTables() |
.stream() |
.collect(Collectors.toMap(TableMeta::getName, Function.identity())); |
List.of("departments", "dept_emp").forEach(tableName -> { |
assertTrue(tableFieldMap.containsKey(tableName)); |
FieldDiff tableField = tableFieldMap.get(tableName); |
assertIsModified(tableField); |
assertNull(tableField.getOriginal()); |
assertNull(tableField.getCurrent()); |
// columns / indexes / triggers / foreignKes
assertSame(4, tableField.getFields().size()); |
for (FieldDiff field : tableField.getFields()) { |
if ("columns".equals(field.getFieldName())) { |
assertIsModified(field); |
assertSame(2, field.getFields().size()); |
for (FieldDiff columnField : field.getFields()) { |
assertIsModified(columnField); |
assertNotNull(columnField.getCurrent()); |
assertNotNull(columnField.getOriginal()); |
ColumnMeta originalCol = (ColumnMeta) columnField.getOriginal(); |
boolean matched = originalTaleMap.get(tableName) |
.getColumns() |
.stream() |
.anyMatch(idx -> Objects.equals(idx, originalCol)); |
assertTrue(matched); |
ColumnMeta currentCol = (ColumnMeta) columnField.getCurrent(); |
assertTrue(currentTableMap.get(tableName) |
.getColumns() |
.stream() |
.anyMatch(idx -> Objects.equals(idx, currentCol))); |
} |
} |
if ("indexes".equals(field.getFieldName())) { |
assertIsModified(field); |
assertSame(1, field.getFields().size()); |
FieldDiff indexes = field.getFields().iterator().next(); |
assertIsModified(indexes); |
assertNotNull(indexes.getCurrent()); |
assertNotNull(indexes.getOriginal()); |
IndexMeta originalIndex = (IndexMeta) indexes.getOriginal(); |
boolean matched = originalTaleMap.get(tableName) |
.getIndexes() |
.stream() |
.anyMatch(idx -> Objects.equals(idx, originalIndex)); |
assertTrue(matched); |
IndexMeta currentIndex = (IndexMeta) indexes.getCurrent(); |
assertTrue(currentTableMap.get(tableName) |
.getIndexes() |
.stream() |
.anyMatch(idx -> Objects.equals(idx, currentIndex))); |
} |
if (tableName.equals("dept_emp") && "triggers".equals(field.getFieldName())) { |
assertIsModified(field); |
assertSame(1, field.getFields().size()); |
FieldDiff triggers = field.getFields().iterator().next(); |
assertIsModified(triggers); |
assertNotNull(triggers.getCurrent()); |
assertNotNull(triggers.getOriginal()); |
TriggerMeta originalTg = (TriggerMeta) triggers.getOriginal(); |
assertTrue(originalTaleMap.get(tableName).getTriggers().stream() |
.anyMatch(t -> Objects.equals(t, originalTg))); |
TriggerMeta currentTg = (TriggerMeta) triggers.getCurrent(); |
assertTrue(currentTableMap.get(tableName).getTriggers().stream() |
.anyMatch(t -> Objects.equals(t, currentTg))); |
} |
if (tableName.equals("dept_emp") && "foreignKeys".equals(field.getFieldName())) { |
assertIsModified(field); |
assertSame(1, field.getFields().size()); |
FieldDiff foreignKeys = field.getFields().iterator().next(); |
assertIsModified(foreignKeys); |
assertNotNull(foreignKeys.getCurrent()); |
assertNotNull(foreignKeys.getOriginal()); |
ForeignKeyMeta originalFk = (ForeignKeyMeta) foreignKeys.getOriginal(); |
assertTrue(originalTaleMap.get(tableName) |
.getForeignKeys().stream().anyMatch(f -> Objects.equals(f, originalFk))); |
ForeignKeyMeta currentFk = (ForeignKeyMeta) foreignKeys.getCurrent(); |
assertTrue(currentTableMap.get(tableName) |
.getForeignKeys().stream().anyMatch(f -> Objects.equals(f, currentFk))); |
} |
if (tableName.equals("departments") |
&& List.of("foreignKeys", "triggers").contains(field.getFieldName())) { |
assertIsNone(field); |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
private void assertIsModified(FieldDiff diff) { |
assertEquals(DiffType.MODIFIED, diff.getDiffType()); |
} |
private void assertIsNone(FieldDiff diff) { |
assertEquals(DiffType.NONE, diff.getDiffType()); |
} |
private void assertIsRemoved(FieldDiff diff) { |
assertEquals(DiffType.REMOVED, diff.getDiffType()); |
} |
private void assertIsAdded(FieldDiff diff) { |
assertEquals(DiffType.ADDED, diff.getDiffType()); |
} |
private DatabaseMeta load(String url) { |
URL originalUrl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() |
.getResource(url); |
try { |
return objectMapper.readValue(originalUrl, DatabaseMeta.class); |
} catch (IOException e) { |
throw new RuntimeException(e); |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,466 @@ |
{ |
"tables": [ |
{ |
"name": "departments", |
"type": "TABLE", |
"comment": "", |
"columns": [ |
{ |
"name": "dept_no", |
"type": "CHAR", |
"size": 4, |
"decimalDigits": null, |
"comment": "", |
"isPrimaryKey": true, |
"nullable": "NO", |
"autoIncrement": "NO", |
"defaultValue": null |
}, |
{ |
"name": "dept_name", |
"type": "VARCHAR", |
"size": 40, |
"decimalDigits": null, |
"comment": "", |
"isPrimaryKey": false, |
"nullable": "NO", |
"autoIncrement": "NO", |
"defaultValue": null |
} |
], |
"indexes": [ |
{ |
"name": "dept_name", |
"isUniqueKey": true, |
"columnNames": [ |
"dept_name" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"name": "PRIMARY", |
"isUniqueKey": true, |
"columnNames": [ |
"dept_no" |
] |
} |
], |
"foreignKeys": [], |
"triggers": [] |
}, |
{ |
"name": "dept_emp", |
"type": "TABLE", |
"comment": "", |
"columns": [ |
{ |
"name": "emp_no", |
"type": "INT", |
"size": 10, |
"decimalDigits": null, |
"comment": "", |
"isPrimaryKey": true, |
"nullable": "NO", |
"autoIncrement": "NO", |
"defaultValue": null |
}, |
{ |
"name": "dept_no", |
"type": "CHAR", |
"size": 4, |
"decimalDigits": null, |
"comment": "", |
"isPrimaryKey": true, |
"nullable": "NO", |
"autoIncrement": "NO", |
"defaultValue": null |
}, |
{ |
"name": "from_date", |
"type": "DATE", |
"size": 10, |
"decimalDigits": null, |
"comment": "", |
"isPrimaryKey": false, |
"nullable": "NO", |
"autoIncrement": "NO", |
"defaultValue": null |
}, |
{ |
"name": "to_date", |
"type": "DATE", |
"size": 10, |
"decimalDigits": null, |
"comment": "", |
"isPrimaryKey": false, |
"nullable": "NO", |
"autoIncrement": "NO", |
"defaultValue": null |
} |
], |
"indexes": [ |
{ |
"name": "dept_no", |
"isUniqueKey": false, |
"columnNames": [ |
"dept_no" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"name": "PRIMARY", |
"isUniqueKey": true, |
"columnNames": [ |
"emp_no", |
"dept_no" |
] |
} |
], |
"foreignKeys": [ |
{ |
"fkName": "dept_emp_ibfk_2", |
"fkTableName": "dept_emp", |
"fkColumnName": "dept_no", |
"pkName": "PRIMARY", |
"pkTableName": "departments", |
"pkColumnName": "dept_no", |
"updateRule": "CASCADE", |
"deleteRule": "CASCADE" |
}, |
{ |
"fkName": "dept_emp_ibfk_1", |
"fkTableName": "dept_emp", |
"fkColumnName": "emp_no", |
"pkName": "PRIMARY", |
"pkTableName": "employees", |
"pkColumnName": "emp_no", |
"updateRule": "CASCADE", |
"deleteRule": "CASCADE" |
} |
], |
"triggers": [] |
}, |
{ |
"name": "dept_manager", |
"type": "TABLE", |
"comment": "", |
"columns": [ |
{ |
"name": "emp_no", |
"type": "INT", |
"size": 10, |
"decimalDigits": null, |
"comment": "", |
"isPrimaryKey": true, |
"nullable": "NO", |
"autoIncrement": "NO", |
"defaultValue": null |
}, |
{ |
"name": "dept_no", |
"type": "CHAR", |
"size": 4, |
"decimalDigits": null, |
"comment": "", |
"isPrimaryKey": true, |
"nullable": "NO", |
"autoIncrement": "NO", |
"defaultValue": null |
}, |
{ |
"name": "from_date", |
"type": "DATE", |
"size": 10, |
"decimalDigits": null, |
"comment": "", |
"isPrimaryKey": false, |
"nullable": "NO", |
"autoIncrement": "NO", |
"defaultValue": null |
}, |
{ |
"name": "to_date", |
"type": "DATE", |
"size": 10, |
"decimalDigits": null, |
"comment": "", |
"isPrimaryKey": false, |
"nullable": "NO", |
"autoIncrement": "NO", |
"defaultValue": null |
} |
], |
"indexes": [ |
{ |
"name": "dept_no", |
"isUniqueKey": false, |
"columnNames": [ |
"dept_no" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"name": "PRIMARY", |
"isUniqueKey": true, |
"columnNames": [ |
"emp_no", |
"dept_no" |
] |
} |
], |
"foreignKeys": [ |
{ |
"fkName": "dept_manager_ibfk_2", |
"fkTableName": "dept_manager", |
"fkColumnName": "dept_no", |
"pkName": "PRIMARY", |
"pkTableName": "departments", |
"pkColumnName": "dept_no", |
"updateRule": "CASCADE", |
"deleteRule": "CASCADE" |
}, |
{ |
"fkName": "dept_manager_ibfk_1", |
"fkTableName": "dept_manager", |
"fkColumnName": "emp_no", |
"pkName": "PRIMARY", |
"pkTableName": "employees", |
"pkColumnName": "emp_no", |
"updateRule": "CASCADE", |
"deleteRule": "CASCADE" |
} |
], |
"triggers": [] |
}, |
{ |
"name": "employees", |
"type": "TABLE", |
"comment": "", |
"columns": [ |
{ |
"name": "emp_no", |
"type": "INT", |
"size": 10, |
"decimalDigits": null, |
"comment": "", |
"isPrimaryKey": true, |
"nullable": "NO", |
"autoIncrement": "NO", |
"defaultValue": null |
}, |
{ |
"name": "birth_date", |
"type": "DATE", |
"size": 10, |
"decimalDigits": null, |
"comment": "", |
"isPrimaryKey": false, |
"nullable": "NO", |
"autoIncrement": "NO", |
"defaultValue": null |
}, |
{ |
"name": "first_name", |
"type": "VARCHAR", |
"size": 14, |
"decimalDigits": null, |
"comment": "", |
"isPrimaryKey": false, |
"nullable": "NO", |
"autoIncrement": "NO", |
"defaultValue": null |
}, |
{ |
"name": "last_name", |
"type": "VARCHAR", |
"size": 16, |
"decimalDigits": null, |
"comment": "", |
"isPrimaryKey": false, |
"nullable": "NO", |
"autoIncrement": "NO", |
"defaultValue": null |
}, |
{ |
"name": "gender", |
"type": "ENUM", |
"size": 1, |
"decimalDigits": null, |
"comment": "", |
"isPrimaryKey": false, |
"nullable": "NO", |
"autoIncrement": "NO", |
"defaultValue": null |
}, |
{ |
"name": "hire_date", |
"type": "DATE", |
"size": 10, |
"decimalDigits": null, |
"comment": "", |
"isPrimaryKey": false, |
"nullable": "NO", |
"autoIncrement": "NO", |
"defaultValue": null |
} |
], |
"indexes": [ |
{ |
"name": "PRIMARY", |
"isUniqueKey": true, |
"columnNames": [ |
"emp_no" |
] |
} |
], |
"foreignKeys": [], |
"triggers": [] |
}, |
{ |
"name": "salaries", |
"type": "TABLE", |
"comment": "", |
"columns": [ |
{ |
"name": "emp_no", |
"type": "INT", |
"size": 10, |
"decimalDigits": null, |
"comment": "", |
"isPrimaryKey": true, |
"nullable": "NO", |
"autoIncrement": "NO", |
"defaultValue": null |
}, |
{ |
"name": "salary", |
"type": "INT", |
"size": 10, |
"decimalDigits": null, |
"comment": "", |
"isPrimaryKey": false, |
"nullable": "NO", |
"autoIncrement": "NO", |
"defaultValue": null |
}, |
{ |
"name": "from_date", |
"type": "DATE", |
"size": 10, |
"decimalDigits": null, |
"comment": "", |
"isPrimaryKey": true, |
"nullable": "NO", |
"autoIncrement": "NO", |
"defaultValue": null |
}, |
{ |
"name": "to_date", |
"type": "DATE", |
"size": 10, |
"decimalDigits": null, |
"comment": "", |
"isPrimaryKey": false, |
"nullable": "NO", |
"autoIncrement": "NO", |
"defaultValue": null |
} |
], |
"indexes": [ |
{ |
"name": "PRIMARY", |
"isUniqueKey": true, |
"columnNames": [ |
"emp_no", |
"from_date" |
] |
} |
], |
"foreignKeys": [ |
{ |
"fkName": "salaries_ibfk_1", |
"fkTableName": "salaries", |
"fkColumnName": "emp_no", |
"pkName": "PRIMARY", |
"pkTableName": "employees", |
"pkColumnName": "emp_no", |
"updateRule": "CASCADE", |
"deleteRule": "CASCADE" |
} |
], |
"triggers": [] |
}, |
{ |
"name": "titles", |
"type": "TABLE", |
"comment": "", |
"columns": [ |
{ |
"name": "emp_no", |
"type": "INT", |
"size": 10, |
"decimalDigits": null, |
"comment": "", |
"isPrimaryKey": true, |
"nullable": "NO", |
"autoIncrement": "NO", |
"defaultValue": null |
}, |
{ |
"name": "title", |
"type": "VARCHAR", |
"size": 50, |
"decimalDigits": null, |
"comment": "", |
"isPrimaryKey": true, |
"nullable": "NO", |
"autoIncrement": "NO", |
"defaultValue": null |
}, |
{ |
"name": "from_date", |
"type": "DATE", |
"size": 10, |
"decimalDigits": null, |
"comment": "", |
"isPrimaryKey": true, |
"nullable": "NO", |
"autoIncrement": "NO", |
"defaultValue": null |
}, |
{ |
"name": "to_date", |
"type": "DATE", |
"size": 10, |
"decimalDigits": null, |
"comment": "", |
"isPrimaryKey": false, |
"nullable": "YES", |
"autoIncrement": "NO", |
"defaultValue": null |
} |
], |
"indexes": [ |
{ |
"name": "PRIMARY", |
"isUniqueKey": true, |
"columnNames": [ |
"emp_no", |
"title", |
"from_date" |
] |
} |
], |
"foreignKeys": [ |
{ |
"fkName": "titles_ibfk_1", |
"fkTableName": "titles", |
"fkColumnName": "emp_no", |
"pkName": "PRIMARY", |
"pkTableName": "employees", |
"pkColumnName": "emp_no", |
"updateRule": "CASCADE", |
"deleteRule": "CASCADE" |
} |
], |
"triggers": [] |
} |
] |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
{ |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,470 @@ |
{ |
"databaseName": "employees", |
"schemaName": "employees", |
"productName": "MySQL", |
"productVersion": "8.0.26", |
"tables": [ |
{ |
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Reference in new issue